What in the world is "Super Hyper Organic?"
First of all, this hashtag is something I've come up with myself. I simply started by looking at the above comparisons. Then the thought occured to me that these products are more than just organic, coming as close as possible world wide to the plants from the Garden of Eden in modern day life. What a blessing to have such pure products!

First of all, this hashtag is something I've come up with myself. I simply started by looking at the above comparisons. Then the thought occured to me that these products are more than just organic, coming as close as possible world wide to the plants from the Garden of Eden in modern day life. What a blessing to have such pure products!
With over 600 products and almost 300 essential oils to use for a variety of health needs, from immune support to pain relief, these plant juices have you covered!
Uncontrollable shaking...weight gain...cleansing from an antibiotic...
All of the above was part of my life at least 2 times a year.
I have breathing issues that show up in the form of asthmatic type of a response in my body. I cannot be around chemicals like bleach, ammonia or anything synthetic, perfumes, smoke with polutants in it, like tires or PVC pipes. I need to diffuse a variety of oils once we turn on the heater in the late Fall early Winter. When the heater comes on it dries out my sinuses and invariably ends up with bronchial issues and an infection. I've dealt with this for years and years, so finding something that helps to support my breathing is such a relief without having medications that cause me to have uncontrollable shaking and weight gain from steroids.
So if you'd like a choice to use something that is completely pure and doesn't have side effects like the ones I'd elaborated on above, I'd love to help you get some fantastic products in your hands to help you and your family! Just send me a message and we can chat about what may help you and your family the most!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
More exercises, more challenging, breaking scar tissue, more range

of motion, more change, more praise....
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.