Welcome to my science class today!
In this brief video, class, you will be introduced to....
In this brief video, class, you will be introduced to....
The digestive system!
While this episode isn't the greatest quality, it will give you a fun idea of what happens when the "digestive juices" come along and help digest things.
Now, before I continue, I'm sure all of you are aware that I am not a medical doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat anyone. I am an educator of all good things! Ultimately, it is up to you, dear reader, to do the research for greater understanding, much like I have done already.
I would like to explain here at this point, that our gut health is directly correlated to our overall health, physically and mentally.
In this next video, you'll see a variety of reasons to make it a matter of serious consideration about your own gut health.
Ok, now that we have those out of the way and I've probably scared the "Dickens" out of you, minus the 3 ghosts, how do you address all of this?
I am continually addressing my own gut biome. Years ago, in February 2007, I had sinus surgery. A few days later I got a sinus infection and needed a powerful antibiotic. I ended up, for the first time in my life, I got thrush! For those of you who do not know what thrush is, simplistically speaking, it is a yeast overgrowth in your gut that shows up in your mouth and lips.
I am continually addressing my own gut biome. Years ago, in February 2007, I had sinus surgery. A few days later I got a sinus infection and needed a powerful antibiotic. I ended up, for the first time in my life, I got thrush! For those of you who do not know what thrush is, simplistically speaking, it is a yeast overgrowth in your gut that shows up in your mouth and lips.
That's when I rushed to the box store and bought an acidophilus. Mind you, that was the best I knew at the time, but fortunately, I know more now. Keep reading and you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Enzymes are just a small part of the picture. Enzymes come along and help to break down your food in to usable bits for your body to use for building, rebuilding, healing, and growing. Yes! It's a BIG job! So, our food must be the best we can possibly manage for the sake of our own health.
But, is our food today the same nutrient dense food that our grandparents had back in the 1970's?
But, is our food today the same nutrient dense food that our grandparents had back in the 1970's?
The answer is "NO!"
"Food is damaged from being repeatedly grown on the same soil-depleted land sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers. Scientists are breeding new varieties of crops to grow faster and resist bugs, but we don't know what those genertic modifications do once they hit our cells. Our cells are literally made up of what we eat.
Eighty percent of all corn grown in the U.S.(that also means every corn-containing product) is grown with genetically modified seeds. A Kushi Institute Analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 (just 22 years) found calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables and fruits dropped 27 percent, iron levels dropped 30 percent, and Vitamin C dropped by 30 percent. You'd have to eat 8 oranges today to get the same amount of Vitamin A that you grandparents got." (S. Harnisch 205)

So what is the answer?

So what is the answer?
Start with cleaning up our diets, removing the processed foods, as much as possible. No one is perfect, right?! Once a month getting fast food is ok, right? Well, try eating everything unprocessed for a month, then go get yourself fast food! See what happens. My guess would be that you'll likely end up in the bathroom within a half an hour. I know that's what happens to me! Whew!
So, What are enzymes?
"Enzymes help you pull the nutrients out of what you're eating and naturally digest the food inyour gut. Without enzymes, you would cease to function. That means the benefits of enzymes are without measure; yet movst of us have no idea how to use them. There are two ways your digestive system receives enzymes: 1). Naturally through your food; or 2). They are produced by your digestive organs" (S. Harnisch 206)

For those of you who are science nerds, go ahead and look up all these enzymes and see what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and all that sort of thing. I love the research myself, but ya'all need to do some of the work to completely understand the "WHY?!"
How can we supplement our bodies to help with this process, making it function at peak performance?
I'm glad you asked!
First of all, I'd start with a good probiotic: Life 9 This is a timed release capsule that releases in the small intestine where it's needed! It's best to take this right before bed.
Secondly, I'd get the best antioxidant drink on the planet on board: NingXia Red
Secondly, I'd get the best antioxidant drink on the planet on board: NingXia Red
After you've been on those for 3 months...
Oh! I forgot to tell you, this is a long term type of thing. This is where you try those items for 90 days, then stop for 1 week and see how you feel.
Trust me! You're going to feel a HUGE difference!
How do we get started?
Easy peasy!
How do we get started?
Easy peasy!
When you visit the links above, click "Subscribe" on both of them. You'll get a 24% discount right after you create an account. Make sure you write down your account number, PIN number, sign on name, password, etc, and set your subscription to process at the day most convenient for you. Here's a bonus, when your order reaches 100+ in personal volume (PV), you get free shipping! Keep your subscription going and you'll earn loyalty points toward FREE products! It's a great program!
As for "WHO", anyone 12 and up can take the above supplements. What about younger ones? They can take the Kids' MightyPro--Pre & Probiotic, it seriously tastes like a Pixie Stick!!!, and 1 ounce of NingXia Red each day instead of 2 ounces.
Kids can also take enzymes with Mightyzyme supplement.
As for the next step for older children ages 12 and adults, the next step would be to take a look at what types of things you're having issues with?
As for the next step for older children ages 12 and adults, the next step would be to take a look at what types of things you're having issues with?
Do you need help with allergies?
Try Allerzyme
Are you wanting to just begin?
Try Essentialzyme
Now, back to your own "why"...why would you start using these supplements to help with your gut health? Here is a list of a few examples:
Now, back to your own "why"...why would you start using these supplements to help with your gut health? Here is a list of a few examples:
*Mental fatigue
*Digestive discomfort
*A need to avoid certain foods because of how you "react"/food sensitivities and allergies
*Irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, or irritable bowel
*A feeling of "fullness" or bloating
*Sluggishness after meals
*Acid reflux/ Acidity issues/ GERD/ Heartburn
*Poor tissue repair
*Weight gain
*Crohn's disease
*Celiac Disease
*Lactose intolerance
*Skin issues/ acne/ eczema or psoriasis
These are only naming a few of the plethora of gut-related issues. (S. Harnich,206)
If you have any of these issues and are being treated by a Dr for them, please take the ingredients lists to each of the supplements I've mentioned above to your Dr's visit and see if they're ok with you taking them before you even order.
Other than that, folks, your health is in your own hands. Do the research! Type up "Benefits of _______" each ingredient in the above supplements. Want to take a handy dandy supplement from the local box store? Great! But you're only going to absorb about 30% of the supplement. When you have excellent quality supplements that all the ingredients adhere to the strictest of standards, you cannot go wrong!
Take control of your gut health today! Your body will thank you in the long run!
Love & God Bless,
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.