Folks, this post is HUGE! Yes, it's taken me a couple weeks for me to gather my thoughts and get them down, but hear my heart, here. There is so much that we don't know from a holistic standpoint that has been "squashed" by folks from Big Ph@rm@ that research had come to a standstill in the 70's in favor of the "quick fix" of the psychotrop1c drugs that completely took our people away from us. Hear my heart, here. I am NOT saying to squelch Western Medicine at all. There is a time and a place for it. However, before going to Western Medicine, try diet changes (ie: Removing all dyes, sugar, and getting tested for food allergies) first. Add some challenging games and regular exercise for about 30 minutes a day. Make sure to get enough rest. If someone you love isn't getting enough rest, do all that you can to make sure they get as much as they need. When you don't sleep well, your brain doesn't function to it's best ability.
Supporting mental health, your own or someone you love, requires a holistic approach that addresses emotional, physical, and mental well-being. For someone with a mental health diagnosis, achieving feelings of acceptance, hope, love, and a clear mind is crucial for overall wellness.
Why is mental health so important to me? I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I am doing proactive things in order to have it less often. One of the biggest things we did was to move to southern Georgia where there is more sunshine throughout the winter. Sunshine and increased Super Vitamin D helps with the seasonal issues. But, what about all the other mental health concerns that are out there? Will using essential oils diminish the effectiveness of prescribed medications? Where do I start?
I have enclosed some things that may help as a comprehensive approach that includes essential oils, supplements, diet, and exercise:
(Note: All links to each product are bold, underlined, and in dark red for your reference if you'd like to order.)
Emotional Needs:
1. Acceptance: Everyone has a need to feel accepted and loved for who they are, "warts and all." As we navigate this world, it helps that each one of us are aware of that specific need, especially those who have any kind of Mental Health diagnosis. Let's be ready to help, grant grace, and be extra patient because sometimes folks feel the same way we do, but with BIG feelings. Those things can be overwhelming and embarrassing to some.
Simply diffusing a couple oils, adding a drop to wrists, behind the ears, on the feet after a shower and before putting sock on may help. There are roll-ons for a few of the products that you can look in to. My personal favorite is Stress Away.
Emotional Balance: Feeling accepted often starts with self-acceptance. Essential oils can be part of a daily routine to promote a sense of grounding and inner peace. Frankincense or Lavender can be diffused or applied topically to wrists, between collar bones, or to the back of your neck, to enhance emotional well-being and self-acceptance.
Aromatherapy: Create a daily ritual using a blend of Valor and Orange essential oils to help foster a positive outlook and a sense of belonging. How? Add a drop of each to your hand, put your hands together and mix by rubbing hands together in a clock-wise rotation. Cup over your nose and mouth and breath deeply for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat that process as may times as you feel that you need to. Remember: Essential oils can be found in your body in measurable amounts in 30 seconds. Inhaling them takes them directly to your brain where your Amygdala is!

- Mental Clarity: Essential oils like Peppermint and Lemon can help clear mental fog and inspire feelings of hope and renewal. Diffuse them in your workspace or home to create an uplifting atmosphere. Two others that I liked using with my college age young adults are Clarity & Vetiver. I combined them with equal drops in a roller bottle and added 40 drops of olive oil. (You can use any liquid oil that you'd like as a carrier oil.) They rolled this on their wrists, behind their ears and along the back of their neck to help them focus.
- Positive Affirmations: Combine aromatherapy with positive affirmations. Use oils such as Joy, with its uplifting aroma, to inspire hope and happiness.
- Self-Care Routines: Incorporate Rose or Geranium essential oils into your daily self-care routine. These oils are known for their comforting and soothing properties, promoting a sense of love and compassion. Self care takes on different meanings for each of us, whether it is a special soap, getting mani-pedis, our hair done, or any number of other things, find something that helps you feel good. If you need a starting point, let me know and I'll ask you some questions to better help you get started. There is no guilt in taking care of yourself! For many folks, others have told them to "deny themselves", which in some cases is good, however when taking care of simple body needs, it is paramount to our own mental health to care for ourselves. If we don't care for ourselves now, then who will?!
- Connecting with Others: Use Ylang Ylang to create a warm and inviting environment that encourages meaningful connections with loved ones. Additionally, you can use the oils in the Feelings Kit to help with a variety of circumstances that may help with feelings of overwhelm, anxious, and helping you feel more brave.
Physical Needs:
1. Clear Mind:
- Focus and Concentration: Essential oils like Clarity and Brain Power can be beneficial for enhancing concentration and mental clarity. Apply them to pulse points or diffuse them when working on tasks that require cognitive focus.
- Calmness: Stress Away or Lavender can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, leading to a clearer and more focused mind. I like to combine Stress Away, Lavender, and Copaiba in a roller bottle and roll-on easily to your pulse points. Just combine 20 drops of each oil in a roller bottle, add 60 drops of a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, etc...). Shake a bit before each application. You can also combine a couple drops of each of these oils in a diffuser and breathe deeply. You'll be surprised at how calm you and your family members, or even coworkers feel after breathing in these calming oils.
2. Supplements:
- MindWise: Supports normal brain and heart function.
- NingXia Red: Provides a daily boost of antioxidants and essential nutrients that support overall wellness.
-Green Omega 3™ Softgels: Contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain health and cognitive function.
Lifestyle Needs:
1. Healthy Diet:
- Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains.
- Stay hydrated and avoid excessive intake of caffeine and sugar, which can negatively impact mood and energy levels.
- Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flax seeds, which are beneficial for brain health.
2. Exercise:
-Regular Physical Activity: Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-5 days of the week. Activities such as walking, yoga, and swimming can improve mood and reduce anxiety.
-Mindful Movement: Practices like yoga and tai chi can enhance mental clarity and emotional stability. Add Eucalyptus Globulus or Peppermint essential oil to your workout routine for an invigorating experience. Both Eucalyptus and Peppermint give greater breathing support during exercise as well as seasonal concerns.
Supporting mental health involves multi-faceted care. By incorporating Young Living essential oils, supplements, a healthy diet, and regular exercise into your routine, you can create a balanced lifestyle that promotes mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being. Remember, self-care isn't a luxury; it’s a necessity.
If you have further questions or comments, please let me know.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Using a diffuser in your home can offer a myriad of benefits across all ages, from babies to the elderly. Incorporating essential oils into your daily routines through diffusion can significantly enhance well-being, health, and the ambiance of your environment. Here are five universal benefits of using a diffuser:
1. **Promotes Better Sleep**: Diffusing essential oils like Lavender or Roman Chamomile in the bedroom can create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep. This benefit is particularly useful for babies and children who may need assistance establishing a healthy sleep routine, as well as adults and the elderly who might struggle with sleep disturbances. Try this recipe for Sleep Sweet:

2. **Supports Respiratory Health**: Essential oils such as Eucalyptus and Peppermint are renowned for their ability to support clear breathing and maintain a healthy respiratory system. By using a diffuser, you can create an environment that supports respiratory health for the whole family, offering soothing relief during times of seasonal discomfort. Here are a few more suggestions for oils that help with respiratory health:

3. **Enhances Mood and Reduces Stress**: The power of aromatherapy to uplift the mood and reduce stress is well-documented. Utilizing a diffuser with citrus oils like Lemon or Orange can invigorate the senses and promote a positive atmosphere, helpful for those mornings when getting the kids ready or winding down after a long day. Similarly, calming oils like Peace & Calming or Stress Away can help soothe nerves and reduce stress for adults and the elderly who may experience higher levels of anxiety.

4. **Purifies the Air**: Many essential oils have natural purifying properties that can help cleanse the air of unwanted odors and certain airborne pathogens. Incorporating oils like Purification or Lemongrass into your diffusion routine not only leaves your living space smelling fresh but also creates a cleaner, more invigorating environment for everyone from infants to the elderly.

5. **Improves Cognitive Function**: Diffusing essential oils such as Rosemary and Frankincense can encourage mental clarity and concentration. This is especially beneficial for children doing homework, adults in work-from-home setups, and the elderly looking to maintain their cognitive faculties. The stimulating properties of certain oils can help enhance focus and productivity across all age groups.
I've included the following graphic to help you choose oils as a springboard for further aids in the areas above.
Incorporating a diffuser into your daily routine can thus support a holistic approach to health and wellness, making it a beneficial practice for families looking to naturally enhance their living environment and overall well-being.
If one oil doesn't work, there are others that may help. Don't give up! You can always contact me with any questions you may have by clicking the link above that says, "Contact Me."
Next week's blog topic will be "Diluting Essential Oils for New Users, Babies, Children, and the Elderly."
Have a blessed day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham with Ginger

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Each one of us at some point in our lives need to take an anti-biotic for a variety of reasons. I am not a medical Dr and I cannot diagnose or treat anyone, so this is simply based on my own personal experience.
I have had antibiotics throughout my life, at times twice a year, and one year at least 4 times for infections of varying types.
I’ll be sharing things here that have worked for me. Please be sure you check with your Dr before following any advice.
When I get the prescription for an antibiotic, that evening when I take my evening medication, I take 1 additional probiotic called Life 9. This increases my body’s good gut flora without adding sugar. (Google "Good Gut Flora" if you need to understand a bit more.) When an antibiotic is introduced to one’s body, it doesn’t pick and choose which things to wipe out in your gut, it just wipes everything out. When I take an antibiotic, I stay away from carbohydrates at all cost because anything that my body can break down to the simplest form of sugar, that’s what will increase in my gut. When you have excess sugar, yeast thrives and blooms in that environment. I have to be super vigilant with this otherwise I’ll get thrush in my mouth, which is a form of yeast overgrowth. Some people call it Candida.
I call it “yucky!”
So, to ensure I don’t have a yeast overgrowth, I increase my probiotic and decrease my carbohydrate consumption. This keeps my gut flora balanced better when I have to take an antibiotic.
So what else do I eat when on an antibiotic? I normally have protein of various types like beef, chicken, pork, turkey, nuts and seeds. I also increase my fiber with adding vegetables at every meal in various forms. For example, in my scrambled eggs, I add pepper, spinach, and a little onion. With lunch, I’ll have a salad, protein, and a warm vegetable like green beans. Dinner will be much the same, but with vegetables swapped.

Now, so far this year I have been on 2 different antibiotics. The first was for an ear infection that I wanted to get under control before I went to my sister’s wedding. Flying with an ear infection did not sound too thrilling to me, so I figured I’d better get it under control before I left. And immediately I started my gut protocol, but it still caused me issues. I figured that particular antibiotic wasn’t going to help much because while listening to my body, I was still experiencing diarrhea from it. That’s a telltale sign while you’re on any medication that something isn’t right.
Additionally, I went in to my mother’s apartment on numerous occasions {trying to help her clean, but in doing so caused my own health detriment}, drove her car and in doing so caused the infection to worsen and travel to my bronchial area. Just a week after returning home, having visited my Dr, I have a 2nd antibiotic in less than 2 months due to bronchitis. I didn’t want it going to bronchial pneumonia, so I decided to get in to see my Dr sooner than later.
This was not in my plans!
Finally, many times we just keep going and going like the energizer bunny when this kind of thing happens. I’ve found that I need to grant myself some grace, take an extra nap, and let go of expectations that I have of myself and others. I do what I can and leave the rest for others to tend to. It isn’t a bad thing to do that!

Loving myself enough to take care of myself is a good thing. Beating myself up for having needs is counterproductive to my body and to my own mind. What is better is to admit to having needs, let someone know, “Hey, I need to go nap for a bit.” And go do it!
All this to say, staying healthy takes work. We must be careful when taking anti-biotics because they lose their potency. I choose not to take them for as long as possible, but when it is warranted, I take them. Working and working ourselves “to the bone” is counter-productive to our health and we get sick easier. Grant yourself some grace, take a nap, enjoy a salad or some good soup, and curl up with a cup of tea and a good book. Breathe deeply, add some Stress Away to your diffuser and relax! If the Lord of the universe can create the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th, so can you!

Have a lovely and wonderful day!
Love & God Bless, 

Sitting on my aunt and uncle's back porch in South Dakota one morning
enjoying my coffee and talking with my uncle.
enjoying my coffee and talking with my uncle.
PS: After my anti-biotic is done, I'm planning to do a detox. It's going to be a 3 day detox, so stay tuned for that information on how I am beginning that journey!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served! Thank you for your service!

Sleep! When we're sleep deprived our bodies tend to know it and it goes in to a type of survival mode. We tend to be more whiny, irritable, not quite the pleasant ray of sunshine when we're well rested. I'd read many times that women need more sleep than men, so those of you who are women, take that extra nap in the afternoon guilt free! What can you do to get more sleep? Well, I'm a prime example! Right now it is 1:23AM and I'm up in the middle of the night writing this blog post. I should have gone to bed at 10:00, but I stayed up watching a Hallmark movie that I had TiVoed a few days ago. I wasn't tired, then I got a text from my sister telling me that my mother has been tested Covid positive. So, I am concerned about my mother, praying for her, and just generally not really able to sleep right now. But, what can I do to sleep?
*Wind down at a decent hour. Turn off the TV, phone, computer, tablet/ipad.
*Drink a cup of chamomile tea with a drop of Young Living Lavender Vitality Oil.
*Some people take Melatonin, but I no longer do. It stays with me and keeps me groggy the next day.
*Add Young Living Peace and Calming Essential Oil Blend to your Diffuser 1/2 hour before bed time.
*Eat a Banana--it's packed with Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium!
*Take an additional Magnesium supplement (check with your Dr first to be sure it's ok with your other prescription meds.)
*Take an Epsom Salt Bath in Young Living Lavendar Essential Oil and a cup of milk. It will make your skin feel so very soft and luxurious! It will also help relax you to bring sleep on.
*Finally, take Young Living's Cedarwood and Lavendar Essential oil and add a couple drops to your chest, upper back, and large toes.
This list is by no means exhaustive, but these are more natural solutions than prescription sleep aids or OTC sleeping pills. What other suggestions do you have to add to this list? Add them in the comments below!
The fifth tip is something many folks don't know or realize:
Take good quality supplements. It's a "no brainer" right? Well, take a look at some of your big box store supplements. They have only a portion of the actual pill as the supplement. The rest is fillers. Now, consider a good quality supplement infused with essential oils, that is formulated to work synergistically to help your body. Big box store supplments, "pharmaceuitical grade", and any other supplement for that matter, are digested and 28% of the supplement is used by the body. When combining essential oils in your supplements, you harness the power of the essential oils and the vitamins and minerals to make a synergistially working supplment that your body uses 86% of instead of the 26% of the other types of supplmenets with the same name.
What? Yes! Read that again! That means you've been paying money for 26% efficiency of that supplment! I can help you find a better way!
Tip number six is a given. It comforts us when we're down for the count and just feels good on our throats:
There's nothing like a good soup or stew to help with a sore throat or just that overall "ick" feeling. I love to make chicken and vegetable soup, beef barley soup, even chili, or most recently Trim Zuppa Toscana from my Trim Healthy Mama cookbook. Wow!
Why soups and stews? Well, when you make these for the folks who are sick (from scratch), you give them a gift of healthier food for their bodies to begin the recovery process from whatever illness they have. When our bodies are given optimum food--as close to the source as possible--then our bodies have a tendency to heal faster. Any why not make a comfort food while we're at it? It blesses our loved ones and if we come down with whatever they've had, the soup is already made!
Tip number 7 is my favorite! I've saved the best for last, yes I did! AND, it's an extra "Freebee!"
Tip number 7 is my favorite! I've saved the best for last, yes I did! AND, it's an extra "Freebee!"
When you diffuse Pure Super Hyper Organic essential oils in to the air, your lungs breathe them in and they go to work immediately throughout your body. They can be found in measurable amounts in your bloodstream in less than 30 seconds. Essential oils are like puzzle pieces that fit together where they are needed most in our bodies. They support each one of our systems, helping our bodies to recover from what may be ailing us.
We can also place these same essential oils just about anywhere on our bodies. I personally love to use Breathe Again Roll-on for breathing support! I have personal experience with how well this wonderful roll-on works!
I have 2 awesome "hacks" for you to try!
#1--When you feel those cold and flu symptoms coming on, take a drop of Thieves Vitality and put it under your tongue, holding it there for 30 seconds, then swallow. You could also put it on your tongue and hold it to the roof of your mouth. (This is also an awesome way to help with headaches with Peppermint Vitality.)
#2--Sinus Bomb by Sarah Harnisch--
Take the following Young Living Vitality oils in a capsule every hour until symptoms subside, then spread it out to every 2 hours, then 6 hours, then 12 hours until the symptoms are gone.
*8 Drops of Oregano Vitality
*10 Drops of Thieves Vitality
*2 Drops of Frankincense Vitality
Our bodies need to eat, drink, move, and get oxygen. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord, and we know just by simple research that we need these basic things to live, survive, and thrive. When you eat nutrient dense foods, move your body, get enough sleep, you're bringing in more nutrients and oxygen to your body, your brain, your heart, lungs, and muscles. When your brain has more oxygen, you can think more clearly. When your lungs get more oxygen, you can take deeper breaths! So move your body, plan for more nutrient dense meals, get more rest and get more oxygen! Your brain will thank you!
What's up for next week? I'll show everyone how I make my home made chicken broth!
Have a wonderful week & God Bless!

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.