The quick answer to that question is simply, "No!"
Essential oils are for everyone, from before birth to our last breath!
Essential oils are for everyone, from before birth to our last breath!
Why do women seem to be the ones who are drawn to essential oils before men are?
That's a loaded question, isn't it? Most, not all, women have a more heightened sense of smell than men. This is a generalization, though. Some men are more sensitive to smells, too.
However, what about using essential oils with our men?
If your man enjoys or is drawn to certain scents, by all means, encourage him to wear them for his own benefit! He can add a drop to his wrist, the back of his neck, and even to his temple to help if he has a migraine.
Which scents is my husband drawn to lately? Simple!
He loves the scent of Evergreen Essence (available at Christmas time). He loves to diffuse it in the den while he's in there working on something. Another one that's impressed him lately is Lemon Essential Oil. He had been working with roofing tar and gasoline lately and couldn't get either of them off of his skin. I put about 4 drops in his hand and he rubbed it all over up to his elbows and it took the rest of the tar and the gasoline smell off his hands and arms. Lemon is perfect for all things sticky, so it stands to reason that it helped in this way!
What else? Well, if you, your husband, son, Dad, grandpa, nephew, uncle, or grandson has skin, they can use essential oils, too! Every person has different needs for their own time of life. Babies are more apt to be drawn to Peace and Calming, Seedlings Calm, or Lavender. They all help them with calming and soothing.
How can we help them? Just share the oils with them. Try Cedarwood, Idaho Grand Fir, RC if they need help with breathing, Juniper, Eucalyptus, or any of the citrus oils and see which ones they're drawn to and start there.
If you're not sure truly where to start, you could begin with any of the Starter Bundles and see which ones he's drawn to. Make sure that when you begin using them with him that you show him how to smell them! Open them and start at waist high and swirl the bottle in the air slowly going up closer a little at a time to his nose. He will, likely, begin to smell it before it gets to his nose. Caveaut: My son worked with concrete for a while and it affected his sense of smell. He needed to have the bottle close to his nose to smell the scents.
If you need any help or futher direction, let me know! I'm available to chat, email, text, call, or video chat! I'd love to help you!
Have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham & Hubby

Sunrise at Canyon Lake in Rapid City, SD in May 2023
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.