Welcome to all my friends!
I am so excited to "see you!"
For those of you who are newbies or just needing a refresher, I thought I'd cover some basics.
What are Essential OIls?
They are the part of the plant that is steam distilled or cold pressed that contains the oils for the greatest benefit for our bodies. Those parts of the plants that are used vary from plant to plant, but include flowers, stems, roots, bark, resins, peels, and seeds.
Each plant requires extensive understanding to ensure the best time to harvest the plant as well as what the best temperature and how long to distill each type to extract the plant oils for use.
Each plant contains special ingredients called "Terpines" that is different for each type of plant. These terpines do something different for each of our bodies, seeking out the receptors in our bodies with most need. This is simply where the creation of the Lord of the universe comes in to play because when I use an oil for something to help my body, it may do something different for you. Because each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord, only He knows which oils will help our bodies. That's why there are so many different oils we could potentially use to help with something as simple as breathing. Some oils I've used to help with my breathing include RC, Breathe Again, Eucalyptus Globulus, Peppermint, & Raven.

How do I use the oils?
Aromatically you can add a couple drops to a diffuser and turn it on. You can add a couple drops to a cotton ball and lay it on your side table, or you can apply it to your skin and breathe in the Lord's healing oils!

Which brings us to the 2nd way to use the oils--
Topically. You can add an oil to your skin where ever you need it. If you have never used essential oils before, use what is called a "carrier oil" which is simply olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil--something like that--to slow down the essential oil's obsorption in to the body. When you add an oil to your skin, your body will likely NEED that oil so much that it tries pulling that oil in to your body as quickly as it can. This causes a red mark on your skin. It's better to slow down the obsorption by adding about a dime size amount of carrier oil on to your hand, add a drop of essential oil, rub it together between your hands, then apply where you need it. What the carrier oil does is it causes the essential oil to "ping pong" off the larger molecules of the carrier oil before being absorbed in to your body.

Internally is the 3rd way to use these oils. Young Living Vitality oils are the only oils on the market that are GRAS Certified by the FDA. GRAS simply means "generally regarded as safe" through all their clinical trials. All of these oils are super easy to find by their white lable. You can use them in a Vegetable Capsule as a supplement, in a glass of water, or you can use them in your food. Click the link above to see all the Vitality oils. There are over 70 oils in that line now and I'm more than sure it will amaze you!
You can use Vitality oils in your food and drinks, too! Take a look at this wonderful Pumpkin Spiced Latte recipe that you can make in your crockpot! Yum!

What do "I" use in a Vegetable capsule?
I do my research and find some things that my body needs, and sometimes in conjunction with my Naturopathic Dr, I discuss everything I'm doing beforehand.
Which leads me to this: I am not a doctor, nor do I prescribe things for anyone. I am an educator and as such I encourage each of you to research everything I tell you to confirm that it is true and for suggestions that might be the *thing* you're looking for.
I am available for classes, long distance, in person, or textable. I can get you information that may lead you to the answers you're looking for. I love to bless others and get together with others to discuss everything these wonderful toxin free products might be able to do for you. You can text me or send me a Personal Message on Facebook. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you're interested in getting started, the best way to get the most bang for your buck is a Premium Starter Kit with a diffuser. If you'd like a few oils and a diffuser we can do that too. It truly is super easy and so customizable!
Have a question, let me know! Interested in a class, let me know and I'll get you plugged in!
Have a great week!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Me and my hubby before our evening stroll.
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Good Evening!
As I type this post, it is Saturday evening. It has been a good day to take a breather from things, listen, read, and just be. What a blessing! Having time to rest and recharge is so very important! Of course, part of resting for me is using essential oils. The lymbic system of the brain that recognizes smell and memory is so very interconnected! When we smell a certain fragrance, our minds remember certain times, people, places and the circumstances involved around those memories and we experience pleasantness or disdain for those scents. When I want to relax, I usually use Stress Away (think "vacation in a bottle!"), Lavender, Copaiba, Peace & Calming or a new oil to me that I hadn't thought of before.

Now, on to the all important question:
What are essential oils?
Simply speaking, essential oils are distilled or cold pressed from plant juices. They come from herbs, flowers, stems, roots, leaves, bark, berries, and rines. They are the most aromatic part of the plant.
Why do I need to use essential oils?
Everyone needs Essential Oils. Each one of us has a variety of needs in our own lives that could use support from regular use of essential oils. They help with every system of your body--endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, skelletal and more! For me, I've decided to use essential oils to help with my various maladies first before going to the Dr. I work at getting good foods in to my body to help from the health perspective. From the breathing standpoint, I use Eucalyptus Globulus, Peppermint, and Breathe Again to help me. Why those 3? I vary the ones I use so that my body doesn't get use to one oil, but I mix it up so that the variety of oils meet with different receptors to help my body recouperate quicker.
What type of issue do you have to have to use essential oils? If you eat, breathe, or move, you could use essential oils. Oils for digestion, cuts and bruises, muscle sorness and a host of other things! When I bought my Premium Starter Kit in 2015, I also bought a Reference Guide for Essential Oils. I proceeded to put tabs on every single page to mark an oil that I knew someone in my family would benefit from. I loved researching and gradually building my oil supply to make sure I had the basics on hand to help whenever something came up.
What about the purity of the oils we get over-the-counter?
Well, your "Big Box Stores" have what they're calling essential oils on their shelves, but do you know where they come from? Do you know the growing practices of the farms where the plants were grown? Do you know if they use chemicals for fertilizers or chemical extenders? Can you visit the farms where the company's plants are grown? Can you see their distillation process?
Probabloy not. If you call their customer service number, you'll likely get someone who doesn't know the answers to these questions. If you do find a company who can answer all these questions, let me know! As far as I have experienced, only Young Living has farm tours Monday- Saturday. They welcome you to take a look at their fields, growing, fertilizing practices (they're the little white puffy dots in the fields!). They are transparent about everything, with 1 exception: the independent labs they use to test the oils. In years past, Young Living's founder Gary Young had trusted some of his closest friends with his practices and recipes, and they turned and formed their own company. Young Living is tight-lipped about their processes to make recipes which the labs have and rightly so.
All of the oils in the world fall into one of four categories:
1). Authentic--Authentic means the oils are 100 percent pure, with no added synthetics and no additives in the bottle. These are Young Living oils!
2). Manipulated--Manipulated means the final product has been made to smell more pleasing and less earthy. Some of the heavier molecules have been stripped out, or another additive has been introduced, to enhance the aroma.
3). Perfume--Perfume oils are not pure. They are mixed with synthetics to enhance the aroma. These oils have no therapeutic action. Frequently, solvents are used to extract the plant.
4). Synthetic--Synthetic oils are not true oils at all. They smell nothing like the original plant and are typically labeled “scented products.”
Authentic is the only true, pure oil.
Synthetic oils would be like opening your fridge, taking a glass of orange juice, and diluting it 95 percent with chemicals before you drank it! It wouldn’t have the same benefits of a full glass of pure orange juice. That’s why you want authentic oils. Before you purchase, check to see if the company grows their own plants, has Seed to Seal, and controls the entire process from the farm to the sealed bottle. Pesticides, pollution, previously farmed land… all of it can affect the quality of an oil.
Synthetic oils would be like opening your fridge, taking a glass of orange juice, and diluting it 95 percent with chemicals before you drank it! It wouldn’t have the same benefits of a full glass of pure orange juice. That’s why you want authentic oils. Before you purchase, check to see if the company grows their own plants, has Seed to Seal, and controls the entire process from the farm to the sealed bottle. Pesticides, pollution, previously farmed land… all of it can affect the quality of an oil.
Why go the extra step of using an oil to get away from a chemical, to use an oil laden with chemicals? It makes no sense.
Can I use oils safely? Yes!
There are 3 ways you can use oils:
1). Topical--Directly on your skin, with a carrier oil as needed--olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil.
2). Aromatic--Place a couple drops in a diffuser with water and let the oils fill the air with a lovely scent that is non-toxic, supports your immune system, and helps your breathing.
3). Internal--Using the Young Livings Vitality line of essential oils is simple! You can being by using a drop of Digize Vitality and a drop of Peppermint Vitality in a Vegetable Capsule with a carrier oil to help with digestion. Once you get your Essential Oil Desk Reference and research different things these oils can do to help you, you're well on your way!
A word of caution: When using citrus oils--orange, tangerine, lemon, lime, bergamot, or any blend containing citrus oils--use them on your skin more than 12 hours before going outside. I usually apply citrus oils at night before going to bed so there is no chance of being in direct sun light with citrus oils on my skin.
Citrus oils are photosensitive which means that the sun concentrates greater on your skin in areas where you have applied them. If you've applied them under your clothes where the sun will not shine, then you'll be fine, but be very mindful of the possibility of a sunburn if you wear citrus oils in the sun. It is not a good idea!
Babies and Children--Young Living has a KidScents and Seedlings line that is completely formulated with children and babies' needs in mind. They are already pre-diluted, so in the KidScents Roll-ons you can just roll and go. It's super easy! There's also Feather the Owl diffuser that plays white noise, lullabies, and stays on as a nightlight, too. If you'd like further information about how to effectively dilute oils for babies and children, let me know and I can guide you how to do that.
One of the BEST things about Young Living is that they BLESS you with gifts when you purchase through their Loyalty Rewards Program! Just create an account, find any product you're looking for, click "add to Loyalty Order". When your order reaches 100PV, you get points or a free product. Additionally, when your order reaches 190-250-300-400 and sometimes 500PV they have additional "Gifts with Purchase" that they give you just for purchasing things you'll already use! It's a great way to increase your oil stock pile, but it also gives you opportunity to learn about new oils and products you haven't used before. It's a wonderful blessing!
If you don't know where to start, just send me a personal message on Instagram or Facebook, text, or call and I'll be happy to help you get the most bang for your hard earned bucks!
Love and God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

We’ve all been there, staring at this bottle wondering, “How in the word do I use this? I’ve heard these things are good for me, but where do I start?”