When I was 44, I felt changes coming in my body. My monthly cycles were starting to get longer. By the time I was 45, my monthly cycle was lasting 14 days. I say that I was exhausted all the time would not have been completely correct. I was beyond exhausted at that point! My good days, I was able to function, but something was wrong.
I discussed the issue with my husband and told him I knew I needed to go see the Dr and get some tests run. I knew where I was headed with it all and I was honestly ok with it.
The day came and I remember as I came out of anesthesia, I felt so much better already. I did not know what all they did, but they took everything out—uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix—everything. The Dr explained that she didn’t want to cut into the uterus to take it out because we didn’t know if any of those tumors were cancerous, so she cut around the cervix and took everything. I was dumbfounded, but grateful. I felt so much better just having come out of the anesthesia that I was so very thankful!
While I was on very limited activity, I bought my Reference Guide for Essential Oils along with my Premium Starter Kit from Young Living I started reading and researching about all the oils in my kit and was completely blown away at everything these oils were good for! I looked up Frankincense and the fact that it has up to 90% in Monoterpenes really impressed me! No…not just impressed me but BLEW my doors off!
What is Frankincense good for? It is often referred to as the “Coconut Oil of Essential Oils”. It is a fantastic skin oil helping in all kinds of ways. I had used it on my scars from my laparoscopic hysterectomy and my body was pulling the oil in so fast that it made my skin a little red. I knew that I needed to add some carrier oil to slow the absorption, so that is what I did. I could not believe how much my body needed this oil! It told me in a very real way that it needed it!
So what did I do?
I started simply by taking a dime size piece of coconut oil in my hand and put 2 drops of Frankincense in my hand and mix them together by rubbing my hands together in a clockwise motion. I rubbed that on my lower abdomen in the morning. in the evening before bed, I did the same thing, but with Lavender.
This was only the beginning of my own discoveries! I loved looking new (to me) oils up in my book and reading all about them. One of the things I had not delved into until lately has been the more scientific aspect of oils. The Terpenes and all their functions are fascinating!
I am sure you would love this fascinating world of essential oils as much as I have! The research is ongoing and updating every year on new plants and new studies that have been done. It does not take an Aromatherapist to use these essential oils. Just a little bit of training and you are off and running!
As I like to say to my kids and students, “Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy!”
Have an amazing day!
God Bless!

Regina Graham

Tip number 7 is my favorite! I've saved the best for last, yes I did! AND, it's an extra "Freebee!"

We've all been there. It all starts with a runny nose, sneezing, congestion and a tickle in your throat. You either work through it, miserable, or you can start now building your immune system to help diminish the effects of the cold and flu season. I'm just a retired homeschool mom who has been around the block a couple times. I'm not a doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat anyone. These tips are things that I have used over the years and I've found they work well for me and my family! Please check with your Dr before using the following suggestions.
The first one is always the same. I'm sure you've heard of it often, so let me just simply repeat:
Drink more water! Our bodies are made of 80% water, so when you're actually feeling thirsty, you probably should have had a swig of water about a half an hour ago! All of our body systems need water to function properly. You know the drill, so grab yourself a thermal water jug to keep it cool and refreshing for you (there's tons of them out there!), and drink your water!
The second one I'm pretty sure you've already heard of as a kid growing up:
Eat your veggies! Eat a rainbow of them! Eat them raw, eat them cooked, eat them here and there! Eat them everywhere! Veggies are packed with all kinds of nutients that our bodies need, yes, you've heard this before, but just think of these things like a toothbrush. If you don't brush your teeth, they get feelin' kinda hairy right? Well, veggies are like a toothbrush for your intestines. The fiber (that stringy stuff in celery and asparagus) doesn't get broken down in our bodies, so it acts like a natural toothbrush scrubbing our intestines clean. It's super cool how God made our bodies!
The third one you're probably hearing lots of too, but I'm going to put a different spin on it:
Our bodies need to eat, drink, and move. The foods we eat feed the needs of our bodies, but we also have to move our bodies.
Huh? What?! No couch taters allowed!
When you get up, walk your dog, dance with your husband/wife in the kitchen while doing dishes, plant flowers, or any other vegetable, change a tire, mow the lawn, run the weedwacker, take a hike, or just dance back and forth....you're moving your body. Do you have to do the drastic P90X? I don't know about you, but I won't be doing that any time soon! For me, I walk, I do stretches, leg lifts, dance (nothing fancy or "trained" I assure you!), and I work around my house. The key is to get up and move! Whatever suits your fancy, just do it!
So what does this have to do with health? Well, folks, everything is interrelated in our bodies. This is "whole" health! This is wonderful in a world where our medical system separates systems so much--ie: pulmonologist and allergist. Huh? Why can't they work together? What about oxygen in your brain? What about cardiologist and endocrinologist? Let's look at our "whole" bodies and find what works for each of us? It's a journey, folks!
Join me next week when we look at what else goes in to our bodies to help with cold and flu season!
Ya'all! It's going to be amazing! I'll "see" everyone next week!
God Bless,

Regina Graham

In this video, there is home made body butter and I've added 10 drops each of Lavender and Frankincense--two of the most powerful skin oils out there!
Take a look and enjoy the wonderful scents you can add to your body butters and lotions!