Years ago, about 24 to be exact, the general "rule of thumb" was when your kids were 2 years old, take them to the dentist, get started with flouride treatments for their teeth, get their teeth cleaned, as much as they will handle, and continue doing that every 6 months until they have their own insurance.
By the time my oldest son was about 8 years old, we noticed brown marks on his teeth. We didn't know what it was and the dentist didn't seem too concerned with it, so we didn't think much of it. We just told him to keep brushing his teeth twice a day and we left it at that.
As time went on and things came to my attention--oxidative stress from the wrong oils in our cooking and baking, using vinegar and baking soda to clean with, and subsequently flouride poisoning, this Momma bear's ears pricked up and more research ensued.
Can you imagine what I found when I looked up flouride poisoning?! Try it!

That's just in drinking water!
By the time my oldest son was about 8 years old, we noticed brown marks on his teeth. We didn't know what it was and the dentist didn't seem too concerned with it, so we didn't think much of it. We just told him to keep brushing his teeth twice a day and we left it at that.
As time went on and things came to my attention--oxidative stress from the wrong oils in our cooking and baking, using vinegar and baking soda to clean with, and subsequently flouride poisoning, this Momma bear's ears pricked up and more research ensued.
Can you imagine what I found when I looked up flouride poisoning?! Try it!

That's just in drinking water!

And I wondered how my son's teeth were getting brown spots!?

What did we do? I had been trying to get him to use baking soda and peppermint for a while, but the baking soda just didn't feel good to him.
As a mother who is concerned, you do all that you can, keep researching, and leave the rest up to God.
When we moved to Georgia, we've used a filtration system on our refrigerator for our drinking water and use bottled water for our coffee. I'd like to eventually get a Berkey system like the one below which filters out so much more than our refrigerator filtration system.

I'd like to say we've reached a point where we're no longer using flouridated toothpaste, but so far it is only me who is using the non-flouride toothpaste. I think everyone else is more concerned about taste than anything else.
As for floride free toothpaste for kids and adults, you could make your own toothpaste from Bentonite Clay, which remineralizes your teeth; Organic Food Grade Activated Charcoal, which draws out impurities, Organic Coconut Oil which is a good binding agent; Thieves Vitality OIl and Peppermint Vitality Oil. You could also add Orange Vitality Oil for whitening instead of bleach.
Another option for kids is KidScents Toothpaste which is flouride free. For adults there are quite a few options for toothpaste, including Thieves Whitening Toothpaste. Take a look and see which one(s) you might be interested in learning more about! Of course none of these products are made with flouride, so you don't have to risk the flouride poisoning from the OTC products.
For me, it's a no-brainer!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,

Another option for kids is KidScents Toothpaste which is flouride free. For adults there are quite a few options for toothpaste, including Thieves Whitening Toothpaste. Take a look and see which one(s) you might be interested in learning more about! Of course none of these products are made with flouride, so you don't have to risk the flouride poisoning from the OTC products.
For me, it's a no-brainer!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.