I know there are many many companies who tout "All Natural" make up, but can they really back up that claim?
I would love to talk with you about make up! The funny thing is that I use to wear LOTS of make up. I loved the beauty aspect of putting make up on. I felt pretty and just liked the person I saw in the mirror more.
That was years and years ago. I've gone through changes in my own mindset, having kids, really thinking about what is truly important, and beginning to try to find something natural that made my skin tone more even.
I was looking at a particular brand in 2016 that a friend of mine was selling and something just didn't feel right in my gut about it. I'm learning (sometimes in hindsight) to listen to that gut feeling.
So, I waited.
So, I waited.
A few months later, Savvy Minerals came out. I listened to all the information, did my own research, looked up the "Dangers of...." on every single ingredient and I couldn't find any dangers!

Ya'all! This was Ah-Maaaa-zing!!!!
All plant based make up that didn't clog my pores, that gave me just a bit of that special feeling that I personally needed to feel pretty.
How did I begin? There's a lot to replace, so I began with my foundation and Misting Spray. I had natural bamboo brushes, so I knew eventually I'd replace those, but not right away. Little by little, each month, I made small changes. I used my Loyalty Rewards points each month to get something else. I loved knowing that just getting my NingXia and supplements monthly helped to get my make up and other needed things for free.
So what happened?
I loved the foundation so much that I threw all my old foundation out in the trash. The next thing I bought was blush. The next thing was lipstick, then lip gloss. It's very do-able each month to get something new. Since I don't wear make up every day it was very conventient. I could get away with new foundation every 6 months, easily! So I decided to put a rotation in place for my make up. The absolute BEST part of it all is that I was able to get ALL my make up for FREE! And you can too! Just send me a message and I'll get you started!
How did I do with the #SuperHyperOrganic toxin free makeup? Take a look below!
Let me know what you think!

Love & God Bless,
How did I do with the #SuperHyperOrganic toxin free makeup? Take a look below!
Let me know what you think!

Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.