My apologies for the silence for the past 2 weeks! It's been a very busy time!

I stopped making resolutions years ago.

Our son has graduated from technical school and we are so very proud of him!
There! I said it!
I kept thinking to myself, "Why am I making these rediculous resolutions, breaking them by the 2nd week, and they're ancient history by March?" This was leaving behind such pangs of guilt that would rival the highest peaks of the Himalayas!!
Instead I said to myself, "Goals are much easier! Let's set some good, affirming, life giving goals!"
So I began!
I kept thinking to myself, "Why am I making these rediculous resolutions, breaking them by the 2nd week, and they're ancient history by March?" This was leaving behind such pangs of guilt that would rival the highest peaks of the Himalayas!!
Instead I said to myself, "Goals are much easier! Let's set some good, affirming, life giving goals!"
So I began!
Or...rather....I began again, and again, and again!
But this time, I wasn't breaking resolutions. I was looking at my goals realistically, reviewing my progress, reassessing any needs I may have and making needed changes to help with my progress.
Did I fail?!
Did I give up?! No!

Sometimes when I came to a difficult realization, I had to reassess all things about these particular goals. For example, I made the goal of getting up before everyone and reading my Bible every day. It was a wonderful goal. It called for discipline to get up around 6AM and get my Bible read. Interestingly, sleep, or the lack thereof got in the way. So, I looked at the situation and reassessed my own needs and desires. As much as I wanted to marinade in the Word for a couple of hours, it just wasn't realistic. I had to deal with pangs of guilt and ask for forgiveness, but I came up with a plan that worked well. I read for 10 minutes after lunch while the kids cleaned up the kitchen. Ten minutes was better than Zero! So at that point in my life, that worked.
What about now?
Now, my husband and I are teetering on the precipice of being completely emtpy nesters. What a new and novel thing for us to be faced with!
What will happen? I don't know, but I have 7 areas that I will be working on in the coming weeks because this will be happening before we know it!
1). Fitness
2). Finance
3). Family
4). Field
5). Faith
6). Friends
7). Fun
You can find these concepts in the Oola books. There is their flagship book called Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World. There is Oola for Women, Oola for Christians, and a couple Oola books for business.
You can find these concepts in the Oola books. There is their flagship book called Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World. There is Oola for Women, Oola for Christians, and a couple Oola books for business.
I have 3 of their books and I do love them. I'm finding that, like everything else, I'm tweaking their thoughts just a wee bit with regard to my own.
With these areas I've found with other trainings I've attended that they touch on very similar topics. Balance! If one area does not get the right amount of attention, it's going to suffer. So, I need to become stronger in that area to not just succeed, but to bring in a good balance to my life.
I could tell you my own personal goals for each of the 7 areas, but I have one other concern: accountability. To whom can I be accountable?
I could tell you my own personal goals for each of the 7 areas, but I have one other concern: accountability. To whom can I be accountable?
A mentor...
My husband...
My best friend...
My dog...
...ok, that last one was supposed to be funny! LOL
Well, anyway, who can be a mentor to me in all of those areas combined? Truth is that usually only one person can be a mentor in one to three areas...
Do I have a mentor? Truthfully, No, I do not. I would like to find one. I've been praying for a Titus 2 Godly mentor for years. I do have someone in mind, but I'm waiting for God to confirm that to me.
As for evaluating this past year, I look at the 7 areas I listed above and truthfully look at every area, scrutinizing them honestly and say, "Did I put forth my all in this area? Could I have done better? What specifically could I improve? How do I do that? What tools do I need to accomplish that?" and so forth. I started looking at the acronymn SMART.

So many of us, I know, are just spinning our wheels in life, not truly working toward a goal or a target in any area, just hoping to hit something when we shoot that arrow. Is it any wonder there is no progress?!
I learned a long time ago that in order to make progress in my life, I had to make a concerted effort daily in small chunks of time, to hit the larger goal of "XYZ" in any given area.
It takes focus, determination, and grit to persevere toward those goals! Setting goals, I need to be SMART about it.
Did I hit all my goals this year? No. But, I'm not giving up! I've made progress toward a greater goal in many areas of my life. I'm improving steadily, adjusting my goals and making tweaks as I go.
What about you? Let me know how you're coming with your goals! I'd love to hear from you!
Love & God Bless,
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

This week is a very busy week in our home, filled with all kinds of baking, getting things ready for Thanksgiving and cleaning, too! (With 3 BIG dogs who shed it's ongoing!) The baking has already begun with my husband baking quickbreads and branching out from there. He's always enjoyed cooking and baking. I'm so thankful and blessed when he specifically tells me, "Hey, Hon, I used that special rice that you liked in this dish!" Love that man! 😍
This past week our oldest son was inducted in the National Trades Honor Society. This is his 2nd honor society and we couldn't be more proud of him! He'll be graduating the first week of December and he is so very ready to start working! I cannot wait to see what the Lord does in his life!

We love gathering with friends and family. It's one of those wonderful heart filling things that we love doing. We make a special day each month to gather with family, catch up with one another, play with our grandson, and now we get to look forward to a new precious addition around June 2022! Yes! We have a new grandblessing on the way!

This past week our oldest son was inducted in the National Trades Honor Society. This is his 2nd honor society and we couldn't be more proud of him! He'll be graduating the first week of December and he is so very ready to start working! I cannot wait to see what the Lord does in his life!

Me, my son Daniel, and my husband Craig at Daniel's induction ceremony.

We have so much to be thankful for!
We look forward to the next year. We are hoping for another engagement ring, celebrating new steps, sprouted wings, and lots of baby snuggles!
As we enter the holidays, it is my prayer for each one of you to experience the love the Lord has for each one of you. I pray for you every day, that the Lord would bless you beyond measure--physically, financially, spiritually--and fill all of your needs. I pray for your families and for the mere words that I type here on this blog to touch you in a meaningful way. I hope that you are blessed by this blog and that you know how much I care about you.
Young Living is having a 30% off "Black Friday" week long sale on 30 oils and many other products. It's an amazing time to start using these toxin free products! I've already placed my order! To take a look at all the goodness, please follow the above link and place your order for something you've been wanting.
When you click "Add to Subscription" you save even more! Just check out when you're done, create your account, and wait for your order to arrive. Once it arrives you can change your subscription or cancel any time. The longer you keep your subscription at 50 Personal Volume or more, Young Living blesses you with points to spend on other FREE products! It's a pretty cool program when I get all my cleaning, personal hygeine, and supplements through Subscribe to Save. I get 25% back on my Subscribe to Save orders since I've done this over 25 months. You can do this too! It's super easy! Click the link to the Subscribe to Save and find out more. I want you to get the most for your money by understanding how the program works. If you have any questions, I'm always available!
When you click "Add to Subscription" you save even more! Just check out when you're done, create your account, and wait for your order to arrive. Once it arrives you can change your subscription or cancel any time. The longer you keep your subscription at 50 Personal Volume or more, Young Living blesses you with points to spend on other FREE products! It's a pretty cool program when I get all my cleaning, personal hygeine, and supplements through Subscribe to Save. I get 25% back on my Subscribe to Save orders since I've done this over 25 months. You can do this too! It's super easy! Click the link to the Subscribe to Save and find out more. I want you to get the most for your money by understanding how the program works. If you have any questions, I'm always available!
I want your family to be blessed with toxin free health supporting products!
Every one of these products have blessed me and my family immeasurably, so to keep that quiet would be a disservice to each one of you!
So today as I start my Thanksgiving day baking with my Honey Whole Wheat Bread, I'll be praying for each one of you reading this. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love, family, blessings, and peace.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Every one of these products have blessed me and my family immeasurably, so to keep that quiet would be a disservice to each one of you!
So today as I start my Thanksgiving day baking with my Honey Whole Wheat Bread, I'll be praying for each one of you reading this. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love, family, blessings, and peace.
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Years ago, about 24 to be exact, the general "rule of thumb" was when your kids were 2 years old, take them to the dentist, get started with flouride treatments for their teeth, get their teeth cleaned, as much as they will handle, and continue doing that every 6 months until they have their own insurance.
By the time my oldest son was about 8 years old, we noticed brown marks on his teeth. We didn't know what it was and the dentist didn't seem too concerned with it, so we didn't think much of it. We just told him to keep brushing his teeth twice a day and we left it at that.
As time went on and things came to my attention--oxidative stress from the wrong oils in our cooking and baking, using vinegar and baking soda to clean with, and subsequently flouride poisoning, this Momma bear's ears pricked up and more research ensued.
Can you imagine what I found when I looked up flouride poisoning?! Try it!

That's just in drinking water!
By the time my oldest son was about 8 years old, we noticed brown marks on his teeth. We didn't know what it was and the dentist didn't seem too concerned with it, so we didn't think much of it. We just told him to keep brushing his teeth twice a day and we left it at that.
As time went on and things came to my attention--oxidative stress from the wrong oils in our cooking and baking, using vinegar and baking soda to clean with, and subsequently flouride poisoning, this Momma bear's ears pricked up and more research ensued.
Can you imagine what I found when I looked up flouride poisoning?! Try it!

That's just in drinking water!

And I wondered how my son's teeth were getting brown spots!?

What did we do? I had been trying to get him to use baking soda and peppermint for a while, but the baking soda just didn't feel good to him.
As a mother who is concerned, you do all that you can, keep researching, and leave the rest up to God.
When we moved to Georgia, we've used a filtration system on our refrigerator for our drinking water and use bottled water for our coffee. I'd like to eventually get a Berkey system like the one below which filters out so much more than our refrigerator filtration system.

I'd like to say we've reached a point where we're no longer using flouridated toothpaste, but so far it is only me who is using the non-flouride toothpaste. I think everyone else is more concerned about taste than anything else.
As for floride free toothpaste for kids and adults, you could make your own toothpaste from Bentonite Clay, which remineralizes your teeth; Organic Food Grade Activated Charcoal, which draws out impurities, Organic Coconut Oil which is a good binding agent; Thieves Vitality OIl and Peppermint Vitality Oil. You could also add Orange Vitality Oil for whitening instead of bleach.
Another option for kids is KidScents Toothpaste which is flouride free. For adults there are quite a few options for toothpaste, including Thieves Whitening Toothpaste. Take a look and see which one(s) you might be interested in learning more about! Of course none of these products are made with flouride, so you don't have to risk the flouride poisoning from the OTC products.
For me, it's a no-brainer!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,

Another option for kids is KidScents Toothpaste which is flouride free. For adults there are quite a few options for toothpaste, including Thieves Whitening Toothpaste. Take a look and see which one(s) you might be interested in learning more about! Of course none of these products are made with flouride, so you don't have to risk the flouride poisoning from the OTC products.
For me, it's a no-brainer!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Welcome to my science class today!
In this brief video, class, you will be introduced to....
In this brief video, class, you will be introduced to....
The digestive system!
While this episode isn't the greatest quality, it will give you a fun idea of what happens when the "digestive juices" come along and help digest things.
Now, before I continue, I'm sure all of you are aware that I am not a medical doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat anyone. I am an educator of all good things! Ultimately, it is up to you, dear reader, to do the research for greater understanding, much like I have done already.
I would like to explain here at this point, that our gut health is directly correlated to our overall health, physically and mentally.
In this next video, you'll see a variety of reasons to make it a matter of serious consideration about your own gut health.
Ok, now that we have those out of the way and I've probably scared the "Dickens" out of you, minus the 3 ghosts, how do you address all of this?
I am continually addressing my own gut biome. Years ago, in February 2007, I had sinus surgery. A few days later I got a sinus infection and needed a powerful antibiotic. I ended up, for the first time in my life, I got thrush! For those of you who do not know what thrush is, simplistically speaking, it is a yeast overgrowth in your gut that shows up in your mouth and lips.
I am continually addressing my own gut biome. Years ago, in February 2007, I had sinus surgery. A few days later I got a sinus infection and needed a powerful antibiotic. I ended up, for the first time in my life, I got thrush! For those of you who do not know what thrush is, simplistically speaking, it is a yeast overgrowth in your gut that shows up in your mouth and lips.
That's when I rushed to the box store and bought an acidophilus. Mind you, that was the best I knew at the time, but fortunately, I know more now. Keep reading and you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Enzymes are just a small part of the picture. Enzymes come along and help to break down your food in to usable bits for your body to use for building, rebuilding, healing, and growing. Yes! It's a BIG job! So, our food must be the best we can possibly manage for the sake of our own health.
But, is our food today the same nutrient dense food that our grandparents had back in the 1970's?
But, is our food today the same nutrient dense food that our grandparents had back in the 1970's?
The answer is "NO!"
"Food is damaged from being repeatedly grown on the same soil-depleted land sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers. Scientists are breeding new varieties of crops to grow faster and resist bugs, but we don't know what those genertic modifications do once they hit our cells. Our cells are literally made up of what we eat.
Eighty percent of all corn grown in the U.S.(that also means every corn-containing product) is grown with genetically modified seeds. A Kushi Institute Analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 (just 22 years) found calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables and fruits dropped 27 percent, iron levels dropped 30 percent, and Vitamin C dropped by 30 percent. You'd have to eat 8 oranges today to get the same amount of Vitamin A that you grandparents got." (S. Harnisch 205)

So what is the answer?

So what is the answer?
Start with cleaning up our diets, removing the processed foods, as much as possible. No one is perfect, right?! Once a month getting fast food is ok, right? Well, try eating everything unprocessed for a month, then go get yourself fast food! See what happens. My guess would be that you'll likely end up in the bathroom within a half an hour. I know that's what happens to me! Whew!
So, What are enzymes?
"Enzymes help you pull the nutrients out of what you're eating and naturally digest the food inyour gut. Without enzymes, you would cease to function. That means the benefits of enzymes are without measure; yet movst of us have no idea how to use them. There are two ways your digestive system receives enzymes: 1). Naturally through your food; or 2). They are produced by your digestive organs" (S. Harnisch 206)

For those of you who are science nerds, go ahead and look up all these enzymes and see what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and all that sort of thing. I love the research myself, but ya'all need to do some of the work to completely understand the "WHY?!"
How can we supplement our bodies to help with this process, making it function at peak performance?
I'm glad you asked!
First of all, I'd start with a good probiotic: Life 9 This is a timed release capsule that releases in the small intestine where it's needed! It's best to take this right before bed.
Secondly, I'd get the best antioxidant drink on the planet on board: NingXia Red
Secondly, I'd get the best antioxidant drink on the planet on board: NingXia Red
After you've been on those for 3 months...
Oh! I forgot to tell you, this is a long term type of thing. This is where you try those items for 90 days, then stop for 1 week and see how you feel.
Trust me! You're going to feel a HUGE difference!
How do we get started?
Easy peasy!
How do we get started?
Easy peasy!
When you visit the links above, click "Subscribe" on both of them. You'll get a 24% discount right after you create an account. Make sure you write down your account number, PIN number, sign on name, password, etc, and set your subscription to process at the day most convenient for you. Here's a bonus, when your order reaches 100+ in personal volume (PV), you get free shipping! Keep your subscription going and you'll earn loyalty points toward FREE products! It's a great program!
As for "WHO", anyone 12 and up can take the above supplements. What about younger ones? They can take the Kids' MightyPro--Pre & Probiotic, it seriously tastes like a Pixie Stick!!!, and 1 ounce of NingXia Red each day instead of 2 ounces.
Kids can also take enzymes with Mightyzyme supplement.
As for the next step for older children ages 12 and adults, the next step would be to take a look at what types of things you're having issues with?
As for the next step for older children ages 12 and adults, the next step would be to take a look at what types of things you're having issues with?
Do you need help with allergies?
Try Allerzyme
Are you wanting to just begin?
Try Essentialzyme
Now, back to your own "why"...why would you start using these supplements to help with your gut health? Here is a list of a few examples:
Now, back to your own "why"...why would you start using these supplements to help with your gut health? Here is a list of a few examples:
*Mental fatigue
*Digestive discomfort
*A need to avoid certain foods because of how you "react"/food sensitivities and allergies
*Irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, or irritable bowel
*A feeling of "fullness" or bloating
*Sluggishness after meals
*Acid reflux/ Acidity issues/ GERD/ Heartburn
*Poor tissue repair
*Weight gain
*Crohn's disease
*Celiac Disease
*Lactose intolerance
*Skin issues/ acne/ eczema or psoriasis
These are only naming a few of the plethora of gut-related issues. (S. Harnich,206)
If you have any of these issues and are being treated by a Dr for them, please take the ingredients lists to each of the supplements I've mentioned above to your Dr's visit and see if they're ok with you taking them before you even order.
Other than that, folks, your health is in your own hands. Do the research! Type up "Benefits of _______" each ingredient in the above supplements. Want to take a handy dandy supplement from the local box store? Great! But you're only going to absorb about 30% of the supplement. When you have excellent quality supplements that all the ingredients adhere to the strictest of standards, you cannot go wrong!
Take control of your gut health today! Your body will thank you in the long run!
Love & God Bless,
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

According to my husband, this soup was awesome! It was just as good the 2nd day which says a lot!
Now, how does one begin? I'm going to give you the recipe, then I'm going to explain how we do the butternut squash.
Butternut Squash Soup
8 Cups Butternut Squash, pre cooked and pureed (explanation below)
1 stick of butter (please only use butter)
1-32 ounce container of Chicken Bone Broth
1-Fist size onion chopped finely
1-Green Pepper chopped finely
(Season above items with Himalayan Pink Salt, pepper, and garlic powder "to taste")
(Season above items with Himalayan Pink Salt, pepper, and garlic powder "to taste")
2-Pounds of Ground Pork Breakfast Sausage Cooked
(When it's almost finished, sprinkle with Cayenne Pepper--to taste--I probably used 1/8th of a teaspoon, as well as Turmeric)
3-Pounds Small Red Potatoes--cleaned and quartered--Spray a cookie sheet with non stick coconut oil spray, add potatoes and season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parsley, then coat with avocado oil. Bake at 350º for 30 minutes--turning 1/2 way through the cooking time.
1-Pint Heavy Whipping Cream 15 minutes before serving
3-Pounds Small Red Potatoes--cleaned and quartered--Spray a cookie sheet with non stick coconut oil spray, add potatoes and season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and parsley, then coat with avocado oil. Bake at 350º for 30 minutes--turning 1/2 way through the cooking time.
1-Pint Heavy Whipping Cream 15 minutes before serving

This is what the potatoes looked like before going in to the oven. I only baked them for 30 minutes because I wanted them just barely fork tender. They stayed out on the stove top until it was time to add them to the soup about 1/2 hour before serving. I didn't want them to disintegrate making it in to a mashed potato soup!
While these were baking, I was cooking the ground sausage, so it was able to be added to the soup right away and the flavors get "Happy! Happy! Happy!"
This was the super simple part! Then I just waited until 1/2 hour before serving to add them, then just a few minutes before, adding the heavy whipping cream.
Now, for the Butternut Squash!
This was the super simple part! Then I just waited until 1/2 hour before serving to add them, then just a few minutes before, adding the heavy whipping cream.
Now, for the Butternut Squash!
What did we do? Well, this is where my awesome hubby comes in! We went to Aldi and found these HUGE butternut squash for $.69 each. We bought 3 of them and brought them home, quartered them, removed the seeds, and put them in the Instapot. Honestly, it was a great experiement because our magnet cheat sheet said "cubed butternut squash" and we had a whole one. So, we put it in on the rice setting one time, then it needed a bit more cooking time. So we put back in on the rice setting and it worked! He peeled it, pureed it, and put it in baggies of 2 cup incriments to freeze.
Then he said, "What are you going to do with all this Butternut Squash?" I said, "Oh, that's easy! I'm going ot make soup!"
Then he said, "What are you going to do with all this Butternut Squash?" I said, "Oh, that's easy! I'm going ot make soup!"

Substitutions: You can use any meat. This works well with a spicy meat, so a smoked sausage that has a jalapeno twinge to it would work well, too. The point is to balance out the sweetness of the butternut squash.
*You can use non-dairy products if you need to, like coconut oil instead of butter and any non dairy milk in place of the heavy whipping cream, too.
*You can use non-dairy products if you need to, like coconut oil instead of butter and any non dairy milk in place of the heavy whipping cream, too.
*You can substitute the chicken bone broth with vegetable broth if you are more of a vegetarian/vegan, too. Admitedly, I haven't used any of the vegan/vegetarian meat substitutes in this, so I cannot vouch for those and their flavor. If you do, please leave a message for me in the comments!
Now, why did I make Butternut Squash soup? I made it for a bunch of precious friends who came to my house to "Make & Take" some Pumpkin Sugar Scrub! We used Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Ginger, and Clove essential oils in this scrub along with pumpkin! What a lucious invigorating scrub for us to try!
This was such a fun night and I enjoyed having everyone here!

Next time I'm "Cooking with Vitality Oils"! I can't wait to show everyone how easy it is to use these oils in the kitchen! I'm sure they'll love the result, too! I'm working on the menu and it could very likely include something with spaghetti sauce!
If you would like the recipe for the Pumpkin Sugar Scrub just let me know!
Love & God Bless, 💜
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.