The importance of breathing is pretty apparent during this time in history. Many people are in hospitalis on ventilators, needing nebulizer or CPAP treatments. Many people are having breathing issues long after that last negative test.
Breathing is in our consciousness now.
The last 2 weeks, I've covered the need to eat good foods in For the Health of It, and the Need to Move It, and today the need to breathe is next in the line-up of things I'll be covering.
It's no secret that I've covered breathing before here on this blog. I have breathing issues at times and need things to help me recover. But today, I'm going to delve deeper in to a different aspect of breathing.

When we move, we need to increase our oxygen flow. When our airways are clear, the oxygen comes in quite effortlessly. When we exert energy by exercising or singing, for example, we need to breathe in a specific way to help our bodies continue to work hard. Without breathing properly we could pass out or potentially have an asthma attack or any number of other issues.

When we sing and when we exercise, breathing needs to occur from the diaphragm. In singing, we need to breathe at proper places in the music so the music flows and doesn't sound funny with our breathy breathing.
When we exercise, there is somewhat the same type of physical training that needs to occur.
For example, when I was in my early teens I attended a youth camp in Wyoming very close to Devil's Tower. There is a trail around the base of the tower about 2.5 miles in length. A female counselor asked me if I'd like to jog the 2.5 miles with her. (Currently there are 2 trails around Devil's Tower, one that is 1.3 miles and paved, and another that is gravel and is 2.5 miles long) I told her that I'd never done that, but I'd love to try. She prefaced our run with water, of course, then she told me to breathe in my nose and out my mouth. It was to help me keep my breathing regulated. So I did it and it worked!

This gives you a little bit of an idea about the trail. You can see more of it here. It's a fantastic area to walk around! I can't wait to go back and visit with my hubby!
Needless to say, this particular jog gave me such a different perspective of breathing even from a young teen. I had carried that lesson throughout my life and continue to use it now in various circumstances.
Singing and jogging (or any other movement for that matter) are very similar because you have to train your mind and body to breathe in a specific way. But what do you use when you're recovering from a long period of extended activity? Your breathing is labored and you need to catch your breath.
Many people have reached simply for Peppermint Essential Oil to open the bottle up and breathe deeply. This opens up your airways so you can increase the volume of the air coming in to your airways. The same thing applies to singing--I've taken numerous deep breaths of Peppermint Essential Oil before heading in to the choir room.
Another good one to reach for before exercise or singing that I've tried is Breathe Again Essential Oil Blend. This one comes in a roll-on or a 15ml bottle, so you can roll it on between your colar bones or diffuse it.
Of course, last but not least, my personal favorite and the very first oil I'd ever purchased through Young Living is Eucalyptus Globulus. This one came to my rescue when I needed more respiratory support than what antibiotics, prednisone, and Robitussin could give me. What a blessing!
Now, I know there are so many more things you could use to help with breathing recovery after working out or in preparation for singing.
What do you use to help with your breathing after you've been physically active? Let me know in the comments below!
Love & God Bless,

Needless to say, this particular jog gave me such a different perspective of breathing even from a young teen. I had carried that lesson throughout my life and continue to use it now in various circumstances.
Singing and jogging (or any other movement for that matter) are very similar because you have to train your mind and body to breathe in a specific way. But what do you use when you're recovering from a long period of extended activity? Your breathing is labored and you need to catch your breath.

Another good one to reach for before exercise or singing that I've tried is Breathe Again Essential Oil Blend. This one comes in a roll-on or a 15ml bottle, so you can roll it on between your colar bones or diffuse it.
Of course, last but not least, my personal favorite and the very first oil I'd ever purchased through Young Living is Eucalyptus Globulus. This one came to my rescue when I needed more respiratory support than what antibiotics, prednisone, and Robitussin could give me. What a blessing!
Now, I know there are so many more things you could use to help with breathing recovery after working out or in preparation for singing.
What do you use to help with your breathing after you've been physically active? Let me know in the comments below!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

So last week in my blog post For the Health of it, I covered eating the most nutrient dense food we can find. The less processing the better, as close to the natural source as possible. Since each of us have different nutritional needs, it's important to keep in mind that what our children at 3,5, 13, & 23 can eat is different than what a 50, 65, 85 year old person can or should eat. Portions vary, of course. Then when taking in to account a female's needs as well as a male's needs, you've got quite a bit to consider and think about. It can be confusing and mind boggling.
I began with the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. Mind you, I've had numerous other cookbooks and shared recipes through exchanges and so forth, but it wasn't until I read that book that true understanding began for me. Take a look at it!
As for moving...
Again, as with last week, each one of us has different needs for movement. Not all of us can be an olympic gymnast, a body builder, marathon runner, nor is any of those particular sports on our radar to desire to accomplish.
So what do we do?

Quite simply, move your body. What kinds of things do you do each day? What kinds of things are fun and enjoyable for you? Here is a list, but not exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination:
*Roller Skating/Blading
*Bike Riding
*Shopping (yes, you move around when you're shopping LOL!)
*Riding a motorcycle
*Training your dog

And I'm sure you can add a few more to that list. Just think of things you enjoy doing. Then when doing them, you'll enjoy moving around more.
What about focused exercising? There is a time and a place for focused exercises. This is something you need to discuss with a medical professional. If you have a physical condition, discuss which exercises would be best for that condition. If you have a desired result, discuss that with them as well.
Now, I've done a few "programs" that have yielded results, but I didn't truly enjoy them. I do, however, know the merits of the exercises and I do some of them daily. Currently I am focused on my abdomen, doing extra exercises there, as well as walking 2+ miles a day in my daily comings and goings. I don't go out during the summer months and do a 2 mile walk. I try to get all those steps in and I keep track with having my phone in my pocket. I do not have an apple watch or pedometer, so my phone works great!
I have done the T-Tapp method with greater results than other exercises. Currently, I am doing the basic moves as well as abdominal and back exercises outside of that particular program to help strengthen my core muscles.
But that said, I still need to do things I enjoy in order to really revel and have fun while exercising. That way the exercising takes very little effort and thought on my part. Do you think about the exercising aspect of things when you're having fun playing volleball with your friends? Jumping off the dock in to the water and the lake? Taking a leisurely stroll along the beach looking for sea shells? I know I don't!
Lastly, when the day is over and we settle in to our chair to watch the favorite movie, we'll feel those achy feelings that come along with a busy day of having fun. Don't worry! I've got you covered!

Cool Azul is a wonderful essential oil blend of 14 oils that is cooling to the skin and soothing as well. Cool Azul is also found in Cool Azul Pain Cream. It's a wonderful addition to the line of things that help with pain!
Deep Relief helps with soothing those tired and sore muscles. It may help with an occational headache, too.
Pan Away is a wonderful essential oil blend that helps with the deep down pain. I used this particular oil quite a bit after I had my knee surgery in 2016 along with icing my knee. What a blessing this oil was!
Pan Away is a wonderful essential oil blend that helps with the deep down pain. I used this particular oil quite a bit after I had my knee surgery in 2016 along with icing my knee. What a blessing this oil was!
Of course each of these and every other product is covered by the Seed to Seal Premium guarantee for quality AND they are all made with #SuperHyperOrganic products! The quality is the best world wide!
What's your favorite way of getting fun exercise? Let me know in the comments below!I
I'll talk more about breathing next week because when you eat and you move, you really need to breathe in there too!
I love ya'all!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

This month I thought it would be a good idea to cover health. Yes, it is a broad topic, but please bear with me!
We can all agree that we need to eat, we need to breathe, and we need to move. I'm going to add one more to that--prayer!
So, this month, I'm going to address eating as it pertains to overall health, breathing so that the oxygen we get is the best possible, moving in a way that works well for our own lives--not for someone else, and lifting our hearts and minds up to the Lord in prayer for all things.
Why should we consider the things we are eating?
Why should we consider the things we are eating?
Let's look at this ingredients list:

Take a look at each ingredient. Ask yourself, why does the "Corn Meal" need to be enriched? Look up which oil is healthiest for your body? (In the Bible the oil used most for eating is olive oil). Why does cheese need seasoning? Why is there 2 different types of oil? What is Maltodextrin? And it's made from corn? Huh?! What are "Natural Flavors?" Why is Monosodium Glutamate in this, what is it, and what happens when I eat it? Why is lactic acid and citric acid in this thing? Why on earth is Yellow 6 in this? Huh?! What???
Where are the natural ingredients? Is this particular item as close to what God created it to be?
It's time to take control of our health! Look up the benefits of each ingredient that we see. In contrast, look up "Dangers of..." as well! Some of those things are linked to cancer, hormone disruptors (meaning you have a hard time getting pregnant or your monthly cycle is not acting like it should), or they affect our bodies in other detrimental ways!
What else can we do?
What else can we do?
Get everything you can as close to it's natural source as you can possibly get. What does that mean? Does breaded chicken mean it's as close to the source as you can get? No. The only acception to that is to make your own with coconut flour and almond flour. Read every single label your hands touch! If you don't know what an item is, put it back on the shelf! If you can see it contains milk, eggs, cream, and vanilla, you might be holding ice cream! 🍦
As a whole generation, we are suffering from a lack of knowledge in how to eat well, how that looks in our lives, and our children are not eating well either. All of this is like a house of cards and will come crashing down sooner or later in the form of diabetis, high blood pressure and so many other maladies!
Our taste buds have been conditioned to grab the Cheetos (see ingredients list above), and soda instead of kiwi fruit, pineapple, and water!
Below is my breakfast this morning. Yesterday I had a bowl of cottage cheese, sunflower nuts, and an avocado for breakfast. I'd love to tell you that I had a nice lucious salad for lunch, but I skipped lunch. I have been eating when I'm hungry and adding in a few days of intermittent fasting (go ahead and look it up, but I'll post about it at another time). For dinner last night I threw some frozen chicken breasts in the crockpot with some chicken broth I made and froze about a month ago, then sauteed onions, carrots, and celery and threw those in on top of the chicken, added 2 quarts of water, some butter, and 2 bags of frozen broccoli stirfry. I asked my hubby to make Long Grain Wild Rice and we each had a scoop of that in the bottom of our bowl to go with our soup. Needless to say, it was yummy! Plus! There's leftovers! 😋

I said it....I'm not struggling. I've decided not to struggle any more. I've made the decision to strive for continued and better health.
I'm an imperfect person like everyone else, but I strive to eat well and care for myself because I am the only one who will do it.
I cannot sit idly by and expect someone else to do it.
Do I slip and fall flat on my face sometimes? Yes!!!! Do I give in to my cravings sometimes? Absolutely!!!
I'm choosing to grant myself grace and not beat myself up.
I can start fresh tomorrow. 😉
I'm an imperfect person like everyone else, but I strive to eat well and care for myself because I am the only one who will do it.
I cannot sit idly by and expect someone else to do it.
Do I slip and fall flat on my face sometimes? Yes!!!! Do I give in to my cravings sometimes? Absolutely!!!
I'm choosing to grant myself grace and not beat myself up.
I can start fresh tomorrow. 😉
I share recipes that I use or plan to put in to my meal and treat rotation on my Facebook page. You're welcome to take a look, save them, and use them! Let me know if you try something and how you like it.
Let's encourage one another to try to do better and to continue striving.
Next Monday, I'll cover "moving". We all need to move in one way or another as a piece to the puzzle for our own bodies to be healthy.
Love & God Bless,
Regina 💜
New glasses are in order for me soon. My prescription has changed!

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

How I love Your word, oh Lord!

You loved me with an everlasting love, enough for You to work Your mighty hand through all generations just so that I might know You.
Let me never take this great act for granted. Let me always find solace in Your word, wisdom, and power, and understanding as well.
Lord, you are absolutely good!

Can you imagine the smell of Hyssop as the Israelites dip it's long stem in to lambs blood to put across the doorposts and lintles?
...and the holy oil as they pour it over Aaron and his son's heads, flowing down their faces and beards down to their clothes...
Can you imagine the scent of Hyssop mixed with the vinegar the Roman guards offered to Jesus just before He died?
This very plant is spoken about in God's word in Psalms51:7 "Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Hyssop is very cleansing! There is so much to learn from the Lord about all the wonderful oils of scripture!
I have an educational group on Facebook, for those of you who do not know about it. I would love to invite you so you can see this absolutely fantastic class among other classes at your leisure. You can also search information that you might be interested in, like "Lavender", "Babies", or "Deodorant" for example.
Send me a message, text me if you have my number, send me an email, smoke signal or any other means of communication works, too. I'll get you to that class! Sharing the love of the Lord through the healing oils of the Bible is my passion. The Lord gave us, "...the leaves of the trees for the healing of the nations." [Rev. 22:2]
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

This very plant is spoken about in God's word in Psalms51:7 "Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Hyssop is very cleansing! There is so much to learn from the Lord about all the wonderful oils of scripture!
I have an educational group on Facebook, for those of you who do not know about it. I would love to invite you so you can see this absolutely fantastic class among other classes at your leisure. You can also search information that you might be interested in, like "Lavender", "Babies", or "Deodorant" for example.
Send me a message, text me if you have my number, send me an email, smoke signal or any other means of communication works, too. I'll get you to that class! Sharing the love of the Lord through the healing oils of the Bible is my passion. The Lord gave us, "...the leaves of the trees for the healing of the nations." [Rev. 22:2]
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I found the biggest wine glass I'd ever seen in Michael's! LOL
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

When beginning something new, it helps to research everything you can before starting that new thing.
If you can...
Sometimes we're thrust in to new things without reading about potential issues, so we're essentially "flying blind." But not in this case...
When I began my cleanse last week I had read and researched periodically for a couple years before taking the plunge. It wasn't a constant obsession with cleansing, but when the topic came up I read or listened. No biggie.
I carefully chose a few supplements that I knew would be beneficial to my body and potentially my husband's issues (more on that later) for the future "just in case." For a list of the ones that I used, please feel free to read the post Preparing for a Cleanse.

I also chose smoothies because I like them. I knew using specific ingredients would give me the needed fiber and nutrient denseness that I was looking for all while my body worked to cleanse itself.
What did I learn?
My diet could use some tweaking, like everyone else, I’m sure. But when I was doing low fat smoothies, I had such a brain fog, and a headache. So I did a smoothie for breakfast Friday, cottage cheese for lunch and I decided to have Naan bread pizza with Avocado oil, feta, mozzarella, & Parmesan with breaded chicken for dinner. With all the veggies I’d had in the smoothies the previous 3 days, I was doing good!
My loose plan going forward, (which is subject to change depending on the day and if I'm craving one thing or another...I just go with it...sort of. LOL)
I believe I am going to continue doing smoothies possibly 3+ times per week. I’m going to rethink them, adding some MCT oil or coconut oil I think. I’m going to do my scrambled eggs with all the veggies 2x per week and have cottage cheese & sunflower nuts the other days for breakfasts.
I believe I am going to continue doing smoothies possibly 3+ times per week. I’m going to rethink them, adding some MCT oil or coconut oil I think. I’m going to do my scrambled eggs with all the veggies 2x per week and have cottage cheese & sunflower nuts the other days for breakfasts.
For lunches I’m going to head in to September with hearty heart healthy soups from my Trim Healthy Mama cookbook. I’m going to do small side salads and occasionally a sandwich with (fermented) sourdough. 

Dinners during those 3 days were strange. On Wednesday I didn’t feel hungry, so I had my nightly banana and went to bed at my usual time. Thursday I had a grilled cheese a piece of air fried sausage and veggies my hubby cooked for dinner. I will say that I feel more awake and alert today.
As for the “cleansing” part of the experience, there wasn’t much. I may need to consult some folks who are wiser than me on this, but honestly I only experienced an increase in bladder fullness. So if that’s the cleansing for me that’s great!
Observations: My ankles and calves are thinner. My rings come off easier.
The good thing about this experience is I’m constantly learning about myself. While I probably need to do this longer, that’s ok. I can try again another time. AND, my refrigerator is clean! 

How about you? Have you done a cleanse? How did that work for you?
Have a wonderful week!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.