Tractor ride throughout the farm. We saw alligators, sheep, horses,
buffalo, cows, pigs, bees, and lots of strawberries!
One day you're out with your grandson, daughter-in-love, husband, and son enjoying a local strawberry farm, playing on the playground, seeing how bees work, tractor rides, and watching all the animals. Then, later that evening, the little guy starts to vomit throughout the night. Then the rest of the family starts dropping like flies!

Yup! This has been us this week. And there's nothing as iirritating as thinking that upset in your stomach could be the looming sickness that means you're next! That really plays on your mind, messes with your plans, and kinda throws a monkey wrench in to everything.
So, what do I do to try to keep myself from getting so sick?
So, what do I do to try to keep myself from getting so sick?
First, I keep eating nutritiously. When I go for comfort foods, yes, they're comforting, but usually not packed with nutrients. So, Chicken soup with home made broth and/or organic bone broth is in the crock pot along with frozen veggies, and brown and indian wild rice for the B vitamin boost. We have lots of water based foods that help keep the fluids in our bodies as well as our colon moving well.
...speaking of colon...
Second, we take LIfe 9 probiotic with 17 billion active cultures. It is a timed release capsule, releasing in the small intestine where it does it's best work to help keep the gut flora balanced and in check. When we do get sick, as soon as possible after being sick we get this going again to rebalance our gut flora to help regulate everything. It helps so much!
Third, we roll Thieves Essential Oil Blend on our feet and spine to help with "Mega" immune support! It is amazing! Take a look at the ingredients and look up "Benefits of...." and see how awesome this powerhouse oil blend is!
Fourth, we add Digize Vitality Essential Oil Blend to our tummy protocol. You can add this to an 8 ounce glass of water with Peppermint Vitality oil, or add them both to a Veggie Capsule so you don't have to taste the Digize. (Believe me when I say I MUCH prefer taking Digize this way! ) Add a couple drops of Grapeseed, Olive, or Avocado oil to the capsule too. Eat it with something that has fat in it, like a piece of cheese to help the oils attach to the larger fat molecules and absorb in to your system slower.
You can also add a couple drops of Peppermint and Digize to your tummy where ever it is bothering you to help ease discomfort. I add 2 drops each and apply in a clock wise fashion every couple of hours to help with tummy troubles. There is also Tummygize for kids that may help the little ones too. There is an entire KidScents Little Oilers Bundle and an entire line of products for them, including an awesome diffuser that you can play white noise and lullabies. It's a beautiful durable diffuser!
Fifth, we rest.
A LOT!!!
Sixth, we drink lots of water and tea. It's for hydration and my young folks like to use Body Armor. I haven't ever used it, but with the electrolytes and so forth, it works well for them. I prefer to use Vitality Drops with Electrolytes. My kids think it's too acidic, but I don't use very much, maybe 2-3 drops in a quart of water and it makes a HUGE difference!
We are continuing to work at little things around the house while we wait for our turn to be sick. I'm hoping I don't get it, like usual. I'm working with all these oils to try to keep this bug away. I'm so thankful that I have all these wonderful products on hand to help me and my family work our way through the flu.
Take care!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham 

This was taken on my FOURTH year anniversary of exclusively
using Young Living Shampoos and Conditioners on my hair. It's make
a HUGE difference!!!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.