I was looking through my blog posts and realized I'd written this one around February 10th or so...
This past week has been a whirlwind! The whirlwind that most likely will not be ending or coming to a culimnation or settling down until Monday or Tuesday of next week. (More on that later)
This past week has been a whirlwind! The whirlwind that most likely will not be ending or coming to a culimnation or settling down until Monday or Tuesday of next week. (More on that later)
It's interesting how things change in our lives and just wrap and intertwine throughout every little crack and crevice.
I know I"m being vague and I apologise!
Our son, daughter-in-love who is due to have their 2nd little one in June, and our grandson moved in with us this past weekend. What excitement!
I love having them here! I love teaching him and giving him things to occupy his time. He LOVES helping me, which melts my heart! Today I was dusting when he got home from running to town with his Momma and said, "Nana, can I help you dust?" So I gave him a washcloth, sprayed it with Thieves Household Cleaner and asked him to work on the bench for me. And he did it with such a HUGE grin on his face!
Later, I asked my oldest son to brush our 100 pound collie, Gus. Then added, "Why not ask *A* to help?" So Gus laid down on the floor and let them brush him, after a few minutes, they'd give him a little treat, then they'd brush more. It's the longest I've seen Gus so willing to be brushed! LOL I don't know if it's just the little boy brushing him or all the treats that kept him there. LOL
I'm running on sheer exhaustion right now. As-a-matter-of-fact, right now it is 9:39pm and I should be heading to bed, but when I get an idea to write about, I need to write or I'll forget. I do my arm stretches and exercises 2 times a day, then ice it, then keep my schedule for pain meds, then Lavender to help with brusing, Lemongrass to help with swelling, Frankincense to help with "all the things", and Cedarwood to help with oxygenation and healing of the cells. I'm also putting Cool Azul Pain Cream on top of that and prayer....lots and lots of prayer!
I anoint myself and pray for the Lord to heal my shoulder. Sometimes healing comes instantly, but in other times, healing comes with determination, pain--as in breaking the adhesions doing the exercises, and submitting to the Lord's pruning sheers. That's what happens when you ask the Lord to help you be more "fruity." In order to become more fruitful, the vines need pruning. (John 17)
So do I! Pruning hurts! There isn't any other way to put it. Exhaustion comes along with all this, then there are the emotions of everything going on right now.
I'm wiped out!
I think I"ll grant myself some grace and allow myself to rest in the afternoons. It's through rest that our bodies heal themselves, so it's a win-win situation!
Have a lovely and blessed week!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.