Good Morning!
I wanted to wish all of you a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving with each of your families!

Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham & family
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

I don't know about all of you, but I love making sure my home is clean before decorating for the holidays. I dust everything with a microfiber duster that the dust clings to, or I spray a paper towel and wipe things down, as needed.
Today my hubby decided it was time to turn the heater on, much to my disapproval. I try to push off the yearly event as long as possible, but this morning it was a little bit chilly here in southern Georgia.
As I was dusting, I suddenly felt the dust I was taking off all the surfaces being breathed in to my lungs! Oops!
So, what does this do to me?
With all the extra dust particles inside my lungs, I get tired because my body is trying to expell the foreign bodies and recover. This is the biggest reason I use diffusers as well as Thieves Household Cleaner when I clean my home.

In my kitchen diffuser I added 6 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata, turned it on, and breathed really deep before moving on to the living room diffuser. In it I added 6 drops of Christmas Spirit, turned it on, breathed really deep and continued dusting.

What does this do?
Looking at the benefits of all the oils from the Eucalyptus Radiata, to the ingredients in the Christmas Spirit blend, there is Northern LIghts Black Spruce, Orange, and Cinnamon Bark. With each of those oils, there are different benefits that our body's receptors will take in and work to help our bodies in a variety of ways. With each of our bodies, of course, each of these oils will work with varying degrees. Each of us are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God, so what works in a certain way for me may be just a little different for every single one of you! This is how absolutely MAGNIFICENT our creator is!
Getting started with essential oils is the best change I've made for my own health.
I've been to many doctors, ENTs, allergists, and I've been on medications for the last 30 years of my life. I've used Albuterol, Steroids, a plethora of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections, bronchial pneumonia, bronchitis and it all comes down to one thing--environmental sensitivities. To some it's something to "poo-poo" as all in one's head, but when you've dealt with this type of thing for so long with NO answers from the western medical community, it not only gets frustrating, but exasperating when someone does not understand the frustration and continues to operate as if what they are doing is not or will not bother my breathing.
The exasperation is real, the frustration is real. Breathing is the most simple elemental thing we do. To walk in to a room and smell something that is not noticable by others; a chemical, smoke, black mold, something burning, a synthetic perfume, ammonia, bleach, dust, or dirt from traveling next to the plethora of farms here in rural southern Georgia during planting or harvest times, sends me in to a type of asthmatic breathing issue. I've been driving down the road and seeing smoke or dust flying in the distance, to grab a tissue or a bandana to cover my nose and mouth after making sure the windows are completely closed. It's almost to a point where I feel like I need to have an air purifying aparatus strapped to me at all times. It truly is frustrating!
Changing filters in our home occurs on a monthly basis, cleaning the floors, washing the dogs, the rugs, the bedding, dusting, everything occurs on a schedule.
So, my own personal defense against all things toxin related is using essential oils in the air, on my body, and internally. I clean with Thieves Household Cleaner to ensure there isn't a synthetic toxic cleaner in my home.
The quest for breathing easier has been a lifelong pursuit. It's seriously a huge concern for me. If you've dealt with breathing issues much like I have, send me a personal message and we can talk.
As I prepare for the holidays, my preparations may look a little different than many, but to ensure my house is clean before I take out decorations is a necessity.
How about you? If you're feeling the need for greater breathing support, I might have what your looking for!
Love & God Bless,

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Good morning everyone!
I am coming to you right now from my "blue room" sectional where I have my laptop propped up on a pillow on my lap. I have Rexi next to me and my "knight in shining amour" at the other end of the couch. My window is open and it's cooler today so that glorious cool breeze is wafting in my window. I can hear my notepad fluttering as the wind comes in past Pickles the cat as he bats at the fluttering papers.
The "blue room" is my sanctuary that I've been piecing together since we first moved in to our house here in southern Georgia in 2015. It isn't quite where I'd like it to be currently, but that is a work in progress.
As with everything in life, seasons come and seasons go. This year has been no exception for me. I started 2022 with a dislocated shoulder, then our kids moved back in with us to help them out a bit in February. Thankfully our new baby grandson arrived the end of June just 2 weeks before my Mother passed away. There is something about holding and loving a sweet newborn baby when you're grieving that simply melts that grief and turns it in to joy. My Mother would have loved this sweet little guy, so I'm giving him extra "lovin's" just for her.
Now they've found where they feel the Lord leading them and they're moving out, so our seasons are changing.
Fortunately, through this entire year, I've had my oils on hand for various situations as they've come up. I have taken a step back from teaching classes, holding events at my house, and meeting for Ladies' Nights at Panera, but those will resume once again in January '23 because I miss all of you dearly and I can't wait to fellowship with you again!
I wanted to let you know about the new Brand Partner changes that have taken place, just having been released on November 1st. It's a very exciting change and I hope you're just as excited as I am for this!
First of all, for ALL those who enroll in Loyalty Rewards at 50PV and stay on Loyalty Rewards for 2 months in a row get a FREE Desert Mist Diffuser!

Just click any product's box that says, "Add to Loyalty Order" and you'll begin building your order to 50PV!
Easy peasy!
Secondly, for those of you who have been thinking about becoming a Brand Partner, this wonderful new bonus that is here to stay has come about and it's FANTASTIC!

What does this mean?
*When someone decides they would like to order through your enroller number, you get 50% of their Personal Volume (PV) the first month. If they order a Starter Bundle (any of them), you ALSO get a $25 Starter Bundle Bonus for anyone purchasing a Starter Bundle! This means that anyone who buys a Starter Bundle, you automatically get $75! I don't know about you, but $75 looks pretty good to me!
Now, what about the new Enrollment Bundles?
The first one is the Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle:

The next bundle is the Premium Aroma Loyalty Bundle:

So how would you get the most bang for your buck?
The first month, I'd get the Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle. Once that arrives, go in to your YL account, add the Premium Aroma Loyalty Bundle to your Loyalty Rewards, remove the Thieves Bundle, then let your order process the 2nd month. You'll get all the oils you see above PLUS the FREE Desert Mist diffuser!
Easy Peasy!
Now, for those of you who are wondering about all the business related things, you can read about those on the Brand Partner page. I have more training for you and a wonderful support system all ready in place, so everything will be super easy for you to pick up and run with this business serving others and loving on them while sharing all the goodness of these products!
If you're still on the fence, you can find all about the REAL pay here at the Income Disclosure Statement.
Of course I'm available to answer any questions you may have! I have an education group on Facebook and I can plug you in to that group so you can read and watch the videos at your leisure. I promise you will not be left to your own devices to try to learn about all the things as if you were on an island! This is a wonderful community of loving, giving, serving folks who believe in the power of these wonderful products, producing them with Integrity and in a Toxin Free fashion.
Let me know how I can serve you!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Welcome to all my friends!
I am so excited to "see you!"
For those of you who are newbies or just needing a refresher, I thought I'd cover some basics.
What are Essential OIls?
They are the part of the plant that is steam distilled or cold pressed that contains the oils for the greatest benefit for our bodies. Those parts of the plants that are used vary from plant to plant, but include flowers, stems, roots, bark, resins, peels, and seeds.
Each plant requires extensive understanding to ensure the best time to harvest the plant as well as what the best temperature and how long to distill each type to extract the plant oils for use.
Each plant contains special ingredients called "Terpines" that is different for each type of plant. These terpines do something different for each of our bodies, seeking out the receptors in our bodies with most need. This is simply where the creation of the Lord of the universe comes in to play because when I use an oil for something to help my body, it may do something different for you. Because each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord, only He knows which oils will help our bodies. That's why there are so many different oils we could potentially use to help with something as simple as breathing. Some oils I've used to help with my breathing include RC, Breathe Again, Eucalyptus Globulus, Peppermint, & Raven.

How do I use the oils?
Aromatically you can add a couple drops to a diffuser and turn it on. You can add a couple drops to a cotton ball and lay it on your side table, or you can apply it to your skin and breathe in the Lord's healing oils!

Which brings us to the 2nd way to use the oils--
Topically. You can add an oil to your skin where ever you need it. If you have never used essential oils before, use what is called a "carrier oil" which is simply olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil--something like that--to slow down the essential oil's obsorption in to the body. When you add an oil to your skin, your body will likely NEED that oil so much that it tries pulling that oil in to your body as quickly as it can. This causes a red mark on your skin. It's better to slow down the obsorption by adding about a dime size amount of carrier oil on to your hand, add a drop of essential oil, rub it together between your hands, then apply where you need it. What the carrier oil does is it causes the essential oil to "ping pong" off the larger molecules of the carrier oil before being absorbed in to your body.

Internally is the 3rd way to use these oils. Young Living Vitality oils are the only oils on the market that are GRAS Certified by the FDA. GRAS simply means "generally regarded as safe" through all their clinical trials. All of these oils are super easy to find by their white lable. You can use them in a Vegetable Capsule as a supplement, in a glass of water, or you can use them in your food. Click the link above to see all the Vitality oils. There are over 70 oils in that line now and I'm more than sure it will amaze you!
You can use Vitality oils in your food and drinks, too! Take a look at this wonderful Pumpkin Spiced Latte recipe that you can make in your crockpot! Yum!

What do "I" use in a Vegetable capsule?
I do my research and find some things that my body needs, and sometimes in conjunction with my Naturopathic Dr, I discuss everything I'm doing beforehand.
Which leads me to this: I am not a doctor, nor do I prescribe things for anyone. I am an educator and as such I encourage each of you to research everything I tell you to confirm that it is true and for suggestions that might be the *thing* you're looking for.
I am available for classes, long distance, in person, or textable. I can get you information that may lead you to the answers you're looking for. I love to bless others and get together with others to discuss everything these wonderful toxin free products might be able to do for you. You can text me or send me a Personal Message on Facebook. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you're interested in getting started, the best way to get the most bang for your buck is a Premium Starter Kit with a diffuser. If you'd like a few oils and a diffuser we can do that too. It truly is super easy and so customizable!
Have a question, let me know! Interested in a class, let me know and I'll get you plugged in!
Have a great week!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Me and my hubby before our evening stroll.
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

My husband and I went to Nashville, Tennessee last week to visit our daughter for her birthday. We had to wait until she was off work, so we decided to meet up with some long time "internet" friends "In Real Life" to have lunch. What a blast that was to get together! Needless to say our time was much too short and we decided that whenever we were going north or they were heading south to try to meet up again! God just blesses us with such wonderful friends and my dear friend and I raised our kids, sharing pictures with one another on a Christian Mom's board online for over 20 years. We became quick friends and have stayed that way ever since! I love it when that happens!
So after meeting my friend and her hubby, we were able to go to my daughter's house and visitied with she and her boyfriend. It has been 7 long months since I'd seen my daughter and this helped my own "Momma's Heart" to set eyes on her and make sure she was doing well with her life.
We were all over Nashville for a couple days, stuck in traffic, eating some awesome food, experiencing the most magnificent used book/electronics/music/instrument store I've ever seen in my life, and so much more! We were so blessed to stay at the I24 campground in Smyrna in a little cabin that was perfect for us! With hubby's tummy issues, we needed to bring our own food and be prepared to take care of that when we needed to, so we planned ahead and everything turned out well.
During our trip home, some time walking here or there, getting in or out of the van, I hurt, pulled, tugged, twisted--any number of those things--my right knee. It has been bothering me and I just really couldn't move past it. So I decided to hit it with all I had!
I used ice, elevation, Cool Azul Pain Cream, CBD Calm, CBD Cool Mint Oil 1000mgs, Deep Relief Roll-on, and Ibuprofen. I tried to stay off of it as much as I possibly could and keep it elevated.

I rolled CBD Calm around the knee cap, then Deep Relief around in a larger circular fashion. I rubbed them both in and elevated about 4 times per day.

I put one 25ml dropper (it's measured on the dropper insert) on my knee throughout the day.
What a blessing it was to have all those things at my disposeal to be able to take care of my knee! While I have been limping, I'm walking a little better with each day! What an incredible improvement from last week! Whew!
I've used 2 different kinds of CBD--CBD Calm Roll-on, and CBD Cool Mint Oil 1000mgs. While there are many other CBD products, these are the ones I currently had on hand and I used them! You can find all the wonderful CBD line here.
Have you been thinking of trying a CBD product? Wonder if it works? I can absolutely say, YES!!!
I can show you how to save the most of your hard earned money with buying these natural products that have not been tainted by chemicals in the soil for 50 years! It's a no brainer for me to know that these are the purest of the pure that you can get on the market! And they work!
Let me know how I can help!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.