We have struggled with varmints of all kinds coming in to our back yard since moving to Georgia. They’ve left fleas from the nether region of hell called “sand fleas,” according to our vet.
These things were merciless!
Our dogs ended up biting the fleas, which carry parasites and they live and thrive in our pet's digestive system, suffieciently sucking all the nutrients from our beloved pets' food and bodies, sufficiently startving our pets of their vital nutrients.
It was a MONUMENTAL problem!
What did we do to eradicate these monsters from our house and yard?
We had already been using Lemon, Thieves, Marjoram, Lavender, Rosemary Essential Oils & Vinegar spray on our pets, so in addition to that, our entire fur family were on a dewormer, the back yard cut super short and food grade Diatomaceous Earth put down back there. In the house every rug, dog bed, and furniture was covered in Borax for more than 12 hours a night, and our dogs were on Bravecto.
This was a very long, very labor intensive task that lasted about 6 weeks. Why? Because flea growth cycles. Once you get to the biting and jumping fleas, they are adults who can reproduce. The flea life cycle for adults is 21 days, unless they bite a furry family member and they die within 24 hours from the Bravecto in their systems. Everywhere else, though, we treated and retreated with Borax for a couple days to kill them inside the house, then spray the above oil mixture on any remaining. Then redo it all again in 21 days when the babies hatched. We had it under control within 2 months.
It was horrible for our 12.5 year old senior dog, Rustie. He was miserable.

Our other 2 dogs and cat took it in stride and healed nicely.
Another issue we've all had to deal with since moving "down south" is that we're right in the middle of the gnat area. You can tell when you're "above" or "below" the gnat line because north of us about an hour is no gnat issue and once we get across the Florida border, the gnats disappear. We didn't know this when we moved here. Whew! Our dogs have been plagued with these miniscule unrelenting insects as have we! So much so that we've become quite understanding of folks who have screened in porches on their houses!

These things were merciless!
Our dogs ended up biting the fleas, which carry parasites and they live and thrive in our pet's digestive system, suffieciently sucking all the nutrients from our beloved pets' food and bodies, sufficiently startving our pets of their vital nutrients.
It was a MONUMENTAL problem!
What did we do to eradicate these monsters from our house and yard?
We had already been using Lemon, Thieves, Marjoram, Lavender, Rosemary Essential Oils & Vinegar spray on our pets, so in addition to that, our entire fur family were on a dewormer, the back yard cut super short and food grade Diatomaceous Earth put down back there. In the house every rug, dog bed, and furniture was covered in Borax for more than 12 hours a night, and our dogs were on Bravecto.
This was a very long, very labor intensive task that lasted about 6 weeks. Why? Because flea growth cycles. Once you get to the biting and jumping fleas, they are adults who can reproduce. The flea life cycle for adults is 21 days, unless they bite a furry family member and they die within 24 hours from the Bravecto in their systems. Everywhere else, though, we treated and retreated with Borax for a couple days to kill them inside the house, then spray the above oil mixture on any remaining. Then redo it all again in 21 days when the babies hatched. We had it under control within 2 months.
It was horrible for our 12.5 year old senior dog, Rustie. He was miserable.

Our other 2 dogs and cat took it in stride and healed nicely.
Another issue we've all had to deal with since moving "down south" is that we're right in the middle of the gnat area. You can tell when you're "above" or "below" the gnat line because north of us about an hour is no gnat issue and once we get across the Florida border, the gnats disappear. We didn't know this when we moved here. Whew! Our dogs have been plagued with these miniscule unrelenting insects as have we! So much so that we've become quite understanding of folks who have screened in porches on their houses!

So how do we deal with these inconveniences?
I can only share from my perspective what we have done that helps. I do know that there are many other people who have many other species of animals and need help and guidance with their issues, too. I will share with you where I began.
I wanted to help my dogs and my cat, but I wanted to do it in a responsible fashion. However, I didn't have a Desk Reference at the time when I needed it about 8 years ago. I knew that Lavender and Eucalyptus would have been ok for my dog, Rustie, so I tried those for his issues "way back when". As time went by, though, I knew I needed more.
That's when I decided to buy the Essential Oil Desk Reference for Animals. I have used it for 4 years now and it has been an invaluable asset when dealing with my dogs and my cat. I have lent it out to friends who have other species of animals to read and glean wisdom from it's pages, too. I highly recommend this book for every animal owner who wants to help their furry family member!
Now, as for the gnats, what did I do?

I wanted to help my dogs and my cat, but I wanted to do it in a responsible fashion. However, I didn't have a Desk Reference at the time when I needed it about 8 years ago. I knew that Lavender and Eucalyptus would have been ok for my dog, Rustie, so I tried those for his issues "way back when". As time went by, though, I knew I needed more.
That's when I decided to buy the Essential Oil Desk Reference for Animals. I have used it for 4 years now and it has been an invaluable asset when dealing with my dogs and my cat. I have lent it out to friends who have other species of animals to read and glean wisdom from it's pages, too. I highly recommend this book for every animal owner who wants to help their furry family member!
Now, as for the gnats, what did I do?

I created this roller bottle! I saw this "No Gnats" spray in the check out line at one of the local stores and looked at all the ingredients, including the ones I couldn't pronounce, and thought, "I could make my own version of this for us and for our dogs!"
I honestly set out to make our lives easier while we did our outside work. I did not set out to sell this to anyone, but show folks how to make it and use it for their families and blessing others. So, I share this recipe on my education group only. I'd love to add you! Just send me a message under the "Contact me" feature at the top of this page.
NOTE: This is my own personal recipe that I share with others for their benefit, not for profit. Please respect those parameters and do not make this to sell to others!
The ingredients are Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, and Citronella with a carrier oil and witch hazel to top it off.
The ingredients are Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram, and Citronella with a carrier oil and witch hazel to top it off.
When I use this on my dogs, I roll it around their heads as close to their ears in a straight line around and that's all they need. Our walks are wonderful now. Our full sized collie, Gus, use to walk in the house and rub his eyes on the furniture because the gnats would get in his eyes and make them itch so much. I only had to apply once a day when the gnats would be out and that's it.
As for us, we use it too! I roll it just inside my hair line and the gnats leave me alone. My husband rolls it along the back of his neck, around his ear and his hat bill since his hair line is receeding.
Now, an update about the fleas:
We treat the yard with Diatomasious earth in March and that's all we've done. We keep it trimmed short, but that's it. The dogs did not get Bravecto this year and we've been watching for fleas, but there haven't been any by the grace of God! Woohoo! We also use Animal Scents Shampoo for them, but this is all we've done in flea prevention this year.
Now, if you'd like to get started with oils, but you have pets and have trepidations, let me know! I'll guide you through it every step of the way!
Have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
With Gus, Ginger, and Sully

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.