Welcome to all my friends!
I am so excited to "see you!"
For those of you who are newbies or just needing a refresher, I thought I'd cover some basics.
What are Essential OIls?
They are the part of the plant that is steam distilled or cold pressed that contains the oils for the greatest benefit for our bodies. Those parts of the plants that are used vary from plant to plant, but include flowers, stems, roots, bark, resins, peels, and seeds.
Each plant requires extensive understanding to ensure the best time to harvest the plant as well as what the best temperature and how long to distill each type to extract the plant oils for use.
Each plant contains special ingredients called "Terpines" that is different for each type of plant. These terpines do something different for each of our bodies, seeking out the receptors in our bodies with most need. This is simply where the creation of the Lord of the universe comes in to play because when I use an oil for something to help my body, it may do something different for you. Because each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord, only He knows which oils will help our bodies. That's why there are so many different oils we could potentially use to help with something as simple as breathing. Some oils I've used to help with my breathing include RC, Breathe Again, Eucalyptus Globulus, Peppermint, & Raven.

How do I use the oils?
Aromatically you can add a couple drops to a diffuser and turn it on. You can add a couple drops to a cotton ball and lay it on your side table, or you can apply it to your skin and breathe in the Lord's healing oils!

Which brings us to the 2nd way to use the oils--
Topically. You can add an oil to your skin where ever you need it. If you have never used essential oils before, use what is called a "carrier oil" which is simply olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil--something like that--to slow down the essential oil's obsorption in to the body. When you add an oil to your skin, your body will likely NEED that oil so much that it tries pulling that oil in to your body as quickly as it can. This causes a red mark on your skin. It's better to slow down the obsorption by adding about a dime size amount of carrier oil on to your hand, add a drop of essential oil, rub it together between your hands, then apply where you need it. What the carrier oil does is it causes the essential oil to "ping pong" off the larger molecules of the carrier oil before being absorbed in to your body.

Internally is the 3rd way to use these oils. Young Living Vitality oils are the only oils on the market that are GRAS Certified by the FDA. GRAS simply means "generally regarded as safe" through all their clinical trials. All of these oils are super easy to find by their white lable. You can use them in a Vegetable Capsule as a supplement, in a glass of water, or you can use them in your food. Click the link above to see all the Vitality oils. There are over 70 oils in that line now and I'm more than sure it will amaze you!
You can use Vitality oils in your food and drinks, too! Take a look at this wonderful Pumpkin Spiced Latte recipe that you can make in your crockpot! Yum!

What do "I" use in a Vegetable capsule?
I do my research and find some things that my body needs, and sometimes in conjunction with my Naturopathic Dr, I discuss everything I'm doing beforehand.
Which leads me to this: I am not a doctor, nor do I prescribe things for anyone. I am an educator and as such I encourage each of you to research everything I tell you to confirm that it is true and for suggestions that might be the *thing* you're looking for.
I am available for classes, long distance, in person, or textable. I can get you information that may lead you to the answers you're looking for. I love to bless others and get together with others to discuss everything these wonderful toxin free products might be able to do for you. You can text me or send me a Personal Message on Facebook. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you're interested in getting started, the best way to get the most bang for your buck is a Premium Starter Kit with a diffuser. If you'd like a few oils and a diffuser we can do that too. It truly is super easy and so customizable!
Have a question, let me know! Interested in a class, let me know and I'll get you plugged in!
Have a great week!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Me and my hubby before our evening stroll.
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.