When a loved one has surgery, it really causes you to rethink so many different things. Many times, you think, "Well, we're just going out of town for a couple days, I won't need to do this until I get back." But that thought is so different when you're going out of town for a surgery.
As I type this, hubby is currently in surgery having a reversal of the partial replacement he had done last year. I'm having the Asian entree for lunch while I wait for his Dr to call me and let me know how things went. 

As a caregiver, the cafeteria is such a blessing! I know many of you who read this are very adept at being in hospitals as the caregiver. This particular hospital has been one that I've become familiar with because it is our 2nd time here. I love the people here and find myself relaxing more than I'd thought I would, even for the 2nd time here.
For the past few weeks my mind has been on "what can I do to make things easier for my hubby once we get home." So, we rearranged the sectional in the blue room, cleaned everything up, made sure where he is recuperating is equipped with an outlet for charging his phone, a side table for his water, coffee, meal tray, and pain meds. I wanted to make sure everything was done, cleaned, and in place before we left so that once we got home, he could just get comfortable and rest.
The next day I'll run to town and get his medication filled, get whatever groceries we need, then come home. I won't leave him unless someone is with him with explicit instructions--if he falls, do not try to help him up, just call 911 to help. He is going to be in a lot of pain and to help him up may strain his shoulder and/or hurt him further.
I try to plan out the things that I need to get so that I am not away from him for too long. I plan for some of his favorite foods and making them nutrient dense, so the healing process is moved along at a good rate.
I usually don't leave him after surgery for 2 weeks or until I feel well enough that he can get himself some water, make a sandwich, or let the dogs out. He may be a little bit longer with the recoup this time though, so I need to mentally prepare for that.
With all this going on, we also have our grandbaby coming in mid-June some time, so his big brother will be under our care while our son and daughter-in-love are giving birth and recuperating in the hospital. What a blessedly busy time! Giving of ourselves, caring for others, and loving on them is one of those things we are called to as Christians. I take this call seriously and do all that I can within my own power to fulfill this calling. Caring for others does not mean you are weak, but to the contrary. You have to be strong for the work physically, spiritually, and mentally. It demands many things of you, so to take some time to yourself to rest, nap, read a book, or do something you enjoy is not selfish at all.
Our hearts are full, our plate is full, our arms are full, and God is so good!
(This was written 5/24 while hubby was in surgery.)
Today--June 2nd, 2022
It's been a little over a week since my husband's surgery. I've been working hard to balance caring for him, doing what I can at home, tending to appointments, driving, as well as trying to allow myself to rest as well. Isn't that just like many of us who just don't allow ourselves to rest, or nap?
When we came home from the hospital, I was focused most on making sure he had ice packs, meds, food, and enough pillows to rival the "Princess and the Pea." LOL
When going to the Dr yesterday, he removed hubby's staples:

Then he moved hubby's arm around in some pretty incredible ways and told me to "not baby him" and do this at home, too. So, I'm putting a lighthearted loving spin on it by having him put his arm up on my shoulder. It's not nearly as high as Dr lifted, but it helps. Tomorrow I'm going to add a sway to it and a smile. I think he needs that, too.
He'll start PT next week and I'll be driving him places he needs to go until he's no longer taking meds. He's had a pretty significant surgery, so he kind of needs those to help him with the pain at least for now.
So for now, I've been putting a couple drops of Frankincense on the top of his shoulder, not the incision yet, a couple times each day. I've also put Peppermint around the incision to help with swelling. These are the only two oils I've used with him so far. I plan to add Cedarwood, Lavender, and Cistus as well once the incision heals. I'm going to put them in a roller bottle for him to use more easily twice a day. I'm going to take a look at more oils in the Ancient Oils of Scripture Collection as well for their help with healing. I'm sure I'll be looking at Hyssop and Myrrh, but I want to research all of them more in-depth. Hence the reason I always say, "If I had 7 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about essential oils, that still wouldn't be enough time!" Whew!
As time goes on, I'll share more about the process and what we come up with.
In the meantime, have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,
A tired, but thankful...Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.