I don't know about all of you, but I love making sure my home is clean before decorating for the holidays. I dust everything with a microfiber duster that the dust clings to, or I spray a paper towel and wipe things down, as needed.
Today my hubby decided it was time to turn the heater on, much to my disapproval. I try to push off the yearly event as long as possible, but this morning it was a little bit chilly here in southern Georgia.
As I was dusting, I suddenly felt the dust I was taking off all the surfaces being breathed in to my lungs! Oops!
So, what does this do to me?
With all the extra dust particles inside my lungs, I get tired because my body is trying to expell the foreign bodies and recover. This is the biggest reason I use diffusers as well as Thieves Household Cleaner when I clean my home.

In my kitchen diffuser I added 6 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata, turned it on, and breathed really deep before moving on to the living room diffuser. In it I added 6 drops of Christmas Spirit, turned it on, breathed really deep and continued dusting.

What does this do?
Looking at the benefits of all the oils from the Eucalyptus Radiata, to the ingredients in the Christmas Spirit blend, there is Northern LIghts Black Spruce, Orange, and Cinnamon Bark. With each of those oils, there are different benefits that our body's receptors will take in and work to help our bodies in a variety of ways. With each of our bodies, of course, each of these oils will work with varying degrees. Each of us are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God, so what works in a certain way for me may be just a little different for every single one of you! This is how absolutely MAGNIFICENT our creator is!
Getting started with essential oils is the best change I've made for my own health.
I've been to many doctors, ENTs, allergists, and I've been on medications for the last 30 years of my life. I've used Albuterol, Steroids, a plethora of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections, bronchial pneumonia, bronchitis and it all comes down to one thing--environmental sensitivities. To some it's something to "poo-poo" as all in one's head, but when you've dealt with this type of thing for so long with NO answers from the western medical community, it not only gets frustrating, but exasperating when someone does not understand the frustration and continues to operate as if what they are doing is not or will not bother my breathing.
The exasperation is real, the frustration is real. Breathing is the most simple elemental thing we do. To walk in to a room and smell something that is not noticable by others; a chemical, smoke, black mold, something burning, a synthetic perfume, ammonia, bleach, dust, or dirt from traveling next to the plethora of farms here in rural southern Georgia during planting or harvest times, sends me in to a type of asthmatic breathing issue. I've been driving down the road and seeing smoke or dust flying in the distance, to grab a tissue or a bandana to cover my nose and mouth after making sure the windows are completely closed. It's almost to a point where I feel like I need to have an air purifying aparatus strapped to me at all times. It truly is frustrating!
Changing filters in our home occurs on a monthly basis, cleaning the floors, washing the dogs, the rugs, the bedding, dusting, everything occurs on a schedule.
So, my own personal defense against all things toxin related is using essential oils in the air, on my body, and internally. I clean with Thieves Household Cleaner to ensure there isn't a synthetic toxic cleaner in my home.
The quest for breathing easier has been a lifelong pursuit. It's seriously a huge concern for me. If you've dealt with breathing issues much like I have, send me a personal message and we can talk.
As I prepare for the holidays, my preparations may look a little different than many, but to ensure my house is clean before I take out decorations is a necessity.
How about you? If you're feeling the need for greater breathing support, I might have what your looking for!
Love & God Bless,

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.