Is it just me, or do these things come along at 4AMish for everyone?
They started for me in 2002...
I put my kids in bed for the night and got into the tub to relax. My left leg started cramping in waves from my hip to my knee and all the way around my thigh. It was all I could do to get out of the tub and in to bed with some Ibuprofen. Tthrough the tears I called my husband and asked him for help. He brought me a heating pad which made it worse. So, we didn't know what else to do, but go to the ER. I had to drive myself because there was no one to come stay with the kids and it was snowing outside.
Three days, 2 ER visits, 1 Chiropractor on a Sunday, and no releif in sight, I called my Dad who was in Florida at the time & he prayed with me. Then I called the elders of our church. At 8:30PM on a Sunday they came with their wives and all 5 laid hands on me and prayed. At 8:37, I stood up for the first time in 3 days without pain. If I could I would have jumped and leaped and praised God!
In the days following, I still had small charlie-horses at night, but with the help of Quinine, Valerian Root, Calcium-Magnesium-Potassium supplements, a sleeping pill, and Naproxen, my muscles settled down enough to allow me to sleep.
I had an MRI a few days later which revealed a disc had ruptured in my back. The gelantinous material oozed out ever so slightly and touched the left side of my spinal cord. I was referred to a neurologist and upon entering the building and checking in, everyone was in awe that I wasn't wheeled in to their office in a wheelchair. I told them my story and they were all amazed. The Dr asked me which church I went to! LOL
I had an MRI a few days later which revealed a disc had ruptured in my back. The gelantinous material oozed out ever so slightly and touched the left side of my spinal cord. I was referred to a neurologist and upon entering the building and checking in, everyone was in awe that I wasn't wheeled in to their office in a wheelchair. I told them my story and they were all amazed. The Dr asked me which church I went to! LOL
So, almost 20 years later, I still occasionally get charlie-horses in the middle of the night. Last night it was my right leg. And you can rest assured that the pleading with God was already happening. I never get them in my right leg, so I thought this was new. I asked my husband to grab me a couple Naproxen, then I knew I didn't have any of the other things I'd used 20 years ago because I'd weaned myself off them long ago.
What else did I have that would help?
I reached for my Lavender. I liberally applied it everywhere I felt the pain from the charlie-horse. With the Naproxen and the Lavender, my pain was gone in minutes. I could stand up and walk to the bathroom. I laid back down in bed and fell back to sleep.
What else did I have that would help?
I reached for my Lavender. I liberally applied it everywhere I felt the pain from the charlie-horse. With the Naproxen and the Lavender, my pain was gone in minutes. I could stand up and walk to the bathroom. I laid back down in bed and fell back to sleep.
Praise God!
Love & God Bless,
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.