We’ve all been there, staring at this bottle wondering, “How in the word do I use this? I’ve heard these things are good for me, but where do I start?”
I’m here to help guide you on this journey! Settle in with a cup of tea or your morning coffee and let’s briefly go over some basic ways to use these little bottles of God’s plant juice!
When using essential oils, just begin by simply opening the bottle. A wise leader friend of mine suggested holding the open bottle of oil near your waist and slowly moving it in circles in front of you until you reach your chin. Long before you reach your chin you likely smelled the oil.
Fascinating isn’t it?!
Congratulations! You just used that first essential oil! One of the 3 ways you can use an essential oil is aromatically—or just open the bottle and smell it! You can add a drop or two in your hand and rub your hands together in a clockwise motion, then cup it over your mouth and nose and slowly inhale as deeply as you can. Exhale outside of your cupped hand, then inhale again.
Another way to breathe in the oils is to use them in a diffuser. This is perfect for long term exposure to these immune supporting oils! Usually just add 2 drops in your diffuser with some distilled water, plug it in and turn it on. You’re all set!
Many times when using oils, you can apply them topically where you need them as well. When applying topically, add a drop to about a dime size amount of coconut oil or olive oil and rub your hands together clockwise to incorporate, then apply to the needed area of your body. Further dilution is needed for small children. For that I suggest a roller bottle where you can add one drop of oil to 10 drops of carrier oil (defractionated coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil etc) for children under 6. Once you have it diluted to use for children, roll it on their feet at night for help with sleep or immune support. Take a look at this chart for further dilution ratios.

Ingesting oils that are GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) by veggie capsule, in food or drink, or just by dropping on the tongue is also a way to get oils in your body. The FDA has painstakingly vetted the Young Living Vitality line of oils as GRAS to ingest. There is no other line of essential oils with this ranking to this date. To make it easier, you can clearly note the white labels on the bottles are different than other Young Living bottles. I keep these bottles in my kitchen for easy access when I'm cooking or baking.
Why use essential oils?
Oils are the pure plant juices distilled or cold pressed. All the goodness the Lord created that plant for is inside the oils. The good thing about using guaranteed pure essential oils is that they go to the areas in your body that need them most. They will also help in areas that you didn’t even know needed help.
In most people oils are excreted within 3-6 hours. Because of that we need to reapply them. For longer lasting issues it is necessary to continue regular daily use multiple times a day as well as constant diffusing.
The Lord made these oils so unique and so special that they re like puzzle pieces. They attach to where they are needed helping the body with the healing process. With some folks it takes continued daily use multiple times a day to see results. Sometimes it may take up to 2 or more weeks of regular daily use to begin seeing changes. It is important to continue using them daily until desired changes have taken place.
Using oils is not a “one and done” deal!
Because the Lord made us, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, uniquely so. We each have individual needs. With age, each of us change in so many varieties of ways that there are literally millions of combinations of things that we could need.
Like what?
We all need help with memory at some point, concentration, help with easing muscle soreness, tooth issues, immune support, and a plethora of other things!
Join me each Thursday at 7PM on Zoom as I teach about different topics each week to learn more!
Have an amazing day!