Good morning everyone!
I am coming to you right now from my "blue room" sectional where I have my laptop propped up on a pillow on my lap. I have Rexi next to me and my "knight in shining amour" at the other end of the couch. My window is open and it's cooler today so that glorious cool breeze is wafting in my window. I can hear my notepad fluttering as the wind comes in past Pickles the cat as he bats at the fluttering papers.
The "blue room" is my sanctuary that I've been piecing together since we first moved in to our house here in southern Georgia in 2015. It isn't quite where I'd like it to be currently, but that is a work in progress.
As with everything in life, seasons come and seasons go. This year has been no exception for me. I started 2022 with a dislocated shoulder, then our kids moved back in with us to help them out a bit in February. Thankfully our new baby grandson arrived the end of June just 2 weeks before my Mother passed away. There is something about holding and loving a sweet newborn baby when you're grieving that simply melts that grief and turns it in to joy. My Mother would have loved this sweet little guy, so I'm giving him extra "lovin's" just for her.
Now they've found where they feel the Lord leading them and they're moving out, so our seasons are changing.
Fortunately, through this entire year, I've had my oils on hand for various situations as they've come up. I have taken a step back from teaching classes, holding events at my house, and meeting for Ladies' Nights at Panera, but those will resume once again in January '23 because I miss all of you dearly and I can't wait to fellowship with you again!
I wanted to let you know about the new Brand Partner changes that have taken place, just having been released on November 1st. It's a very exciting change and I hope you're just as excited as I am for this!
First of all, for ALL those who enroll in Loyalty Rewards at 50PV and stay on Loyalty Rewards for 2 months in a row get a FREE Desert Mist Diffuser!

Just click any product's box that says, "Add to Loyalty Order" and you'll begin building your order to 50PV!
Easy peasy!
Secondly, for those of you who have been thinking about becoming a Brand Partner, this wonderful new bonus that is here to stay has come about and it's FANTASTIC!

What does this mean?
*When someone decides they would like to order through your enroller number, you get 50% of their Personal Volume (PV) the first month. If they order a Starter Bundle (any of them), you ALSO get a $25 Starter Bundle Bonus for anyone purchasing a Starter Bundle! This means that anyone who buys a Starter Bundle, you automatically get $75! I don't know about you, but $75 looks pretty good to me!
Now, what about the new Enrollment Bundles?
The first one is the Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle:

The next bundle is the Premium Aroma Loyalty Bundle:

So how would you get the most bang for your buck?
The first month, I'd get the Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle. Once that arrives, go in to your YL account, add the Premium Aroma Loyalty Bundle to your Loyalty Rewards, remove the Thieves Bundle, then let your order process the 2nd month. You'll get all the oils you see above PLUS the FREE Desert Mist diffuser!
Easy Peasy!
Now, for those of you who are wondering about all the business related things, you can read about those on the Brand Partner page. I have more training for you and a wonderful support system all ready in place, so everything will be super easy for you to pick up and run with this business serving others and loving on them while sharing all the goodness of these products!
If you're still on the fence, you can find all about the REAL pay here at the Income Disclosure Statement.
Of course I'm available to answer any questions you may have! I have an education group on Facebook and I can plug you in to that group so you can read and watch the videos at your leisure. I promise you will not be left to your own devices to try to learn about all the things as if you were on an island! This is a wonderful community of loving, giving, serving folks who believe in the power of these wonderful products, producing them with Integrity and in a Toxin Free fashion.
Let me know how I can serve you!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.