You can get started by looking up all the things on every single website known to mankind…
…I can just share with you how I started.
…I can just share with you how I started.
There are going to be “experts” telling you to do this or do that, but like you, I began right where you’re at!
I had migraines and was seriously trying to find a good natural alternative because at the time I was a nursing mom, like many of you are, I’m sure. I didn’t want barbiturates crossing over to my sweet babies through my milk, so it was time to get the research started. I started with a book called The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Worwood. I looked up all kinds of things to get me started, how to use them, and what to do.
I would love to tell you that I branched out and used all kinds of oils from Basil to Frankincense all those years ago, but I didn’t. I played it safe, stayed with Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Cedarwood, and Oregano. During that time, I was growing my own herbs and dehydrating them to use in our food. I figured that would help us with some of our diets. While it did some, it wasn’t as effective as using the distilled oil from the plant.
I started praying about what to do because I had just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and PCOS induced pre-diabetes. I found Trim Healthy Mama and started delving more deeply into essential oils at that point. I had used so many different companies’ oils from farmer’s markets, health food stores, and started looking at reputable companies to use. I asked one friend about the oils her family used, but then asked another friend. I did a side-by-side comparison and the 2nd friend had so many more essential oils to choose from! I started looking more deeply into the company, the science behind what they had available for me to learn and decided to pray more about it. Within a week, my 2nd friend was having a meeting at our homeschool group and discussed the benefits of the science with the Seed to Seal Promise. I was intrigued, so I went home and looked that up too. I found out that the oils from this company are grown in soil that had not been tainted by chemicals for 50+ years!!! Wow!
So my journey began…

I ordered Eucalyptus Globulus from her and put it in my humidifier. Little did I know that they weren’t supposed to be used that way, but in diffusers! LOL I also put a couple drops on my chest and it helped so much to open up my airways! I was intrigued by these oils! I didn't realize they were supposed to be THIS effective!

Then I ordered Lavender. OH, MY GOODNESS!!! I had experienced Lavender from so many other companies that smelled sour and just not pleasant at all, until I experienced THIS Lavender! I've used it now for 9 years and I've always been pleasantly surprised by how well it worked for whatever I needed it for.

The next oil I ordered from my friend was Vetiver to help my son focus while doing his schoolwork. That was all it took! My prayers were answered in this one company. My only regret is that I didn’t become a wholesale customer sooner. Regrettably, it took me almost 5 years to do that!
Join me on Thursday February 11th at 7PM on Zoom while we learn how to have Fearless Confidence with Essential Oils.
You don’t want to miss this! It took me YEARS to figure out this information!
You don’t want to miss this! It took me YEARS to figure out this information!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.