My husband and I went to Nashville, Tennessee last week to visit our daughter for her birthday. We had to wait until she was off work, so we decided to meet up with some long time "internet" friends "In Real Life" to have lunch. What a blast that was to get together! Needless to say our time was much too short and we decided that whenever we were going north or they were heading south to try to meet up again! God just blesses us with such wonderful friends and my dear friend and I raised our kids, sharing pictures with one another on a Christian Mom's board online for over 20 years. We became quick friends and have stayed that way ever since! I love it when that happens!
So after meeting my friend and her hubby, we were able to go to my daughter's house and visitied with she and her boyfriend. It has been 7 long months since I'd seen my daughter and this helped my own "Momma's Heart" to set eyes on her and make sure she was doing well with her life.
We were all over Nashville for a couple days, stuck in traffic, eating some awesome food, experiencing the most magnificent used book/electronics/music/instrument store I've ever seen in my life, and so much more! We were so blessed to stay at the I24 campground in Smyrna in a little cabin that was perfect for us! With hubby's tummy issues, we needed to bring our own food and be prepared to take care of that when we needed to, so we planned ahead and everything turned out well.
During our trip home, some time walking here or there, getting in or out of the van, I hurt, pulled, tugged, twisted--any number of those things--my right knee. It has been bothering me and I just really couldn't move past it. So I decided to hit it with all I had!
I used ice, elevation, Cool Azul Pain Cream, CBD Calm, CBD Cool Mint Oil 1000mgs, Deep Relief Roll-on, and Ibuprofen. I tried to stay off of it as much as I possibly could and keep it elevated.

I rolled CBD Calm around the knee cap, then Deep Relief around in a larger circular fashion. I rubbed them both in and elevated about 4 times per day.

I put one 25ml dropper (it's measured on the dropper insert) on my knee throughout the day.
What a blessing it was to have all those things at my disposeal to be able to take care of my knee! While I have been limping, I'm walking a little better with each day! What an incredible improvement from last week! Whew!
I've used 2 different kinds of CBD--CBD Calm Roll-on, and CBD Cool Mint Oil 1000mgs. While there are many other CBD products, these are the ones I currently had on hand and I used them! You can find all the wonderful CBD line here.
Have you been thinking of trying a CBD product? Wonder if it works? I can absolutely say, YES!!!
I can show you how to save the most of your hard earned money with buying these natural products that have not been tainted by chemicals in the soil for 50 years! It's a no brainer for me to know that these are the purest of the pure that you can get on the market! And they work!
Let me know how I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

We are currently in the 6th month of 2022 already!
What a crazy year it has been! I’m pretty certain that all of you who read my blog are truly wondering if everything is “ok” in spite of all the challenges we’ve faced this year.
Truthfully, some days I’m good, and some days I struggle. The stress of constraints holding me here at home, not able to go to South Dakota again to help with my mother is truly bothersome for me. In my heart of hearts, I am also deeply wanting to see my family more since my Dad passed away on May 1st, 2019. It is one of those feelings that, “before anyone else passes I need to spend more time with them!” kind of feelings…
…I just need family.

There is so much that I’ve missed over the years, and I don’t like it. I miss my Mom, my aunt, my sister, my brother and their families. I have yet to meet my great nephew! My sister’s wedding last July brought a bunch more family members who I’ve only met with the wedding celebration but have yet to spend time with and develop a relationship. It’s heart wrenching to me! 

It's safe to say, it's time to take care of my own needs now. I want to build relationships, spend time together, and love eachother. I cannot do that as well as I'd like 1,400 miles away.
Regardless, my heart needs this!
But, what about the stress? There’s A LOT of stress involved in all of every part of life making decisions, no matter which direction we decide to take in our lives!
So the questions are mounting and the research is too, but...
Handling stress, we begin with prayer, always. It doesn’t make sense to try to make decisions without prayer. Prayer changes things, folks!
Next, to combat fear of the unknown, we research! Research answers our questions, creates more questions, and takes us down rabbit trails, too, but we get answers.
Another thing we do is ask questions of people who already have experience in the area where we want to go.
Why? Scripture tells us in Proverbs 11:14, “there is safety in a multitude of counselors.” It makes sense to talk with at least 3 people in each situation before making firm decisions. Why 3? Because you may get the same answers from 2 people. Adding the 3rd person will give us the greater chance to cover areas where the other 2 have not had experiences in.
Why? Scripture tells us in Proverbs 11:14, “there is safety in a multitude of counselors.” It makes sense to talk with at least 3 people in each situation before making firm decisions. Why 3? Because you may get the same answers from 2 people. Adding the 3rd person will give us the greater chance to cover areas where the other 2 have not had experiences in.
Keep in mind that all through this timeframe, we use stress lowering practices of eating good quality foods, taking walks getting some good oxygen, praying together, and spending time with one another. Additionally, throughout this entire time, we use our oils. Which oils do I suggest? I started with Stress Away, Lavender, Copaiba, and Peace & Calming when I began in 2015. We’ve made using oils a part of our lives, so why not use these wonderful plant juices that are so pure and as close to the Garden of Eden as you can get, using them and allowing the Lord to help us with things He’s made?! As time has progressed, I’ve added CBD Calm roll-on to my “stress relieving” list and it’s been invaluable! I love finding some “new to me” kinds of things that will help with as many things as possible. Interestingly, when I use these oils for one thing, they not only help with the thing I use them for, but they also help with things I don’t know that I’m dealing with internally! What a blessing the Lord has created for us to use!
So, what do I use for bravery to be able to conquer these things? Valor! For kids there is also KidPower essential oil blend for them to use! Those work well for test taking days, feelings of anxiousness, and it’s so easy to use! Both Valorand KidPower come in a 15ml bottle as well as a roll-on. Just click the links and you'll see them! As a matter of fact, many of the oils I've mentioned come in a roll-on!
Now that we’re “oiled up”, here we go! Onward and upward!
Have a great day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.