Kids and essential oils go hand-in-hand like peanutbutter and jelly. If you have tummy issues or owies, there's seriously an oil for that!
However, when you're using oils with little ones from birth to age 17, oils need to be diluted depending on the age of the child. Young Living has an entire line of KidScents oils that are prediluted for little ones. However, if you're in a pinch and you don't have access to those oils, I have a solution for you right here!
In the picture below, you'll find a dilution ratio chart by age for each age range.

Please feel free to tap on the picture and save it to your phone, or right click and save it to your computer.

This KidScents Little OIlers Kit includes:
*2 Aromaglide roller fitments
There is an additional oil for kids called KidPower that helps kids before tests and doing new things. It's a wonderful oil to put in the diffuser, roll on the back of their neck and their wrists before those new experiences with new classes, new schools, and new teachers. Of course all these wonderful oils come in the KidScents Roll-on Collection, too!
How do you order? Easy! Just click on any of the links above, and click "Add to Cart". If you'd like to save 24% click "Add to Loyalty Order". Plus once your order is processed and it is over $50PV you'll begin earning points to use toward other free products! After 3 months, you earn 20%, then after 24 months, you earn 25% on all your orders over $50PV. It's perfect for saving money toward things you've been wanting! I just cashed in my points this past month and bought shampoo, Juniper Oil, Lavendar Oatmeal bar soap, and Thieves Whitening Toothpaste! It's a wonderful program!
You can find out more about the Loyalty Rewards Program by clicking on the link.
As for the other KidScents Products, you can click on this picture and you'll go right to the section for Kids and Babies.

Additionally, orders for THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER that you place will be elidgable to win the Feather the Owl diffuser from me! Why? Because September is my birthday month and I like blessing others during the month of my birthday! What do you have to do to enter? Place an order of $25PV or more during the month of September. The cut off date is the 30th at 11:59PM EST. Use any of the links above or you can simply start here.
Have I used any of these oils on kids? Yes I have! We have Grand babies!

Love those little baby toes!

Nana's "Rockie Rock" time.
And, of course, the older brother has used these oils, too, and I'd love to share a picture of him, but I need to get a good one to show you!
Anyway, proud Nana moment...
I'd love to listen to your needs about your family to help you get exactly what you need for your specific family. Let me know how I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

I have to admit, I’m a bit jealous. I’m not just talking “green-eyed-monster” type of jealous, but just plain envy!
I used to use the over-the-counter petroleum based products and slather them on my kids’ chests and feet. I had given them the cough syrup laced with sugar and cough drops with the same sugar. What was I doing to them? Little did I know that sugar FED their sickness! Any and all forms of it from here to there and everywhere, much like Dr. Seuss books say, it was everywhere!
Why didn’t I know better?
But, I was just starting on this wellness journey back then. One of my kids were diagnosed with ADHD and SID, so we were kicking sugar to the curb from ingredients lists of the food we ate. We also started looking at food dyes and getting those out of the food we ate. I tell ya’all, it was seriously tiresome!
Everyone has to start somewhere on this journey, and we started with sugar in our kids’ foods as well as dyes in foods, drinks, and medicines.
Just imagine how much we switched before my youngest was 10 years old!
Why didn’t I know better?
But, I was just starting on this wellness journey back then. One of my kids were diagnosed with ADHD and SID, so we were kicking sugar to the curb from ingredients lists of the food we ate. We also started looking at food dyes and getting those out of the food we ate. I tell ya’all, it was seriously tiresome!
Everyone has to start somewhere on this journey, and we started with sugar in our kids’ foods as well as dyes in foods, drinks, and medicines.
Just imagine how much we switched before my youngest was 10 years old!
But there was more that we could do. Even though we were getting sugar free, dye free over-the-counter medications, little did I realize that their young bodies were being barraged with chemicals that their immune systems had to recover from, that caused all kinds of other things like hormone disruptions and potential causes of cancer.
Now that my kids are older and I’m educating them about non-toxic options, they listen and then make their own choices. If I had it to do all over again, I would have chosen some awesome Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Toothpaste, and wonderful helpers with tummy issues, sniffles, and sleep that are all non-toxic!
Take a look at this video to catch a glimpse of these wonderful products!
(Clickable Link)
Non-Toxic Products for Kids
I’d love to share all about those wonderful non-toxic kid safe products with you too! They truly are the “bee’s knees!”
Take a look at this video to catch a glimpse of these wonderful products!
(Clickable Link)
Non-Toxic Products for Kids
I’d love to share all about those wonderful non-toxic kid safe products with you too! They truly are the “bee’s knees!”
You can learn more about these wonderful products this Thursday February 4th, 2021 at 7PM! I'd love to add you to our Zoom class!
Love & God Bless,
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.