As with every year, many folks make resolutions. I have been skipping that tradition and setting goals for myself throughout the year, reassessing, and adjusting as time goes on.
Some of the big goals include getting healthier, saving more, giving more, and becoming debt free. But these are often lofty goals for many who get overhwlemed and stop working toward those goals because it simply takes too much focus and it's "not fun".
What's my solution for the long haul?
Set small obtainable goals and "celebrate" that milestone having fun along the way.
If your goal is to lose 50 pounds, that's quite a big number. So break it up in to 5-10 pound increments. So, for the month of January, for example, replace that burger, fries, and coke with a healthy filling salad and a smoothie with water throughout the day. Do that the first week. The next week do the same thing, but this time, at dinner, add a 2nd vegetable dish to your dinner instead of pasta, white rice, or potatoes. For example, chicken breasts with Young Living's Lemon Vitality oil & your favorite seasonings, green beans, and sweet potatoes fries in the air frier with some fresh grape tomatoes on the side sprinkled with salt, pepper, and parmesian cheese would be great! The sky is the limit! We recently found Zucchini fries, so we're adding those in to our meals instead of french fries. The flavor is great and it works!
These are all examples, of course, so check with your Dr before changing your diet. I'd love to see what all of you come up with!
What goals are you working on right now? You don't have to wait until January 1st, 2021 to start them! Let's share!
What goals are you working on right now? You don't have to wait until January 1st, 2021 to start them! Let's share!
Be a Blessing folks!
Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.