"I started taking drinking this power packed drink as a part of my own health routine in November 2018 as a 30 Day challenge from one of my leaders. As I began, I didn’t know what to think about the product. I just truly thought it was a glorified tropical fruit punch drink with essential oils thrown in for good measure!
Boy was I wrong!
I drank my 2 ounces a day and immediately noticed something happened! The best way to describe it would be little boost of energy. Although since then, I’ve come to realize it was so much more than just a little boost of energy! As my month went on and I continued my 2oz per day routine, I was eating healthier, drinking more water, drastically lowering my soda intake,
...then I had fast food.
Bleck@! Holy Cow! I felt so bloated, the “yuck” hit me BIG time! I did NOT like that feeling at all!
So, I decided to choose my fast food more wisely, when needed. (Hence the reason I meet ya'all at Panera! I love their Green Goddess salad!) I feel so much more invigorated, just from 2oz per day! The “yuck” doesn’t occur very often anymore and I’m feeling much more “alive” than I ever have!"
That was written 2 years ago!
That awesome antioxidant rich drink is still on my Loyalty Rewards order, too!
Now, I'm finding that with continued drinking of just 2 ounces a day, it helps my knee with mobility! If I miss just one month, the ache returns and my knee doesn't want to cooperate going up and down stairs so easily anymore. I want to stay active and be able to move easier, so I’m going to keep using my NingXia Red!
So, what is this stuff?
I'd love to tell you all about it! Let’s work together to get you set up with the best possible products tailored just for you and your family! Just click the “Contact Me” button at the top of this page!
I’m looking forward to visiting with you!
Love & God Bless,

Regina ( and Craig) Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

On this Black Friday, I want to tell you to that many of our loved ones are suffering with a variety of maladies that they simply need help with.
For me, to give a gift is to bless someone with something they need. But then, to educate them on how to effectively use it. And continue to educate with further products that could possibly help them.
One of the greatest issues we are facing currently in our society is the medical and pharmacological entities prescribing more and more medications to people, effectively putting a band-aid on a problem that could potentially be helped with a change in diet, appropriate exercise, some good quality supplements, and yes, essential oils.
What I am NOT saying is to stop taking your medications. What I AM saying is to prayerfully study other options for you that do not have side effects, or that could cause you to need a domino effect of other medications in the future to "fix" the side effect of this one medication.
Unfortunately in our society today, we have to do the research on how to take control of our health. But with each one of us that creates a "rabbit hole" of needing to find the right option for our own bodies. We are each created fearfully and wonderfully by God and as such, each of our needs are different. So it is up to us to become our own greatest advocate and researcher for every single medication, supplement, food, exercise, and essential oil out there to see whether the benefits outweigh the detriments. With all of this research, there isn't a "one and done" type of answer where one type of diet/plan/exercise/supplement/essential oil is a one size fits all type of situation.
We each have to find what works for ourselves.
How do we begin? PRAYER!
Pray about everything, from finding out about what GMO wheat does to your gut, to repairing your gut with LIfe 9 and NingXia Red. Click those links and read all about how those 2 items help your body! I have a friend who has been on both of those since the beginning of C0v!d!
Pray about those wonderful organic green leafy arugala and spinach that you found at Aldi's and look up the vitamins and minerals in both of those foods and how often you should eat those things to get maximum benefit for YOUR body and the bodies of those who you are in charge of.
Pray about the use of sugar in your diet and how you should use it, or if you should use it. What kind of substitutions can you make to help remove it from your diet? Why? Take a look on any search engine about the detriments of sugar.
Pray about the exercise you do and how much you should be doing. I need to increase my daily walking, adding in a few more low impact exercises to help strengthen my arm further, and to help strengthen my back due to osteoarthritis. I find that when I'm up and moving that it hurts less. When we first moved to southern Georgia in 2015, just the move helped the back pain decrease. I only felt the hurricanes coming, whereas in Pennsylvania, I felt every dip in the barometric pressure in my back. Now, I need to continue to add some basic stretches to keep my back strengthened to keep the pain away. What do I do when the pain comes? I have my hubby roll some Deep Relief on the muscles beside my spine as well as on top of my spine. I've been researching and here very soon I plan to delve in to the CBD Muscle Rub, as well as many of the other CBD products to help with greater health.
These are just things that I use on a regular basis, but where do YOU start?
I want to ask you some questions to get you started. I want to help you get the most bang for your hard earned buck and if a diffuser and an essential oil kit isn't where you need to start, we can go a different direction. I can completely tailor your orders to fit your life and the needs you and your family have.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and I cannot diagnose or treat any illness you may have been diagnosed with.
That said, I will HIGHLY recommend every single time, that you take the suggestions of potential supplements to your Dr and have them read the ingredients list and get their official "Okey Dokey" first before ordering. If you have medications that some oil or some other supplement may interfere with, you need to be aware of that as well.
Are there Black Friday deals that you can take advantage of? Yes! You can find them HERE!
But, if you're looking for a life change, health supporting, start replacing toxins in your home type of beginning, I just might have what you're looking for. You can go to the top of this blog page and click the "Contact me" feature above. I will get back to you to help you.
If you're looking for a business opportunity, of course go ahead and click "Opportunity" and see what that's all about. I'd love to talk with you about it and get you started.
What about gift giving? Let me know what you're looking for and I can point you in the right direction! If you'd like to bless a loved one with a Premium Starter Kit with 12 of the most awesome oils, I can help you there, too.
If you'd like to schedule coffee at a local restaurant, I'd love to do that, too! Just let me know and we can do that, too!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

As many of you know, I finished up 2021 with an overnight hospital stay for a dislocated shoulder. I've gone through Physical Therapy and was released in April, but my arm is still weak. The therapist tells me that it will take a year for it to completely heal.
My husband recently had a 4th shoulder surgery and will begin Physical Therapy soon. With our local therapy place, I can go with hubby and work on arm strengthening with the machines while he works on his therapy.
Did this come about by accident? No! It came about by thinking of the best possible way to help regain not just function, but strength in my own arm.
As far as my hubby is concerned, I am pretty sure he'll be in physical therapy for a while, so we can still go together.
What about the rest of our bodies? Do we have a plan for activity, keeping fit, and working toward continued health? We have a lose plan, so we need to get that a bit more solid...
...like a type of non-negotiable type of thing we do daily for movement. Sometimes just walking around the block isn't enough. So, we're needing to take a good, long, hard look at our goals, and take in to account our blood test results to see how everything looks. We'll make plans for activity according to how our blood work looks. Neither of us are interested in running a marathon or a tri-athelon, so realistically for us, walking here in southern Georgia works well in the 70º range. This is where it isn't too hot, and it isn't too cold. Then we can take our dogs with us, too.
We plan to do xy & z, but we need to also plan for the unplanned, spontaneous fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants things too. Those fun all the sudden things. But, for now, we work on canning foods in season while he does PT, take walks when the temperatures are not "hotter than the surface of the sun", and work on muscle group exercises inside, at home and at the gym.
Now, under "every day" circumstances, I probably would have opted to do more manual exercises here at our home. However, as I type this post, the temperature is 81º at 10AM.
What about long-term goals? Everyone seems to be trying to push back the clock in an effort to look younger. However, we're taking things in stride by simply moving daily. For me, that means simply increasing my daily steps. I don't have a pedometer or an iwatch. I do have a phone that I try to keep in my pocket to count my steps and that's what I try to use as a reference. It helps me to know if I'm on target to reach my goal. What is my goal? I'm up to 5,000 steps per day, except Sundays which is my day of rest. Some days are way more than that, around 7,000, but usually end up between 4,800 to 7,000. I would like to get up to 10,000 each day, so that's my goal for the next 6 months.
What will this do? For me, it will help to bring my HDL levels up more. Once again, I'm not aspiring to a marathon, so I'm getting these steps in naturally by taking care of things, people, and critters around my house. I add in a couple blocks as needed, or at the gym, but it's mostly around my house.
The rest of those blood work numbers will naturally get healthier too with increased steps and a bit of an adjustment in our daily food intake here and there.
So the main goal is greater health so that we can enjoy our life, where ever we are. We also want to be able to move our bodies easier. Sometimes when things like arthritis steps in, we are sore and slow to get up and get moving. When we moved to Georgia in 2015, the drastic weather changes in Pennsylvania took a toll on our backs. The barometric pressure was terrible! But, as we acclimated to Georgia, we've gradually been able to move easier. Couple that with daily 2 ounces of NingXia Red which helps with inflammation and we're doing much better!
Do you have a chair DVD that you do daily? Great! When I had surgery on my knee in 2016, I couldn't walk a mile a day, so I had to do something else. That's what we need to do throughout all of life is just simply make adjustments. If you can do the P90X, then that's great! Every one of us is on a different level of ability. The important thing is that you are moving however your body can move.
What are you doing to move your body daily?
Love & God Bless,
What are you doing to move your body daily?
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

At the end of my last post I elaborated a bit about my shoulder being dislocated for New Years. I wanted to share that journey with everyone because many of you live hundreds of miles away from me and seeing things from my perspective wouldn't happen unless I wrote about it. I promise not to make this boring!
...at least I hope it isn't...
While I was in the hospital I had the chance to review all that had happened and what I would need to do to get organized at home. In between snoozing and pain meds, I thought, "That was quite a fall! I probably have some bruising that took a back seat to my shoulder!" So I started taking Hylands Arnica disolving capsules 2x/day after getting home and settled. Go ahead and read about it! We've used it more over the years after our youngest son had scraped half of his face on a pine branch after dark and my friend offered it to us then. What a Godsend!
Another thing I decided to double up on was taking more NingXia Red! Not only is this the highest anioxidant rich drink on the planet, the healing properties that God placed in these plants are phenominal! Take a look at these 2 videos that show the history of the NingXia Wolfberry!
Part 1:
Another thing I decided to double up on was taking more NingXia Red! Not only is this the highest anioxidant rich drink on the planet, the healing properties that God placed in these plants are phenominal! Take a look at these 2 videos that show the history of the NingXia Wolfberry!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Because I already had experience with NingXia and how well it had already helped with me have greater mobility, I figured it would help me even further with the healing process with my shoulder. Take a look at it and consider using it for 90 days to see how it works for you.
Use it for 90 days, then stop for a week to see how you feel. When you order, click "Subscribe" and you'll save 24% on your order.
Additionally, I'm anointing my shoulder with 2 more oils--Abundance Essential Oil Blend and Peppermint Essential Oil.
Use it for 90 days, then stop for a week to see how you feel. When you order, click "Subscribe" and you'll save 24% on your order.
Additionally, I'm anointing my shoulder with 2 more oils--Abundance Essential Oil Blend and Peppermint Essential Oil.
Abundance Essential Oil Blend contains the following oils in it: Orange, Frankincense, Patchouli, Clove, Ginger, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, and Black Spruce essential oils.
Each of those plants have healing properties that were placed there by THE Lord Himself from creation. I encourage you to spend the next few minutes searching, "Benefits of_____" the above oils in this blend.
Once you kmow what they do, you'll want to know more!
Now, why Peppermint? Because adding Peppermint last *DRIVES* all those other oils deeper into the tissues!
Once you kmow what they do, you'll want to know more!
Now, why Peppermint? Because adding Peppermint last *DRIVES* all those other oils deeper into the tissues!
The Lord gives us such wonderful blessings and speaks of them in His Word:
"And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
(Eze 47:12)
I invite you to come learn with me about these wonderful blessings the Lord has given us to help us in every possible manner.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
Regina Graham

healing touch to penetrate every ligament, tendon, muscle, bone, & marrow.
Then after 2-3 minutes, add 1 drop of Peppermint, slowly prayerfully rubbing in to the shoulder.
...To God Be ALL the Glory!!!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.