Sometimes it feels daunting learning new things. Even when the benefits greatly outweigh the time learning.
I get it!
How do you start?
There are 3 ways to use oils: Aromatic (in the air), Topical (on your skin), & Internally (in a drink, food, or a capsule.
Which oils do you start with?

Let me share with you in the video below, how I started and what I’ve used these oils for. You’ll be surprised at how much you can do with them! I've covered just Lemon, Peppermint, and Lavender in the video below. They are 3 of the 12 oils in the Premium Starter Bundle with the Desert Mist Diffuser. If you look behind me in the video, you'll see my Desert Mist Diffuser in the background.
All that said, if there is something else that your family needs, there are other avenues to begin. If you head over to my main website (reginagraham.net) and just take a look at all the different topics, clicking and reading what you might be interested in, you'll find so much more than just essential oils! You'll see an information request. If I already have your information, just click "no thanks" and keep going. If I don't have your information, go ahead and fill it out. I promise it will be for my eyes only!
Use the "Contact Me" feature at the top of this page to discuss your concerns and/or needs. I'll be happy to help guide you to toxin free products for your family and pets!
Oh! Speaking of pets, I'll be doing a Pets and Essential Oils class THIS Thursday at 7PM EST on Zoom. It will also be available on the Facebook education group. Are you on that group? If not, send me a message and I'll be happy to add you!
The best way to get information about these essential oils is to be where the most information is shared! I'd love to have you, even if that's all you do on Facebook.
I can't wait to talk with you about how awesome these oils and products are! I've been exclusively using Young Living for all my make up, personal hygeine, and essential oil needs for 7 years. You can too! It just takes a little bit of understanding and perseverance!
Give it a try!
I'll talk with you soon!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

My husband uses oils!
There! I said it! LOL
I just wanted to be the first (2nd, 3rd, 4th,...100th) to say, "Essential oils are for E.V.E.R.Y.B.O.D.Y. no matter what!"
That said, my hubby has been a part of all this wonderful exciting essential oil ride with me and he's found some oils that he's loved!
Evergreen Essence we've found he's loved the scent! It's more than just a scent, though. There are wonderful properties to these oils that work so well for our bodies and he's learning about all the wonderfulness, too!
Another one he's really loving is Northern Lights Black Spruce! He's enjoying these 2 scents alternately in the den when he's in there doing whatever he does.
He uses them for practical reasons, too. For example, he gets ingrown toenails, and uses Lavender to help with the healing process after he trims them.
He also uses Lemon essential oil to get paint splatters and sticky stuff off things.
There is so much more he uses essential oils for, but I just wanted to share 4 of those wonderful oils he uses.
Whatever your manly man needs, there's probably an oil for that.

I absolutely love that my hubby is using more natural products. He keeps learning about it all and enjoying the journey!
Do you have a manly man? Try some oils!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

Do you often feel like you're not hearing information or reading the updated material to help you make the best possible choices? Let's face it! We can no longer talk to our friends through the tin can telephone! We need to be creative!
That's where I come in!
When you first visit my website at reginagraham.net, you have the opportunity to add your name, cell phone number, and email address. I promise I won't spam you with tons of emails and messages! I try to be respectful of everyone in that regard. This is what it looks like, so do not be afraid!

You're not getting on to a huge mega massive database that sends you spam messages all the time. It's just me.
If you're on Facebook, I also have an education group for everything here and there an anywhere in between. You can look up things on the search and find them easily.
If you're interested in making extra money each month by doing this business as a Brand Partner, I have a group for that as well as training and you'll be off and running in little to no time! Just let me know!
Do you have an alternate suggestion for communication? Let me know and I'll be glad to give it a whirl! If you need a newsletter type of situation in your snail mail box, I can do that, too!
If you need to contact me, there is a "Contact Me" section at the top of this page that you can always use!
I'm looking forward to serving you!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

I believe I first heard the phrase "Carpe Diem!" in the movie Dead Poet Society. I didn't really pay attention to the meaning, but as life has progressed for me, it has rung true more and more as time goes on.
I love visiting friends and family. I love to travel and experience things I wouldn't normally here in southern Georgia. I love using my senses to experience the surroundings. What a wonderful world we live in! I especially like experiencing new restaurants--which goes right along with those 5 senses.
This past weekend we decided to visit my husband's family. We planned this months ago because we didn't know if our kids would be here for Thanksgiving. We thought it would be nice to be availble for our kids, then head to his parents to spend time with them the week after. It made for the sweetest time for both hubby and I. I can't speak for my kids, but they are progressing with their own lives with their own choices and that's how it should be.
As it turned out, we had 3 of us here for the first time since that young man was a little guy! Only this time, he ate a little bit more than when he did as a wee babe and a toddler. Our other 2 had time constraints with their jobs and couldn't come, so they made the best of their situations. We had a scaled back Thanksgiving which is a good thing. We had a first this year...leftover mashed potatoes that actually went bad in the refrigerator! I couldn't believe it! But, we live and learn!
We got ready to head to my in-law's and while I got ready, my oldest son said, "Mom, why do you need to take all those oils?"

So, I picked one up and said, "This one is for _____", and "This one is for _____" and he asked me how I used them while I travel. I told him, "You know how you roll Deep Relief on your wrist? It's much the same way, but I just put a couple drops of Juniper or Lemongrass to help with my swollen ankles."
He is learning just like I've learned and just like you, I'm sure. These oils can help with great benefits! When I have leg cramps, I add Lavender to my legs and within a few minutes it's helped so much! My mother-in-law had hand cramps while we were playing cards one night and I got out my Lavender and put a couple drops on her finger and rubbed it in. Within a few minutes it was gone.
As you go about your day, helping people, serving folks, loving on family and friends, "Sieze the day!" Take the opportunity to spend time with someone, even if it may take a little bit of planning and setting a little bit of money aside to do that. It is so worth it!
Why? Because some day, maybe not tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, but some day, that person is going to be called home to be with Jesus. Don't let time go by without visiting those folks. If you have hard feelings between you, ask for forgiveness for your part in it, make ammends; take time to make memories. You won't regret it!
Carpe Diem!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Siezing the day to be silly with my hubby!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

On this Black Friday, I want to tell you to that many of our loved ones are suffering with a variety of maladies that they simply need help with.
For me, to give a gift is to bless someone with something they need. But then, to educate them on how to effectively use it. And continue to educate with further products that could possibly help them.
One of the greatest issues we are facing currently in our society is the medical and pharmacological entities prescribing more and more medications to people, effectively putting a band-aid on a problem that could potentially be helped with a change in diet, appropriate exercise, some good quality supplements, and yes, essential oils.
What I am NOT saying is to stop taking your medications. What I AM saying is to prayerfully study other options for you that do not have side effects, or that could cause you to need a domino effect of other medications in the future to "fix" the side effect of this one medication.
Unfortunately in our society today, we have to do the research on how to take control of our health. But with each one of us that creates a "rabbit hole" of needing to find the right option for our own bodies. We are each created fearfully and wonderfully by God and as such, each of our needs are different. So it is up to us to become our own greatest advocate and researcher for every single medication, supplement, food, exercise, and essential oil out there to see whether the benefits outweigh the detriments. With all of this research, there isn't a "one and done" type of answer where one type of diet/plan/exercise/supplement/essential oil is a one size fits all type of situation.
We each have to find what works for ourselves.
How do we begin? PRAYER!
Pray about everything, from finding out about what GMO wheat does to your gut, to repairing your gut with LIfe 9 and NingXia Red. Click those links and read all about how those 2 items help your body! I have a friend who has been on both of those since the beginning of C0v!d!
Pray about those wonderful organic green leafy arugala and spinach that you found at Aldi's and look up the vitamins and minerals in both of those foods and how often you should eat those things to get maximum benefit for YOUR body and the bodies of those who you are in charge of.
Pray about the use of sugar in your diet and how you should use it, or if you should use it. What kind of substitutions can you make to help remove it from your diet? Why? Take a look on any search engine about the detriments of sugar.
Pray about the exercise you do and how much you should be doing. I need to increase my daily walking, adding in a few more low impact exercises to help strengthen my arm further, and to help strengthen my back due to osteoarthritis. I find that when I'm up and moving that it hurts less. When we first moved to southern Georgia in 2015, just the move helped the back pain decrease. I only felt the hurricanes coming, whereas in Pennsylvania, I felt every dip in the barometric pressure in my back. Now, I need to continue to add some basic stretches to keep my back strengthened to keep the pain away. What do I do when the pain comes? I have my hubby roll some Deep Relief on the muscles beside my spine as well as on top of my spine. I've been researching and here very soon I plan to delve in to the CBD Muscle Rub, as well as many of the other CBD products to help with greater health.
These are just things that I use on a regular basis, but where do YOU start?
I want to ask you some questions to get you started. I want to help you get the most bang for your hard earned buck and if a diffuser and an essential oil kit isn't where you need to start, we can go a different direction. I can completely tailor your orders to fit your life and the needs you and your family have.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and I cannot diagnose or treat any illness you may have been diagnosed with.
That said, I will HIGHLY recommend every single time, that you take the suggestions of potential supplements to your Dr and have them read the ingredients list and get their official "Okey Dokey" first before ordering. If you have medications that some oil or some other supplement may interfere with, you need to be aware of that as well.
Are there Black Friday deals that you can take advantage of? Yes! You can find them HERE!
But, if you're looking for a life change, health supporting, start replacing toxins in your home type of beginning, I just might have what you're looking for. You can go to the top of this blog page and click the "Contact me" feature above. I will get back to you to help you.
If you're looking for a business opportunity, of course go ahead and click "Opportunity" and see what that's all about. I'd love to talk with you about it and get you started.
What about gift giving? Let me know what you're looking for and I can point you in the right direction! If you'd like to bless a loved one with a Premium Starter Kit with 12 of the most awesome oils, I can help you there, too.
If you'd like to schedule coffee at a local restaurant, I'd love to do that, too! Just let me know and we can do that, too!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,

Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.