Breathing is important.
There! I said it!
It’s VERY important for me. I have some pretty serious asthma type responses with synthetic chemicals, cleaning chemicals, perfumes, and burning leaves and debris.
I absolutely love my family! I love to help them, talk with them, do things with them, celebrate with them, just do life with them. I love spending time with family! It doesn’t matter which family member it is, I love them and I love spending time with them.

Unfortunately, my daughter has a job at a popular bath store in the mall that sells everything super scenty, and I have serious breathing problems around the things she brings home.
When I diffuse Young Living oils of every kind, I have no breathing issues. When I am around Great Aunt Martha who comes to church having bathed in her favorite perfume, I have an asthma like response. When I am around any “manmade” scent, I have breathing issues.
Translating the whole health issue of mine into something understandable is simply this:
My body knows when something synthetic, manmade, or chemical laden is around and responds with an asthma type response.
My body also knows when something God made is around and responds with peace and easy breathing.

Which one would I prefer to have around all the time? Which one would YOU prefer to have around all the time?
Does “Birthday Cake” come in a naturally occurring scent?
Should you be concerned with your own breathing, too? What kinds of toxins are going in to your body when you get those wonderful candles, lotions, and bath washes out? "But it says Aromatherapy on it, it must be good!" Look at the ingredients and research everything on the label. Google it "Dangers of_________" and you'll find lots of things that they're not telling you on that label.
So the problem is still there, how do I spend time with my daughter while she still wears scents from this popular bath store and still be able to breathe?
Should you be concerned with your own breathing, too? What kinds of toxins are going in to your body when you get those wonderful candles, lotions, and bath washes out? "But it says Aromatherapy on it, it must be good!" Look at the ingredients and research everything on the label. Google it "Dangers of_________" and you'll find lots of things that they're not telling you on that label.
So the problem is still there, how do I spend time with my daughter while she still wears scents from this popular bath store and still be able to breathe?
Stay tuned….
Love & God Bless,
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served! Thank you for your service!

Sleep! When we're sleep deprived our bodies tend to know it and it goes in to a type of survival mode. We tend to be more whiny, irritable, not quite the pleasant ray of sunshine when we're well rested. I'd read many times that women need more sleep than men, so those of you who are women, take that extra nap in the afternoon guilt free! What can you do to get more sleep? Well, I'm a prime example! Right now it is 1:23AM and I'm up in the middle of the night writing this blog post. I should have gone to bed at 10:00, but I stayed up watching a Hallmark movie that I had TiVoed a few days ago. I wasn't tired, then I got a text from my sister telling me that my mother has been tested Covid positive. So, I am concerned about my mother, praying for her, and just generally not really able to sleep right now. But, what can I do to sleep?
*Wind down at a decent hour. Turn off the TV, phone, computer, tablet/ipad.
*Drink a cup of chamomile tea with a drop of Young Living Lavender Vitality Oil.
*Some people take Melatonin, but I no longer do. It stays with me and keeps me groggy the next day.
*Add Young Living Peace and Calming Essential Oil Blend to your Diffuser 1/2 hour before bed time.
*Eat a Banana--it's packed with Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium!
*Take an additional Magnesium supplement (check with your Dr first to be sure it's ok with your other prescription meds.)
*Take an Epsom Salt Bath in Young Living Lavendar Essential Oil and a cup of milk. It will make your skin feel so very soft and luxurious! It will also help relax you to bring sleep on.
*Finally, take Young Living's Cedarwood and Lavendar Essential oil and add a couple drops to your chest, upper back, and large toes.
This list is by no means exhaustive, but these are more natural solutions than prescription sleep aids or OTC sleeping pills. What other suggestions do you have to add to this list? Add them in the comments below!
The fifth tip is something many folks don't know or realize:
Take good quality supplements. It's a "no brainer" right? Well, take a look at some of your big box store supplements. They have only a portion of the actual pill as the supplement. The rest is fillers. Now, consider a good quality supplement infused with essential oils, that is formulated to work synergistically to help your body. Big box store supplments, "pharmaceuitical grade", and any other supplement for that matter, are digested and 28% of the supplement is used by the body. When combining essential oils in your supplements, you harness the power of the essential oils and the vitamins and minerals to make a synergistially working supplment that your body uses 86% of instead of the 26% of the other types of supplmenets with the same name.
What? Yes! Read that again! That means you've been paying money for 26% efficiency of that supplment! I can help you find a better way!
Tip number six is a given. It comforts us when we're down for the count and just feels good on our throats:
There's nothing like a good soup or stew to help with a sore throat or just that overall "ick" feeling. I love to make chicken and vegetable soup, beef barley soup, even chili, or most recently Trim Zuppa Toscana from my Trim Healthy Mama cookbook. Wow!
Why soups and stews? Well, when you make these for the folks who are sick (from scratch), you give them a gift of healthier food for their bodies to begin the recovery process from whatever illness they have. When our bodies are given optimum food--as close to the source as possible--then our bodies have a tendency to heal faster. Any why not make a comfort food while we're at it? It blesses our loved ones and if we come down with whatever they've had, the soup is already made!
Tip number 7 is my favorite! I've saved the best for last, yes I did! AND, it's an extra "Freebee!"
Tip number 7 is my favorite! I've saved the best for last, yes I did! AND, it's an extra "Freebee!"
When you diffuse Pure Super Hyper Organic essential oils in to the air, your lungs breathe them in and they go to work immediately throughout your body. They can be found in measurable amounts in your bloodstream in less than 30 seconds. Essential oils are like puzzle pieces that fit together where they are needed most in our bodies. They support each one of our systems, helping our bodies to recover from what may be ailing us.
We can also place these same essential oils just about anywhere on our bodies. I personally love to use Breathe Again Roll-on for breathing support! I have personal experience with how well this wonderful roll-on works!
I have 2 awesome "hacks" for you to try!
#1--When you feel those cold and flu symptoms coming on, take a drop of Thieves Vitality and put it under your tongue, holding it there for 30 seconds, then swallow. You could also put it on your tongue and hold it to the roof of your mouth. (This is also an awesome way to help with headaches with Peppermint Vitality.)
#2--Sinus Bomb by Sarah Harnisch--
Take the following Young Living Vitality oils in a capsule every hour until symptoms subside, then spread it out to every 2 hours, then 6 hours, then 12 hours until the symptoms are gone.
*8 Drops of Oregano Vitality
*10 Drops of Thieves Vitality
*2 Drops of Frankincense Vitality
Our bodies need to eat, drink, move, and get oxygen. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord, and we know just by simple research that we need these basic things to live, survive, and thrive. When you eat nutrient dense foods, move your body, get enough sleep, you're bringing in more nutrients and oxygen to your body, your brain, your heart, lungs, and muscles. When your brain has more oxygen, you can think more clearly. When your lungs get more oxygen, you can take deeper breaths! So move your body, plan for more nutrient dense meals, get more rest and get more oxygen! Your brain will thank you!
What's up for next week? I'll show everyone how I make my home made chicken broth!
Have a wonderful week & God Bless!

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.