My husband uses oils!
There! I said it! LOL
I just wanted to be the first (2nd, 3rd, 4th,...100th) to say, "Essential oils are for E.V.E.R.Y.B.O.D.Y. no matter what!"
That said, my hubby has been a part of all this wonderful exciting essential oil ride with me and he's found some oils that he's loved!
Evergreen Essence we've found he's loved the scent! It's more than just a scent, though. There are wonderful properties to these oils that work so well for our bodies and he's learning about all the wonderfulness, too!
Another one he's really loving is Northern Lights Black Spruce! He's enjoying these 2 scents alternately in the den when he's in there doing whatever he does.
He uses them for practical reasons, too. For example, he gets ingrown toenails, and uses Lavender to help with the healing process after he trims them.
He also uses Lemon essential oil to get paint splatters and sticky stuff off things.
There is so much more he uses essential oils for, but I just wanted to share 4 of those wonderful oils he uses.
Whatever your manly man needs, there's probably an oil for that.

I absolutely love that my hubby is using more natural products. He keeps learning about it all and enjoying the journey!
Do you have a manly man? Try some oils!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.