I believe I first heard the phrase "Carpe Diem!" in the movie Dead Poet Society. I didn't really pay attention to the meaning, but as life has progressed for me, it has rung true more and more as time goes on.
I love visiting friends and family. I love to travel and experience things I wouldn't normally here in southern Georgia. I love using my senses to experience the surroundings. What a wonderful world we live in! I especially like experiencing new restaurants--which goes right along with those 5 senses.
This past weekend we decided to visit my husband's family. We planned this months ago because we didn't know if our kids would be here for Thanksgiving. We thought it would be nice to be availble for our kids, then head to his parents to spend time with them the week after. It made for the sweetest time for both hubby and I. I can't speak for my kids, but they are progressing with their own lives with their own choices and that's how it should be.
As it turned out, we had 3 of us here for the first time since that young man was a little guy! Only this time, he ate a little bit more than when he did as a wee babe and a toddler. Our other 2 had time constraints with their jobs and couldn't come, so they made the best of their situations. We had a scaled back Thanksgiving which is a good thing. We had a first this year...leftover mashed potatoes that actually went bad in the refrigerator! I couldn't believe it! But, we live and learn!
We got ready to head to my in-law's and while I got ready, my oldest son said, "Mom, why do you need to take all those oils?"

So, I picked one up and said, "This one is for _____", and "This one is for _____" and he asked me how I used them while I travel. I told him, "You know how you roll Deep Relief on your wrist? It's much the same way, but I just put a couple drops of Juniper or Lemongrass to help with my swollen ankles."
He is learning just like I've learned and just like you, I'm sure. These oils can help with great benefits! When I have leg cramps, I add Lavender to my legs and within a few minutes it's helped so much! My mother-in-law had hand cramps while we were playing cards one night and I got out my Lavender and put a couple drops on her finger and rubbed it in. Within a few minutes it was gone.
As you go about your day, helping people, serving folks, loving on family and friends, "Sieze the day!" Take the opportunity to spend time with someone, even if it may take a little bit of planning and setting a little bit of money aside to do that. It is so worth it!
Why? Because some day, maybe not tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, but some day, that person is going to be called home to be with Jesus. Don't let time go by without visiting those folks. If you have hard feelings between you, ask for forgiveness for your part in it, make ammends; take time to make memories. You won't regret it!
Carpe Diem!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Siezing the day to be silly with my hubby!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.