Couples massage when you look it up on google, it ranges between going to the spa together to get a variety of massages in the same room. This is a nice thing to do together every so often, but what about those every day times when you've had a stressful day and you come home needing a back rub? When the budget is tighter than tight and you need a little relief, this particular type of ministry that we can give to one another as a married couple, is invaluable.
For those of you who are wondering, there is quite a wide variety of massage techniques ranging from lymphatic drainage, reflexology, deep tissue, Swedish, and etc.
For those of you who are wondering, there is quite a wide variety of massage techniques ranging from lymphatic drainage, reflexology, deep tissue, Swedish, and etc.

The type of massage I'm talking about here is the massage where you spend time rubbing your loved one's back muscles after a nice hot shower, bath, or having a heating pad on their back. The reason for the heat is to not only help open the pores, but to also relax the muscles a bit before you start the massage.
Begin by diffusing Stress Away in your diffuser within a couple feet of where you're going to massage your spouse. Within a 20-30 minute timeframe, the stresses of the day will have likely lessened and the tense, tight muscles will not be so tight.
Note: This can be a riciprocal platonic time where you each minister to one another, or just to the one who really needs it.
Begin by diffusing Stress Away in your diffuser within a couple feet of where you're going to massage your spouse. Within a 20-30 minute timeframe, the stresses of the day will have likely lessened and the tense, tight muscles will not be so tight.
Note: This can be a riciprocal platonic time where you each minister to one another, or just to the one who really needs it.
I would like to encourage you to look up techniques for simple back rubs so that you can effectively rub sore muscles to help your loved one relax. You can get in to so many techniques that it is truly mind boggling. I'd like to encourage you, however, to focus on the basics of back massage to best help your spouse.
Here are a few suggestions you can add to your "Subscribe to Save" list:
*V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex
*Ortho Ease Massage Oil
*Ortho Sport Massage Oil
*CBD Muscle Rub
Here are a couple suggestions from Amazon:
*Organic Fiji Coconut Pinapple Oil
*Organic Fiji Raw Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
The above suggestions have helped me and my husband with back issues stemming from our car collision in 1992. I'd highly recommend getting in to the habit of ministering to your spouse in this selfless act! It's a wonderful loving way to show them the love of the Lord.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Here are a few suggestions you can add to your "Subscribe to Save" list:
*V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex
*Ortho Ease Massage Oil
*Ortho Sport Massage Oil
*CBD Muscle Rub
Here are a couple suggestions from Amazon:
*Organic Fiji Coconut Pinapple Oil
*Organic Fiji Raw Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
The above suggestions have helped me and my husband with back issues stemming from our car collision in 1992. I'd highly recommend getting in to the habit of ministering to your spouse in this selfless act! It's a wonderful loving way to show them the love of the Lord.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.