I know everyone is susceptible to this very same thought, at some point or another in life, but what is our purpose in life?
If you have not taken a long hard look at your own life to ask this question, why not?
For me the answer came when I started focusing to a greater degree on teaching our kids from the catechism. Now for all intents and purposes, this particular document helped me to solidify the whole purpose of my life.
To glorify God in everything I say and everything I do.
Do I do this perfectly every day? No! But my heart is to know Christ and make Him known. It doesn’t matter which vocation I have, whether I’m nursing babies, changing diapers, doing dishes, digging ditches, sharing about the greatest essential oils on the planet, cleaning toilets, preaching a sermon, flying an airplane, or cleaning out sewage systems, the Lord has told us to do ALL as if we were working for Him and not for man. (Col 3:17, paraphrased)

It makes a HUGE difference when we focus our minds on who our employer is vs who we work for. When the Lord’s dishes are getting done, His baby is getting a fresh clean diaper, or the airline pilot does all he can do to get and give proper information to the control tower, it makes a difference when his employer is the Lord! Even if our employer is terrible, when our mindset is such that we work for the Lord, something different happens to our own attitudes.
Things change!
For me, I hope you understand dear reader, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Lord has brought me to this particular business. He alone has given me such a peace about sharing everything about this company, this business, and these products because they have been made in such a way that respects the Lord's creation--from the soil, to the animals used for fertilizing the soil, to the distilation process, to the bottle that arrives on your doorstep.
I could not, in good conscience, put forth false information from any company as a good thing.
That said, dear reader, you and you alone are in charge of your own research. You are the gatekeeper of your home and family. What you bring in and use, breathe in and put on your body is something you have to do the research on. I can give you classes and statistics, and like spaghetti thrown at the wall, hope they stick; but honestly, you'll need to check the ingredients lists of everything that comes over the threshold of your door to find for yourself the harmful ingredients that are plaguing the bodies of your family.
Is the research worth it? YES!
They're not supposed to put harmful ingredients in our products! True, but honestly, if it isn't banned in the US, the companies are going to use it because it's cheap and it's easy. Those items that cause cancer or disrupt your hormones, yup! They're in your lotion, laundry soap, fabric softener, and your pretty blue dish soap! Don't believe me?! Grab one of those bottles and look up "Dangers of ______" online and see what I'm talking about!
Once you've gone through your entire kitchen, laundry room, cleaning closet, and bathroom cabinets, let me know! I'll be right here to give you some suggstions based on your family's needs.
This is what I do!
This is my service to you and your loved ones--to show you a better way to get healthier with all the natural products I have at my fingertips.
Yes, I love you THAT much!!! You are worth every single phone call, text message, personal message, and video chat!
This work is not work for me, but serving you and serving my Lord and Savior with all that is within me. I believe in these products, I believe in this business model (ask me about the business income, too! ), and I believe without a shadow of a doubt that this information will be the biggest help you have been looking for!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.