Using a diffuser in your home can offer a myriad of benefits across all ages, from babies to the elderly. Incorporating essential oils into your daily routines through diffusion can significantly enhance well-being, health, and the ambiance of your environment. Here are five universal benefits of using a diffuser:
1. **Promotes Better Sleep**: Diffusing essential oils like Lavender or Roman Chamomile in the bedroom can create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep. This benefit is particularly useful for babies and children who may need assistance establishing a healthy sleep routine, as well as adults and the elderly who might struggle with sleep disturbances. Try this recipe for Sleep Sweet:

2. **Supports Respiratory Health**: Essential oils such as Eucalyptus and Peppermint are renowned for their ability to support clear breathing and maintain a healthy respiratory system. By using a diffuser, you can create an environment that supports respiratory health for the whole family, offering soothing relief during times of seasonal discomfort. Here are a few more suggestions for oils that help with respiratory health:

3. **Enhances Mood and Reduces Stress**: The power of aromatherapy to uplift the mood and reduce stress is well-documented. Utilizing a diffuser with citrus oils like Lemon or Orange can invigorate the senses and promote a positive atmosphere, helpful for those mornings when getting the kids ready or winding down after a long day. Similarly, calming oils like Peace & Calming or Stress Away can help soothe nerves and reduce stress for adults and the elderly who may experience higher levels of anxiety.

4. **Purifies the Air**: Many essential oils have natural purifying properties that can help cleanse the air of unwanted odors and certain airborne pathogens. Incorporating oils like Purification or Lemongrass into your diffusion routine not only leaves your living space smelling fresh but also creates a cleaner, more invigorating environment for everyone from infants to the elderly.

5. **Improves Cognitive Function**: Diffusing essential oils such as Rosemary and Frankincense can encourage mental clarity and concentration. This is especially beneficial for children doing homework, adults in work-from-home setups, and the elderly looking to maintain their cognitive faculties. The stimulating properties of certain oils can help enhance focus and productivity across all age groups.
I've included the following graphic to help you choose oils as a springboard for further aids in the areas above.
Incorporating a diffuser into your daily routine can thus support a holistic approach to health and wellness, making it a beneficial practice for families looking to naturally enhance their living environment and overall well-being.
If one oil doesn't work, there are others that may help. Don't give up! You can always contact me with any questions you may have by clicking the link above that says, "Contact Me."
Next week's blog topic will be "Diluting Essential Oils for New Users, Babies, Children, and the Elderly."
Have a blessed day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham with Ginger

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

This is Pickles, our cat, who has a way of telling me that I need to get the kitchen towels folded, put away, and the little basket returned to it's collection place! That's what happens when I've been down. The basic necessities are done, but the extra things are left for another day.
I'm not one to complain (much) when the Lord allows me to get sick anymore. It's His way of telling me to rest, slow down, and take care of myself. That said, a 3 week extended sickness wasn't in my plans! LOL
God's funny that way, isn't He?! Right through these past 3 weeks He's been telling me to "rest in Him."
And I have...
And I have...
What started as my usual early morning Bible study turned in to putting my headset in my ear, listening to the Bible and falling back to sleep with it in my ear. Many chapters later, I've woken up and realized the Word was spoken to me in my dreams. So, yes, I've rested in God's Word, quite literally!
As for God's sense of humor, when any kind of sickness hits (except the throwing up kind), I lose my voice. I'm like my Mom that way, in that I get laryngitis. When I can't talk to people, I whisper. I also use texting to get my point across, as well as sign language. My kids know sign language from when they were growing up. My husband is catching on.
So for the past 3 weeks, I've been using a plethora of products, vitamins, teas, and comfort foods to help me feel better. I'm going to share those with you just in case you may need them in the not so distant future.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I cannot diagnose or treat anyone's symptoms or health care needs. I am merely sharing with you the things I've used that helps my own body on the road to recovering from sickness.
The first thing I did for my throat was lozenges. When my throat was so sore and felt like it was on fire, I started using this Throat Comfort tea (all clickable links) a couple times a day, then switched before bed to warm salt water gargle. In the morning I gargled with Thieves Mouthwash. Additionally, I increased my water intake to help clear up any mucous that may try to make it's way to my lungs.
For my nasal passages, I used NielMed nasal rinse. I've used this method for 16 years since I had sinus surgery in 2007. It has helped clean out allergens, dust, and any other icky stuff that might want to take up residence in my sinuses. I use the packets that come with the new bottle (replacing it every year or so), then switch to Xlear packets.
CAUTION: Keep the Xlear packets and any fluid mixed with it away from dogs! Xylitol is lethal to dogs!
The Air: Keep the air around you moist with a diffuser mixed with exemplary essential oils. Great oils to help not only clean the air around you, but help your body to heal as you breathe them in are listed below.
All the citrus oils!
Oils that help with breathing:
Add these oils to a diffuser 2 drops at a time. Try 2 drops and if it isn't enough, increase to 2 more. I've done 6 drops of Eucalyptus Globulus and 4 drops of Lemon in my diffuser, too. If you need more suggestions, let me know!
For breathing support, place a drop of oil in your hand and dip your finger in to the oil rubbing it all over your chest and collar bone. Add a carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil) if it's too strong or your skin starts to get pink. The carrier oil slows down the aborption.
Place a drop of oil in the palm of your hand, rub together in a clockwise motion and cup over your nose and mouth breathing in a "Box Breathing" fashion--4 seconds inhaling deeply, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhaling, 4 seconds hold, then repeat as many times as you feel you need to.
And who could even forget the #1 oil to help with Immune Support!
You can put a drop in your hand and rub this on your larynx, rub it on your feet and have a loved one roll it along your spine every day before leaving the house for work, school, or appointments. It helps so much!
THE oil that helps with the tummy trots:
This oil helps when you add 2-5 drops in to your hands, rub in clockwise motion, then rub all over your tummy! Repeat as needed. There is also Tummygize Roll-on for kids, too, so please feel free to grab those! That way you'll be ready for the next round of "ick" that goes around!
Of course this list would not be complete until I shared my comfort foods with ya'all! Here's one we've used for years, but I've tweaked it this time for a bit of a spicy kick to it to help my throat.
Kicked Up Mack-& Cheese
3 Cups Elbow Macaroni cooked Al dente and rinsed
1 pound ground pork sausage cooked (I use mild breakfast sausage)
2 cans Green Beans
8 ounces Velveeta Cheese cut in to cubes
6 ounces cream cheese
Shredded cheddar cheese to taste (this truly is a preference sprinkle a little or a lot!)
1 cup 1/2 & 1/2
1 Stick Butter (not margarine)
1 small can diced green chilies
Melt butter in sauce pan, add Velveeta, & cream cheese and mix until almost creamy. Add half and half and continue stiring until everything is creamy. Pour over already cooked ground sausage and elbow macaroni. Add green beans, green chilies, shredded cheddar and stir until everything is heated and incorporated. Add extra 1/2 & 1/2 to make it thinner, if desired. Serve in soup mugs, get under a blanket and bing watch Reba on Hulu! Enjoy!
Homemade Mashed Potato Bowls
Breaded Chicken of Choice--precooked
Choice of Vegetable--once again we like green beans
Mashed potatoes--Scrub potatoes and cube with peel on. Boil until fork tender and drain. In the pot add a stick of butter, salt, pepper, & garlic powder. Placed drained potatoes on top of butter and put lid on it for a couple minutes.
While butter and potatoes are melting in the pot make the gravy--1 Stick of Butter, 1/2 cup flour, salt, pepper, onion powder, 1 tsp sage & 1 tsp thyme; cook and mix until just barely golden brown. Add 2 cups chicken bone broth and whisk until thickened. Add cold water a little at a time if it's too thick until desired thickness is achieved.
Mash potatoes with masher adding 1/2 & 1/2 until desired consistency is achieved. Taste and reseason as needed.
Add a scoop of potatoes, a couple pieces of breaded chicken, a scoop of green beans and gravy on top with a little sprinkle of shredded cheddar. These are absolutely delicious and rival KFC's chicken bowl!
These two are ones that just feel so good on the sore throat. In between having these meals, of course there are salads with lots of water filled veggies with tons of color to help with vitamins and minerals. Then there is the occasional cheese burger craving as well.
Overall, these 3 weeks of being down with the sickies has been a challenge in patience, but also perseverance, and working together.
So what was I diagnosed with? Influenza B with an underlying infection. I'm currently taking an antibiotic too. I'm one to stay home and keep the sickness contained and if anyone has a fever, we hunker down until 24 hours after the fever is gone. Fresh air and sunshine as well as Vitamin C, D, and Zinc are just as integral! Make sure you follow the guidance and suggestions of your health care professional, too!
I hope this helps all of you who are dealing with the sickies!
Take care and know that I'm praying for ya'all!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

In my jammies & finally seeing some color coming back in to my face!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

I don't know about all of you, but I love making sure my home is clean before decorating for the holidays. I dust everything with a microfiber duster that the dust clings to, or I spray a paper towel and wipe things down, as needed.
Today my hubby decided it was time to turn the heater on, much to my disapproval. I try to push off the yearly event as long as possible, but this morning it was a little bit chilly here in southern Georgia.
As I was dusting, I suddenly felt the dust I was taking off all the surfaces being breathed in to my lungs! Oops!
So, what does this do to me?
With all the extra dust particles inside my lungs, I get tired because my body is trying to expell the foreign bodies and recover. This is the biggest reason I use diffusers as well as Thieves Household Cleaner when I clean my home.

In my kitchen diffuser I added 6 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata, turned it on, and breathed really deep before moving on to the living room diffuser. In it I added 6 drops of Christmas Spirit, turned it on, breathed really deep and continued dusting.

What does this do?
Looking at the benefits of all the oils from the Eucalyptus Radiata, to the ingredients in the Christmas Spirit blend, there is Northern LIghts Black Spruce, Orange, and Cinnamon Bark. With each of those oils, there are different benefits that our body's receptors will take in and work to help our bodies in a variety of ways. With each of our bodies, of course, each of these oils will work with varying degrees. Each of us are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God, so what works in a certain way for me may be just a little different for every single one of you! This is how absolutely MAGNIFICENT our creator is!
Getting started with essential oils is the best change I've made for my own health.
I've been to many doctors, ENTs, allergists, and I've been on medications for the last 30 years of my life. I've used Albuterol, Steroids, a plethora of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections, bronchial pneumonia, bronchitis and it all comes down to one thing--environmental sensitivities. To some it's something to "poo-poo" as all in one's head, but when you've dealt with this type of thing for so long with NO answers from the western medical community, it not only gets frustrating, but exasperating when someone does not understand the frustration and continues to operate as if what they are doing is not or will not bother my breathing.
The exasperation is real, the frustration is real. Breathing is the most simple elemental thing we do. To walk in to a room and smell something that is not noticable by others; a chemical, smoke, black mold, something burning, a synthetic perfume, ammonia, bleach, dust, or dirt from traveling next to the plethora of farms here in rural southern Georgia during planting or harvest times, sends me in to a type of asthmatic breathing issue. I've been driving down the road and seeing smoke or dust flying in the distance, to grab a tissue or a bandana to cover my nose and mouth after making sure the windows are completely closed. It's almost to a point where I feel like I need to have an air purifying aparatus strapped to me at all times. It truly is frustrating!
Changing filters in our home occurs on a monthly basis, cleaning the floors, washing the dogs, the rugs, the bedding, dusting, everything occurs on a schedule.
So, my own personal defense against all things toxin related is using essential oils in the air, on my body, and internally. I clean with Thieves Household Cleaner to ensure there isn't a synthetic toxic cleaner in my home.
The quest for breathing easier has been a lifelong pursuit. It's seriously a huge concern for me. If you've dealt with breathing issues much like I have, send me a personal message and we can talk.
As I prepare for the holidays, my preparations may look a little different than many, but to ensure my house is clean before I take out decorations is a necessity.
How about you? If you're feeling the need for greater breathing support, I might have what your looking for!
Love & God Bless,

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

The importance of breathing is pretty apparent during this time in history. Many people are in hospitalis on ventilators, needing nebulizer or CPAP treatments. Many people are having breathing issues long after that last negative test.
Breathing is in our consciousness now.
The last 2 weeks, I've covered the need to eat good foods in For the Health of It, and the Need to Move It, and today the need to breathe is next in the line-up of things I'll be covering.
It's no secret that I've covered breathing before here on this blog. I have breathing issues at times and need things to help me recover. But today, I'm going to delve deeper in to a different aspect of breathing.

When we move, we need to increase our oxygen flow. When our airways are clear, the oxygen comes in quite effortlessly. When we exert energy by exercising or singing, for example, we need to breathe in a specific way to help our bodies continue to work hard. Without breathing properly we could pass out or potentially have an asthma attack or any number of other issues.

When we sing and when we exercise, breathing needs to occur from the diaphragm. In singing, we need to breathe at proper places in the music so the music flows and doesn't sound funny with our breathy breathing.
When we exercise, there is somewhat the same type of physical training that needs to occur.
For example, when I was in my early teens I attended a youth camp in Wyoming very close to Devil's Tower. There is a trail around the base of the tower about 2.5 miles in length. A female counselor asked me if I'd like to jog the 2.5 miles with her. (Currently there are 2 trails around Devil's Tower, one that is 1.3 miles and paved, and another that is gravel and is 2.5 miles long) I told her that I'd never done that, but I'd love to try. She prefaced our run with water, of course, then she told me to breathe in my nose and out my mouth. It was to help me keep my breathing regulated. So I did it and it worked!

This gives you a little bit of an idea about the trail. You can see more of it here. It's a fantastic area to walk around! I can't wait to go back and visit with my hubby!
Needless to say, this particular jog gave me such a different perspective of breathing even from a young teen. I had carried that lesson throughout my life and continue to use it now in various circumstances.
Singing and jogging (or any other movement for that matter) are very similar because you have to train your mind and body to breathe in a specific way. But what do you use when you're recovering from a long period of extended activity? Your breathing is labored and you need to catch your breath.
Many people have reached simply for Peppermint Essential Oil to open the bottle up and breathe deeply. This opens up your airways so you can increase the volume of the air coming in to your airways. The same thing applies to singing--I've taken numerous deep breaths of Peppermint Essential Oil before heading in to the choir room.
Another good one to reach for before exercise or singing that I've tried is Breathe Again Essential Oil Blend. This one comes in a roll-on or a 15ml bottle, so you can roll it on between your colar bones or diffuse it.
Of course, last but not least, my personal favorite and the very first oil I'd ever purchased through Young Living is Eucalyptus Globulus. This one came to my rescue when I needed more respiratory support than what antibiotics, prednisone, and Robitussin could give me. What a blessing!
Now, I know there are so many more things you could use to help with breathing recovery after working out or in preparation for singing.
What do you use to help with your breathing after you've been physically active? Let me know in the comments below!
Love & God Bless,

Needless to say, this particular jog gave me such a different perspective of breathing even from a young teen. I had carried that lesson throughout my life and continue to use it now in various circumstances.
Singing and jogging (or any other movement for that matter) are very similar because you have to train your mind and body to breathe in a specific way. But what do you use when you're recovering from a long period of extended activity? Your breathing is labored and you need to catch your breath.

Another good one to reach for before exercise or singing that I've tried is Breathe Again Essential Oil Blend. This one comes in a roll-on or a 15ml bottle, so you can roll it on between your colar bones or diffuse it.
Of course, last but not least, my personal favorite and the very first oil I'd ever purchased through Young Living is Eucalyptus Globulus. This one came to my rescue when I needed more respiratory support than what antibiotics, prednisone, and Robitussin could give me. What a blessing!
Now, I know there are so many more things you could use to help with breathing recovery after working out or in preparation for singing.
What do you use to help with your breathing after you've been physically active? Let me know in the comments below!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Each one of us at some point in our lives need to take an anti-biotic for a variety of reasons. I am not a medical Dr and I cannot diagnose or treat anyone, so this is simply based on my own personal experience.
I have had antibiotics throughout my life, at times twice a year, and one year at least 4 times for infections of varying types.
I’ll be sharing things here that have worked for me. Please be sure you check with your Dr before following any advice.
When I get the prescription for an antibiotic, that evening when I take my evening medication, I take 1 additional probiotic called Life 9. This increases my body’s good gut flora without adding sugar. (Google "Good Gut Flora" if you need to understand a bit more.) When an antibiotic is introduced to one’s body, it doesn’t pick and choose which things to wipe out in your gut, it just wipes everything out. When I take an antibiotic, I stay away from carbohydrates at all cost because anything that my body can break down to the simplest form of sugar, that’s what will increase in my gut. When you have excess sugar, yeast thrives and blooms in that environment. I have to be super vigilant with this otherwise I’ll get thrush in my mouth, which is a form of yeast overgrowth. Some people call it Candida.
I call it “yucky!”
So, to ensure I don’t have a yeast overgrowth, I increase my probiotic and decrease my carbohydrate consumption. This keeps my gut flora balanced better when I have to take an antibiotic.
So what else do I eat when on an antibiotic? I normally have protein of various types like beef, chicken, pork, turkey, nuts and seeds. I also increase my fiber with adding vegetables at every meal in various forms. For example, in my scrambled eggs, I add pepper, spinach, and a little onion. With lunch, I’ll have a salad, protein, and a warm vegetable like green beans. Dinner will be much the same, but with vegetables swapped.

Now, so far this year I have been on 2 different antibiotics. The first was for an ear infection that I wanted to get under control before I went to my sister’s wedding. Flying with an ear infection did not sound too thrilling to me, so I figured I’d better get it under control before I left. And immediately I started my gut protocol, but it still caused me issues. I figured that particular antibiotic wasn’t going to help much because while listening to my body, I was still experiencing diarrhea from it. That’s a telltale sign while you’re on any medication that something isn’t right.
Additionally, I went in to my mother’s apartment on numerous occasions {trying to help her clean, but in doing so caused my own health detriment}, drove her car and in doing so caused the infection to worsen and travel to my bronchial area. Just a week after returning home, having visited my Dr, I have a 2nd antibiotic in less than 2 months due to bronchitis. I didn’t want it going to bronchial pneumonia, so I decided to get in to see my Dr sooner than later.
This was not in my plans!
Finally, many times we just keep going and going like the energizer bunny when this kind of thing happens. I’ve found that I need to grant myself some grace, take an extra nap, and let go of expectations that I have of myself and others. I do what I can and leave the rest for others to tend to. It isn’t a bad thing to do that!

Loving myself enough to take care of myself is a good thing. Beating myself up for having needs is counterproductive to my body and to my own mind. What is better is to admit to having needs, let someone know, “Hey, I need to go nap for a bit.” And go do it!
All this to say, staying healthy takes work. We must be careful when taking anti-biotics because they lose their potency. I choose not to take them for as long as possible, but when it is warranted, I take them. Working and working ourselves “to the bone” is counter-productive to our health and we get sick easier. Grant yourself some grace, take a nap, enjoy a salad or some good soup, and curl up with a cup of tea and a good book. Breathe deeply, add some Stress Away to your diffuser and relax! If the Lord of the universe can create the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th, so can you!

Have a lovely and wonderful day!
Love & God Bless, 

Sitting on my aunt and uncle's back porch in South Dakota one morning
enjoying my coffee and talking with my uncle.
enjoying my coffee and talking with my uncle.
PS: After my anti-biotic is done, I'm planning to do a detox. It's going to be a 3 day detox, so stay tuned for that information on how I am beginning that journey!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.