What an incredibly complex creation we humans are! The Lord created such an intricate system of hormones that drive the various processes of our bodies that it's truly mind boggling trying to understand it all.
We each have the same type of "drivers", but with women our system works different than men because we have ovaries and that XX chromosome driving our bodies. Men have obvious difference in their systems due to the XY chromosomes and testosterone in their bodies.
The interesting thing for me to know and understand about all of this is that there are a few bits of "same-ness" in everyone. Our genes or DNA drive about half of what happens as we age, whereas our environment and diets drive the other half of what happens when we age. This does not include medications or supplements and I do not have studies to support my theory, it's just my own opinion based on what I've observed.
As for our DNA/genes, I've been casually researching the power of essential oils in "clearing" and "resetting" our DNA, but I do not have a study or story to cite. As I tell everyone, "If I had 7 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about essential oils, that wouldn't be enough!". There is always new research coming out yearly about the effectiveness of essential oils. Stay tuned for that! I'll be researching more and share with you in the months to come!
As for our DNA/genes, I've been casually researching the power of essential oils in "clearing" and "resetting" our DNA, but I do not have a study or story to cite. As I tell everyone, "If I had 7 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about essential oils, that wouldn't be enough!". There is always new research coming out yearly about the effectiveness of essential oils. Stay tuned for that! I'll be researching more and share with you in the months to come!

The endocrine system (hormones) is very complex. When dealing with issues between men and women you'll have a plethora between DNA/genes and environment/diet! When you're dealing with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), you have so many different possible issues that could diagnose the issue. PCOS could be the driving force of high blood pressure and pre-diabetes due to the hormone imbalances.
Here, I do not diagnose or treat anyone since I'm not a medical doctor. I will, however, suggest some natural things that may be the answer you're looking for. Why do I say "may?" Because everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made, uniquely by the Lord and as such, what works for me, may not work for you, or vise versa. It's ultimately up to you to do the research and try the oils and products for yourself to see how they work for you.
Side Note: With everything "Natural", like I've reminded every one of my family members, it isn't a "one and done" kind of deal. You give your body the things it needs just one time and it screams for more! So, to help our bodies fully heal themselves, it's helpful to use the products for up to 6 months, then stop using them for a week to see how you feel. This is always the "tell-tale-sign" as to how these oils are working for you. This happened to me when I stopped drinking my 2 ounces of NingXia daily. Oh My Goodness! I never realized how much it helped me simply to be able to move!
One of the things we women have to be cognizant of is our hormone cycles, not just for menstration, but for the whole month. When I was of child bearing age, I did not understand all the ins and outs of keeping track of ovulation, watching for bodily signs for ovulation, or anything else. Over time, however, I was beginning to understand that I needed more Progesterone. Since there is soy in just about everything, estrogen naturally occurs in soy, so I didn't need to concern myself with that so much, so I focused on Progesterone. I did not understand the importance of Progesterone until one OB/Gyn so kindly explained it to me. Since then I'd grabbed stacks and stacks of books researching all I could about everything.
Then, a dear friend told me how she explained a woman's female hormones to her daughter. She described it as a "delicate dance" between the two that God created. We have the opportunity to be blessed in our wombs each month with this dance! I thought that was such a beautiful way to describe what many people view with disdain.
Side Note: With everything "Natural", like I've reminded every one of my family members, it isn't a "one and done" kind of deal. You give your body the things it needs just one time and it screams for more! So, to help our bodies fully heal themselves, it's helpful to use the products for up to 6 months, then stop using them for a week to see how you feel. This is always the "tell-tale-sign" as to how these oils are working for you. This happened to me when I stopped drinking my 2 ounces of NingXia daily. Oh My Goodness! I never realized how much it helped me simply to be able to move!
One of the things we women have to be cognizant of is our hormone cycles, not just for menstration, but for the whole month. When I was of child bearing age, I did not understand all the ins and outs of keeping track of ovulation, watching for bodily signs for ovulation, or anything else. Over time, however, I was beginning to understand that I needed more Progesterone. Since there is soy in just about everything, estrogen naturally occurs in soy, so I didn't need to concern myself with that so much, so I focused on Progesterone. I did not understand the importance of Progesterone until one OB/Gyn so kindly explained it to me. Since then I'd grabbed stacks and stacks of books researching all I could about everything.
Then, a dear friend told me how she explained a woman's female hormones to her daughter. She described it as a "delicate dance" between the two that God created. We have the opportunity to be blessed in our wombs each month with this dance! I thought that was such a beautiful way to describe what many people view with disdain.
Now, at 52 years young, I take Progessence Plus. I do this every day for the past 2 years at the suggestion of my Naturopathic Dr. I had a complete hystorectomy at 45, so since I have no female hormone producing organs any longer, I needed something to help me post hystorectomy. I read up on FemiGen too, so that's been a part of my supplement regimine for a while.
My mother asked me how I deal with hot flashes. I simply told her that I don't get them. She was completely amazed and reeling her jaw up off the floor! Now, that said, your results with these two powerhouse heavy hitters may be a little bit different. Suffice it to say, I definitely feel different when I haven't applied the Progessence Plus (just 2 drops on my body daily). I get a brain fog and it just doesn't feel right, so that's my sign to go get them done!
What about you? Where do you start? Well, my suggestion would be come talk with me. Many times the best place to start is your diet. I started there years ago, added exercises that I've tailored over time for me, and added in the hormone supporting things that are Seed to Seal Premium Guaranteed products. This means taking a look at the toxins you have in your home that have hormone disruptors in them and kicking them to the curb. Yes, it's a process, and I've been on this path for over 10 years.
Come join me!
Starting is half the battle. That first step toward the decision for better health is usually the hardest for some people.
I've been where you are! I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham 💜

My mother asked me how I deal with hot flashes. I simply told her that I don't get them. She was completely amazed and reeling her jaw up off the floor! Now, that said, your results with these two powerhouse heavy hitters may be a little bit different. Suffice it to say, I definitely feel different when I haven't applied the Progessence Plus (just 2 drops on my body daily). I get a brain fog and it just doesn't feel right, so that's my sign to go get them done!
What about you? Where do you start? Well, my suggestion would be come talk with me. Many times the best place to start is your diet. I started there years ago, added exercises that I've tailored over time for me, and added in the hormone supporting things that are Seed to Seal Premium Guaranteed products. This means taking a look at the toxins you have in your home that have hormone disruptors in them and kicking them to the curb. Yes, it's a process, and I've been on this path for over 10 years.
Come join me!
Starting is half the battle. That first step toward the decision for better health is usually the hardest for some people.
I've been where you are! I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham 💜

PS: I do have some suggestions for the men folk, too!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

This month I thought it would be a good idea to cover health. Yes, it is a broad topic, but please bear with me!
We can all agree that we need to eat, we need to breathe, and we need to move. I'm going to add one more to that--prayer!
So, this month, I'm going to address eating as it pertains to overall health, breathing so that the oxygen we get is the best possible, moving in a way that works well for our own lives--not for someone else, and lifting our hearts and minds up to the Lord in prayer for all things.
Why should we consider the things we are eating?
Why should we consider the things we are eating?
Let's look at this ingredients list:

Take a look at each ingredient. Ask yourself, why does the "Corn Meal" need to be enriched? Look up which oil is healthiest for your body? (In the Bible the oil used most for eating is olive oil). Why does cheese need seasoning? Why is there 2 different types of oil? What is Maltodextrin? And it's made from corn? Huh?! What are "Natural Flavors?" Why is Monosodium Glutamate in this, what is it, and what happens when I eat it? Why is lactic acid and citric acid in this thing? Why on earth is Yellow 6 in this? Huh?! What???
Where are the natural ingredients? Is this particular item as close to what God created it to be?
It's time to take control of our health! Look up the benefits of each ingredient that we see. In contrast, look up "Dangers of..." as well! Some of those things are linked to cancer, hormone disruptors (meaning you have a hard time getting pregnant or your monthly cycle is not acting like it should), or they affect our bodies in other detrimental ways!
What else can we do?
What else can we do?
Get everything you can as close to it's natural source as you can possibly get. What does that mean? Does breaded chicken mean it's as close to the source as you can get? No. The only acception to that is to make your own with coconut flour and almond flour. Read every single label your hands touch! If you don't know what an item is, put it back on the shelf! If you can see it contains milk, eggs, cream, and vanilla, you might be holding ice cream! 🍦
As a whole generation, we are suffering from a lack of knowledge in how to eat well, how that looks in our lives, and our children are not eating well either. All of this is like a house of cards and will come crashing down sooner or later in the form of diabetis, high blood pressure and so many other maladies!
Our taste buds have been conditioned to grab the Cheetos (see ingredients list above), and soda instead of kiwi fruit, pineapple, and water!
Below is my breakfast this morning. Yesterday I had a bowl of cottage cheese, sunflower nuts, and an avocado for breakfast. I'd love to tell you that I had a nice lucious salad for lunch, but I skipped lunch. I have been eating when I'm hungry and adding in a few days of intermittent fasting (go ahead and look it up, but I'll post about it at another time). For dinner last night I threw some frozen chicken breasts in the crockpot with some chicken broth I made and froze about a month ago, then sauteed onions, carrots, and celery and threw those in on top of the chicken, added 2 quarts of water, some butter, and 2 bags of frozen broccoli stirfry. I asked my hubby to make Long Grain Wild Rice and we each had a scoop of that in the bottom of our bowl to go with our soup. Needless to say, it was yummy! Plus! There's leftovers! 😋

I said it....I'm not struggling. I've decided not to struggle any more. I've made the decision to strive for continued and better health.
I'm an imperfect person like everyone else, but I strive to eat well and care for myself because I am the only one who will do it.
I cannot sit idly by and expect someone else to do it.
Do I slip and fall flat on my face sometimes? Yes!!!! Do I give in to my cravings sometimes? Absolutely!!!
I'm choosing to grant myself grace and not beat myself up.
I can start fresh tomorrow. 😉
I'm an imperfect person like everyone else, but I strive to eat well and care for myself because I am the only one who will do it.
I cannot sit idly by and expect someone else to do it.
Do I slip and fall flat on my face sometimes? Yes!!!! Do I give in to my cravings sometimes? Absolutely!!!
I'm choosing to grant myself grace and not beat myself up.
I can start fresh tomorrow. 😉
I share recipes that I use or plan to put in to my meal and treat rotation on my Facebook page. You're welcome to take a look, save them, and use them! Let me know if you try something and how you like it.
Let's encourage one another to try to do better and to continue striving.
Next Monday, I'll cover "moving". We all need to move in one way or another as a piece to the puzzle for our own bodies to be healthy.
Love & God Bless,
Regina 💜
New glasses are in order for me soon. My prescription has changed!

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.