We have struggled with varmints of all kinds coming in to our back yard since moving to Georgia. They’ve left fleas from the nether region of hell called “sand fleas,” according to our vet.
These things were merciless!
Our dogs ended up biting the fleas, which carry parasites and they live and thrive in our pet's digestive system, suffieciently sucking all the nutrients from our beloved pets' food and bodies, sufficiently startving our pets of their vital nutrients.
It was a MONUMENTAL problem!
What did we do to eradicate these monsters from our house and yard?
We had already been using Lemon, Thieves, Marjoram, Lavender, Rosemary Essential Oils & Vinegar spray on our pets, so in addition to that, our entire fur family were on a dewormer, the back yard cut super short and food grade Diatomaceous Earth put down back there. In the house every rug, dog bed, and furniture was covered in Borax for more than 12 hours a night, and our dogs were on Bravecto.
This was a very long, very labor intensive task that lasted about 6 weeks. Why? Because flea growth cycles. Once you get to the biting and jumping fleas, they are adults who can reproduce. The flea life cycle for adults is 21 days, unless they bite a furry family member and they die within 24 hours from the Bravecto in their systems. Everywhere else, though, we treated and retreated with Borax for a couple days to kill them inside the house, then spray the above oil mixture on any remaining. Then redo it all again in 21 days when the babies hatched. We had it under control within 2 months.
It was horrible for our 12.5 year old senior dog, Rustie. He was miserable.

Our other 2 dogs and cat took it in stride and healed nicely.
Another issue we've all had to deal with since moving "down south" is that we're right in the middle of the gnat area. You can tell when you're "above" or "below" the gnat line because north of us about an hour is no gnat issue and once we get across the Florida border, the gnats disappear. We didn't know this when we moved here. Whew! Our dogs have been plagued with these miniscule unrelenting insects as have we! So much so that we've become quite understanding of folks who have screened in porches on their houses!

These things were merciless!
Our dogs ended up biting the fleas, which carry parasites and they live and thrive in our pet's digestive system, suffieciently sucking all the nutrients from our beloved pets' food and bodies, sufficiently startving our pets of their vital nutrients.
It was a MONUMENTAL problem!
What did we do to eradicate these monsters from our house and yard?
We had already been using Lemon, Thieves, Marjoram, Lavender, Rosemary Essential Oils & Vinegar spray on our pets, so in addition to that, our entire fur family were on a dewormer, the back yard cut super short and food grade Diatomaceous Earth put down back there. In the house every rug, dog bed, and furniture was covered in Borax for more than 12 hours a night, and our dogs were on Bravecto.
This was a very long, very labor intensive task that lasted about 6 weeks. Why? Because flea growth cycles. Once you get to the biting and jumping fleas, they are adults who can reproduce. The flea life cycle for adults is 21 days, unless they bite a furry family member and they die within 24 hours from the Bravecto in their systems. Everywhere else, though, we treated and retreated with Borax for a couple days to kill them inside the house, then spray the above oil mixture on any remaining. Then redo it all again in 21 days when the babies hatched. We had it under control within 2 months.
It was horrible for our 12.5 year old senior dog, Rustie. He was miserable.

Our other 2 dogs and cat took it in stride and healed nicely.
Another issue we've all had to deal with since moving "down south" is that we're right in the middle of the gnat area. You can tell when you're "above" or "below" the gnat line because north of us about an hour is no gnat issue and once we get across the Florida border, the gnats disappear. We didn't know this when we moved here. Whew! Our dogs have been plagued with these miniscule unrelenting insects as have we! So much so that we've become quite understanding of folks who have screened in porches on their houses!

So how do we deal with these inconveniences?
I can only share from my perspective what we have done that helps. I do know that there are many other people who have many other species of animals and need help and guidance with their issues, too. I will share with you where I began.
I wanted to help my dogs and my cat, but I wanted to do it in a responsible fashion. However, I didn't have a Desk Reference at the time when I needed it about 8 years ago. I knew that Lavender and Eucalyptus would have been ok for my dog, Rustie, so I tried those for his issues "way back when". As time went by, though, I knew I needed more.
That's when I decided to buy the Essential Oil Desk Reference for Animals. I have used it for 4 years now and it has been an invaluable asset when dealing with my dogs and my cat. I have lent it out to friends who have other species of animals to read and glean wisdom from it's pages, too. I highly recommend this book for every animal owner who wants to help their furry family member!
Now, as for the gnats, what did I do?

I wanted to help my dogs and my cat, but I wanted to do it in a responsible fashion. However, I didn't have a Desk Reference at the time when I needed it about 8 years ago. I knew that Lavender and Eucalyptus would have been ok for my dog, Rustie, so I tried those for his issues "way back when". As time went by, though, I knew I needed more.
That's when I decided to buy the Essential Oil Desk Reference for Animals. I have used it for 4 years now and it has been an invaluable asset when dealing with my dogs and my cat. I have lent it out to friends who have other species of animals to read and glean wisdom from it's pages, too. I highly recommend this book for every animal owner who wants to help their furry family member!
Now, as for the gnats, what did I do?

I created this roller bottle! I saw this "No Gnats" spray in the check out line at one of the local stores and looked at all the ingredients, including the ones I couldn't pronounce, and thought, "I could make my own version of this for us and for our dogs!"
I honestly set out to make our lives easier while we did our outside work. I did not set out to sell this to anyone, but show folks how to make it and use it for their families and blessing others. So, I share this recipe on my education group only. I'd love to add you! Just send me a message under the "Contact me" feature at the top of this page.
NOTE: This is my own personal recipe that I share with others for their benefit, not for profit. Please respect those parameters and do not make this to sell to others!
The ingredients are Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, and Citronella with a carrier oil and witch hazel to top it off.
The ingredients are Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, and Citronella with a carrier oil and witch hazel to top it off.
When I use this on my dogs, I roll it around their heads as close to their ears in a straight line around and that's all they need. Our walks are wonderful now. Our full sized collie, Gus, use to walk in the house and rub his eyes on the furniture because the gnats would get in his eyes and make them itch so much. I only had to apply once a day when the gnats would be out and that's it.
As for us, we use it too! I roll it just inside my hair line and the gnats leave me alone. My husband rolls it along the back of his neck, around his ear and his hat bill since his hair line is receeding.
Now, an update about the fleas:
We treat the yard with Diatomasious earth in March and that's all we've done. We keep it trimmed short, but that's it. The dogs did not get Bravecto this year and we've been watching for fleas, but there haven't been any by the grace of God! Woohoo! We also use Animal Scents Shampoo for them, but this is all we've done in flea prevention this year.
Now, if you'd like to get started with oils, but you have pets and have trepidations, let me know! I'll guide you through it every step of the way!
Have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
With Gus, Ginger, and Sully

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Couples massage when you look it up on google, it ranges between going to the spa together to get a variety of massages in the same room. This is a nice thing to do together every so often, but what about those every day times when you've had a stressful day and you come home needing a back rub? When the budget is tighter than tight and you need a little relief, this particular type of ministry that we can give to one another as a married couple, is invaluable.
For those of you who are wondering, there is quite a wide variety of massage techniques ranging from lymphatic drainage, reflexology, deep tissue, Swedish, and etc.
For those of you who are wondering, there is quite a wide variety of massage techniques ranging from lymphatic drainage, reflexology, deep tissue, Swedish, and etc.

The type of massage I'm talking about here is the massage where you spend time rubbing your loved one's back muscles after a nice hot shower, bath, or having a heating pad on their back. The reason for the heat is to not only help open the pores, but to also relax the muscles a bit before you start the massage.
Begin by diffusing Stress Away in your diffuser within a couple feet of where you're going to massage your spouse. Within a 20-30 minute timeframe, the stresses of the day will have likely lessened and the tense, tight muscles will not be so tight.
Note: This can be a riciprocal platonic time where you each minister to one another, or just to the one who really needs it.
Begin by diffusing Stress Away in your diffuser within a couple feet of where you're going to massage your spouse. Within a 20-30 minute timeframe, the stresses of the day will have likely lessened and the tense, tight muscles will not be so tight.
Note: This can be a riciprocal platonic time where you each minister to one another, or just to the one who really needs it.
I would like to encourage you to look up techniques for simple back rubs so that you can effectively rub sore muscles to help your loved one relax. You can get in to so many techniques that it is truly mind boggling. I'd like to encourage you, however, to focus on the basics of back massage to best help your spouse.
Here are a few suggestions you can add to your "Subscribe to Save" list:
*V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex
*Ortho Ease Massage Oil
*Ortho Sport Massage Oil
*CBD Muscle Rub
Here are a couple suggestions from Amazon:
*Organic Fiji Coconut Pinapple Oil
*Organic Fiji Raw Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
The above suggestions have helped me and my husband with back issues stemming from our car collision in 1992. I'd highly recommend getting in to the habit of ministering to your spouse in this selfless act! It's a wonderful loving way to show them the love of the Lord.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Here are a few suggestions you can add to your "Subscribe to Save" list:
*V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex
*Ortho Ease Massage Oil
*Ortho Sport Massage Oil
*CBD Muscle Rub
Here are a couple suggestions from Amazon:
*Organic Fiji Coconut Pinapple Oil
*Organic Fiji Raw Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
The above suggestions have helped me and my husband with back issues stemming from our car collision in 1992. I'd highly recommend getting in to the habit of ministering to your spouse in this selfless act! It's a wonderful loving way to show them the love of the Lord.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

What an incredibly complex creation we humans are! The Lord created such an intricate system of hormones that drive the various processes of our bodies that it's truly mind boggling trying to understand it all.
We each have the same type of "drivers", but with women our system works different than men because we have ovaries and that XX chromosome driving our bodies. Men have obvious difference in their systems due to the XY chromosomes and testosterone in their bodies.
The interesting thing for me to know and understand about all of this is that there are a few bits of "same-ness" in everyone. Our genes or DNA drive about half of what happens as we age, whereas our environment and diets drive the other half of what happens when we age. This does not include medications or supplements and I do not have studies to support my theory, it's just my own opinion based on what I've observed.
As for our DNA/genes, I've been casually researching the power of essential oils in "clearing" and "resetting" our DNA, but I do not have a study or story to cite. As I tell everyone, "If I had 7 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about essential oils, that wouldn't be enough!". There is always new research coming out yearly about the effectiveness of essential oils. Stay tuned for that! I'll be researching more and share with you in the months to come!
As for our DNA/genes, I've been casually researching the power of essential oils in "clearing" and "resetting" our DNA, but I do not have a study or story to cite. As I tell everyone, "If I had 7 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about essential oils, that wouldn't be enough!". There is always new research coming out yearly about the effectiveness of essential oils. Stay tuned for that! I'll be researching more and share with you in the months to come!

The endocrine system (hormones) is very complex. When dealing with issues between men and women you'll have a plethora between DNA/genes and environment/diet! When you're dealing with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), you have so many different possible issues that could diagnose the issue. PCOS could be the driving force of high blood pressure and pre-diabetes due to the hormone imbalances.
Here, I do not diagnose or treat anyone since I'm not a medical doctor. I will, however, suggest some natural things that may be the answer you're looking for. Why do I say "may?" Because everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made, uniquely by the Lord and as such, what works for me, may not work for you, or vise versa. It's ultimately up to you to do the research and try the oils and products for yourself to see how they work for you.
Side Note: With everything "Natural", like I've reminded every one of my family members, it isn't a "one and done" kind of deal. You give your body the things it needs just one time and it screams for more! So, to help our bodies fully heal themselves, it's helpful to use the products for up to 6 months, then stop using them for a week to see how you feel. This is always the "tell-tale-sign" as to how these oils are working for you. This happened to me when I stopped drinking my 2 ounces of NingXia daily. Oh My Goodness! I never realized how much it helped me simply to be able to move!
One of the things we women have to be cognizant of is our hormone cycles, not just for menstration, but for the whole month. When I was of child bearing age, I did not understand all the ins and outs of keeping track of ovulation, watching for bodily signs for ovulation, or anything else. Over time, however, I was beginning to understand that I needed more Progesterone. Since there is soy in just about everything, estrogen naturally occurs in soy, so I didn't need to concern myself with that so much, so I focused on Progesterone. I did not understand the importance of Progesterone until one OB/Gyn so kindly explained it to me. Since then I'd grabbed stacks and stacks of books researching all I could about everything.
Then, a dear friend told me how she explained a woman's female hormones to her daughter. She described it as a "delicate dance" between the two that God created. We have the opportunity to be blessed in our wombs each month with this dance! I thought that was such a beautiful way to describe what many people view with disdain.
Side Note: With everything "Natural", like I've reminded every one of my family members, it isn't a "one and done" kind of deal. You give your body the things it needs just one time and it screams for more! So, to help our bodies fully heal themselves, it's helpful to use the products for up to 6 months, then stop using them for a week to see how you feel. This is always the "tell-tale-sign" as to how these oils are working for you. This happened to me when I stopped drinking my 2 ounces of NingXia daily. Oh My Goodness! I never realized how much it helped me simply to be able to move!
One of the things we women have to be cognizant of is our hormone cycles, not just for menstration, but for the whole month. When I was of child bearing age, I did not understand all the ins and outs of keeping track of ovulation, watching for bodily signs for ovulation, or anything else. Over time, however, I was beginning to understand that I needed more Progesterone. Since there is soy in just about everything, estrogen naturally occurs in soy, so I didn't need to concern myself with that so much, so I focused on Progesterone. I did not understand the importance of Progesterone until one OB/Gyn so kindly explained it to me. Since then I'd grabbed stacks and stacks of books researching all I could about everything.
Then, a dear friend told me how she explained a woman's female hormones to her daughter. She described it as a "delicate dance" between the two that God created. We have the opportunity to be blessed in our wombs each month with this dance! I thought that was such a beautiful way to describe what many people view with disdain.
Now, at 52 years young, I take Progessence Plus. I do this every day for the past 2 years at the suggestion of my Naturopathic Dr. I had a complete hystorectomy at 45, so since I have no female hormone producing organs any longer, I needed something to help me post hystorectomy. I read up on FemiGen too, so that's been a part of my supplement regimine for a while.
My mother asked me how I deal with hot flashes. I simply told her that I don't get them. She was completely amazed and reeling her jaw up off the floor! Now, that said, your results with these two powerhouse heavy hitters may be a little bit different. Suffice it to say, I definitely feel different when I haven't applied the Progessence Plus (just 2 drops on my body daily). I get a brain fog and it just doesn't feel right, so that's my sign to go get them done!
What about you? Where do you start? Well, my suggestion would be come talk with me. Many times the best place to start is your diet. I started there years ago, added exercises that I've tailored over time for me, and added in the hormone supporting things that are Seed to Seal Premium Guaranteed products. This means taking a look at the toxins you have in your home that have hormone disruptors in them and kicking them to the curb. Yes, it's a process, and I've been on this path for over 10 years.
Come join me!
Starting is half the battle. That first step toward the decision for better health is usually the hardest for some people.
I've been where you are! I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham 💜

My mother asked me how I deal with hot flashes. I simply told her that I don't get them. She was completely amazed and reeling her jaw up off the floor! Now, that said, your results with these two powerhouse heavy hitters may be a little bit different. Suffice it to say, I definitely feel different when I haven't applied the Progessence Plus (just 2 drops on my body daily). I get a brain fog and it just doesn't feel right, so that's my sign to go get them done!
What about you? Where do you start? Well, my suggestion would be come talk with me. Many times the best place to start is your diet. I started there years ago, added exercises that I've tailored over time for me, and added in the hormone supporting things that are Seed to Seal Premium Guaranteed products. This means taking a look at the toxins you have in your home that have hormone disruptors in them and kicking them to the curb. Yes, it's a process, and I've been on this path for over 10 years.
Come join me!
Starting is half the battle. That first step toward the decision for better health is usually the hardest for some people.
I've been where you are! I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham 💜

PS: I do have some suggestions for the men folk, too!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

¡No más velas y complementos!
Los difusores, al usar auténticos aceites esenciales #SuperHyperOrganic, suministran aromas orgánicos limpios al aire sin todas las toxinas.
No more candles and plug-ins!
Diffusers, when using authentic #SuperHyperOrganic essential oils, supply clean organic scents to the air without all the toxins.
Imagine a home when you invite people over and 2 out of 3 of those people are highly sensitive to sythetic (man made) scents that are not natural. When they walk just simply a few feet in to your home, the chemicals are already there in their sense of smell. It's much more than just smelling senses for them though. The airways are affected and they start to constrict.
They begin to breathe labored and need to leave ubruptly.
Diffusers, when using authentic #SuperHyperOrganic essential oils, supply clean organic scents to the air without all the toxins.
Imagine a home when you invite people over and 2 out of 3 of those people are highly sensitive to sythetic (man made) scents that are not natural. When they walk just simply a few feet in to your home, the chemicals are already there in their sense of smell. It's much more than just smelling senses for them though. The airways are affected and they start to constrict.
They begin to breathe labored and need to leave ubruptly.
It wasn't because they didn't like you, no! It's because of their own health needs.
The candles, wax warmers, and plug-ins, while they smell nice, they add chemicals to the air that go unnoticed by some, but those with sensitivities who are in those homes, it's very apparant...
The candles, wax warmers, and plug-ins, while they smell nice, they add chemicals to the air that go unnoticed by some, but those with sensitivities who are in those homes, it's very apparant...
...they cannot breathe..

I'm giving options for some essenial oils you can use in a diffuser that will linger in the air long after it turns off. The possiblities are endless when it comes to scent combinations. Stay tuned! I'll share a couple Fall diffuser recipes with you that are my favorite for this season! Don't worry! There are diffuser recipes for every season and every time, and every need!

Oh, my friend, with over 250 single oils and blends, the possiblities for immune supporting diffuser scents is literally endless! And it is as easy as a couple drops of each oil! Simply cost effective too! With a 15 ml bottle having 250 drops in it you have 83 to 250 applications in one bottle. A 5 ml bottle having 90, you have 45 to 90 applications with it. With the majority of the essential oils costing $6 up to $35 per bottle, it's truly a blessing to use these #SuperHyperOrganic oils!
Why do I say #SuperHyperOrganic? The USDA has a very laxed requirement with regard to what it calls "organic", whereas Young Living has a VERY rigorous requirement for every farm and every partner farm's soil! Take a look!
Why do I say #SuperHyperOrganic? The USDA has a very laxed requirement with regard to what it calls "organic", whereas Young Living has a VERY rigorous requirement for every farm and every partner farm's soil! Take a look!

As you can see, the oils that come from Young Living are purer than anything on the market that's labeled "organic". It is toxic chemical free!
Join me in learning more about these fantastic oils that are so pure, they are the closest you can get to the Garden of Eden! Yes, I'm learning more and more daily about these oils! The science on these oils and what they can do for our bodies are growing and changing each year! I've always said, "If I had 7 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about essential oils, that still wouldn't be enough time!"
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

For the month of September I've covered the need for nourishing our bodies in various ways. We each need to eat, we need to breathe, we need to move, and we need to pray. Now, there are many other various needs our bodies have, like sleep, but we'll cover that at a different time.
What does prayer have to do with our wellbeing? You might be saying, "I don't need to pray! I'm doing just fine!" Well, I'm going to propose that you give it a try.
Every! Single! One! Of! Us!
Has a Jesus sized hole in our hearts!
We work our whole lives, at times, to fill that hole with things, addictions, relationships, experiences, money, serving, or simply hiding away in our bedrooms avoiding people.
The hole still remains.
We've done all we can do to fill that hole, obsessively working toward filling that need, that desire to be truly happy, accepted and loved.
But nothing this world can offer will fill that hole.
The hole still remains.
We've done all we can do to fill that hole, obsessively working toward filling that need, that desire to be truly happy, accepted and loved.
But nothing this world can offer will fill that hole.
Only God can fill that hole for you with His Son Jesus Christ.

All you have to do is surrender. Kneel down where you are, right now, and say,
I've tried to do it all. I've tried to fill my own heart with things that don't matter.
I've tried to do it all. I've tried to fill my own heart with things that don't matter.
I've done things I'm terribly sorry for. Please forgive me.
I'm a sinner.
I need you now, Lord.
Come in to my heart, Lord Jesus. Fill me up where I was trying to do it all on my own.
I accept you as my Lord and Savior.
In Jesus Name,
This is all you have to say.
"For God so loved the world He gave His only Son, that whosoever would believe in Him, would not perish but would have everlasting life." John 3:16.
God loved the world--That means the whole world, every one in it...everyone! Including YOU!
God loved the world--That means the whole world, every one in it...everyone! Including YOU!
He gave--A way to make things right between God and man.
His Son--A sinless man to die for our sins, to be buried in a tomb, and to rise again on the 3rd day--overcoming death.
Whosoever--That means anyone!
Believe in Him--That's it! Just believe in Him!
Would not perish but would have everlasting life--would live eternally after death with Him in heaven.
"...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."(Rom 10:9)
It is truly that simple!
What's next?
You can get ahold of a local pastor where you live and tell them about your experience and desire to learn more about Jesus. Or, you can go to Sherwood Baptist Church and get plugged in there. Talk with one of the pastors and share with them your experience.
"...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."(Rom 10:9)
It is truly that simple!
What's next?
You can get ahold of a local pastor where you live and tell them about your experience and desire to learn more about Jesus. Or, you can go to Sherwood Baptist Church and get plugged in there. Talk with one of the pastors and share with them your experience.
It is my prayer for each one of you reading today, whether it is when this is published or some time in the future, that you pray this prayer, accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior. It will seriously change your life!
Without the Lord, I am nothing. With the Lord, I can do all things, because He strengthens me.
Love & God Bless,
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.