How “I” Got Started Using Essential Oils

How “I” Got Started Using Essential Oils
You can get started by looking up all the things on every single website known to mankind…
 …I can just share with you how I started.
There are going to be “experts” telling you to do this or do that, but like you, I began right where you’re at!
I had migraines and was seriously trying to find a good natural alternative because at the time I was a nursing mom, like many of you are, I’m sure.  I didn’t want barbiturates crossing over to my sweet babies through my milk, so it was time to get the research started.  I started with a book called The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Worwood.  I looked up all kinds of things to get me started, how to use them, and what to do.   
I would love to tell you that I branched out and used all kinds of oils from Basil to Frankincense all those years ago, but I didn’t.   I played it safe, stayed with Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Cedarwood, and Oregano.  During that time, I was growing my own herbs and dehydrating them to use in our food.  I figured that would help us with some of our diets.  While it did some, it wasn’t as effective as using the distilled oil from the plant.
I started praying about what to do because I had just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and PCOS induced pre-diabetes.   I found Trim Healthy Mama and started delving more deeply into essential oils at that point.  I had used so many different companies’ oils from farmer’s markets, health food stores, and started looking at reputable companies to use.  I asked one friend about the oils her family used, but then asked another friend.  I did a side-by-side comparison and the 2nd friend had so many more essential oils to choose from!  I started looking more deeply into the company, the science behind what they had available for me to learn and decided to pray more about it.  Within a week, my 2nd friend was having a meeting at our homeschool group and discussed the benefits of the science with the Seed to Seal Promise.  I was intrigued, so I went home and looked that up too.  I found out that the oils from this company are grown in soil that had not been tainted by chemicals for 50+ years!!!  Wow!
So my journey began…

I ordered Eucalyptus Globulus from her and put it in my humidifier.  Little did I know that they weren’t supposed to be used that way, but in diffusers!  LOL  I also put a couple drops on my chest and it helped so much to open up my airways!  I was intrigued by these oils!  I didn't realize they were supposed to be THIS effective! 

Then I ordered Lavender.  OH, MY GOODNESS!!!  I had experienced Lavender from so many other companies that smelled sour and just not pleasant at all, until I experienced THIS Lavender!  I've used it now for 9 years and I've always been pleasantly surprised by how well it worked for whatever I needed it for.

The next oil I ordered from my friend was Vetiver to help my son focus while doing his schoolwork.  That was all it took!  My prayers were answered in this one company.  My only regret is that I didn’t become a wholesale customer sooner.   Regrettably, it took me almost 5 years to do that!  

Join me on Thursday February 11th at 7PM on Zoom while we learn how to have Fearless Confidence with Essential Oils.
You don’t want to miss this!  It took me YEARS to figure out this information!  
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

I am not a doctor.  I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone 
for any disease or sickness.

Non-Toxic Products for Kids!

Non-Toxic Products for Kids!
I have to admit, I’m a bit jealous.  I’m not just talking “green-eyed-monster” type of jealous, but just plain envy!  
I used to use the over-the-counter petroleum based products and slather them on my kids’ chests and feet.  I had given them the cough syrup laced with sugar and cough drops with the same sugar.   What was I doing to them?  Little did I know that sugar FED their sickness!   Any and all forms of it from here to there and everywhere, much like Dr. Seuss books say, it was everywhere!
 Why didn’t I know better?
 But, I was just starting on this wellness journey back then.  One of my kids were diagnosed with ADHD and SID, so we were kicking sugar to the curb from ingredients lists of the food we ate.  We also started looking at food dyes and getting those out of the food we ate.   I tell ya’all, it was seriously tiresome!  
 Everyone has to start somewhere on this journey, and we started with sugar in our kids’ foods as well as dyes in foods, drinks, and medicines.
 Just imagine how much we switched before my youngest was 10 years old!  
But there was more that we could do.  Even though we were getting sugar free, dye free over-the-counter medications, little did I realize that their young bodies were being barraged with chemicals that their immune systems had to recover from, that caused all kinds of other things like hormone disruptions and potential causes of cancer.  
Now that my kids are older and I’m educating them about non-toxic options, they listen and then make their own choices.  If I had it to do all over again, I would have chosen some awesome Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Toothpaste, and wonderful helpers with tummy issues, sniffles, and sleep that are all non-toxic!

Take a look at this video to catch a glimpse of these wonderful products!
 (Clickable Link)
Non-Toxic Products for Kids
 I’d love to share all about those wonderful non-toxic kid safe products with you too!  They truly are the “bee’s knees!”  

You can learn more about these wonderful products this Thursday February 4th, 2021 at 7PM!   I'd love to add you to our Zoom class!
Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor.  I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone 
for any disease or sickness.

CBD That Doesn't Get You "High"

CBD That Doesn't Get You "High"
Yes folks!  There is a Cannabidiol (CBD) oil that has NO tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)!  It does not make you "high".  


It is 100% #SuperHyperOrganic!

The process that occurs with the production of THC free CBD strips the terpines out of the CBD oil.  Why is that so important?  Terpines are the important helpers of CBD to enhance the affects of the CBD since there is no THC.  With Smart Spectrum CBD you get a combination of CBD and essential oils containing these wonderful terpines that help the CBD do it's job.

I've been using CBD since 2017.  Although not the above type, I did have some experience with it.  I started using another company's CBD because my friend was a representative and I wanted to see if it helped after my knee surgery.  While it did not help with my knee issues, it did help me sleep.  Go figure, right?!  LOL

So I started looking for other ways to help with my knee, then Nature's Ultra came onboard with Young Living and made this Smart Spectrum CBD.  I love the Calm and the Cool Mint CBD oil.  There are muscle rubs, other flavors of CBD oil like Citrus and Cinnamon as well as higher strengths where needed.  

Take a look at this brief video elaborating on my own personal experience with Smart Spectrum CBD.
Or you can view it here:

Join me on Thursday January 28th at 7PM on Zoom for an action packed class to learn more about this Smart Spectrum CBD!  You don't want to miss it!

Love & God Bless,

I am not a doctor.  I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone 
for any disease or sickness.

Use of Essential Oils

Use of Essential Oils
We’ve all been there, staring at this bottle wondering, “How in the word do I use this?  I’ve heard these things are good for me, but where do I start?”

Antioxidant Rich Drink

Antioxidant Rich Drink

I use to wake up with so much pain in my back, hips, and knees that I couldn't move to get out of bed in the morning.  The inflammation was mind boggling!  I dreaded going to bed at night because I never knew in the morning if it would be a good morning to be able to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom in time.  


Yes!  It hurt that much! 


Fast forwarding to today, it's all I can do to NOT do my leg lifts and exercises before getting out of bed in the morning.  LOL  I would wake my hubby if I did that!  So, I pop up out of bed, let the dogs out, get my coffee and sometimes my eggs, cottage cheese, or yogurt...unless I'm doing intermittent fasting twice a week (that's a post for another time).
 Life is so much different for me now that I've added in this antioxidant rich drink--just a little less than 2 ounces a day because I share with my dogs when I feed them.  They each get about a teaspoon in their dishes because it's good for them too!
 It’s not always about what you’re cutting out, it’s also about what you are putting in.  The food the Lord created when He made this earth is not the food that’s being grown here now.
 Can't we just get the nutrients from the food we eat?  Not any more, we need to supplement to get a full amount of nutrients our bodies need. 


If there was one supplement I could not live without, it would be NingXia Red.

NingXia wolfberries grow in the NingXia River Valley in China. On top of that, the juice is blended with blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils. NingXia is the only nutrient drink on the market that combines whole Chinese wolfberries and pure, therapeutic grade essential oils into a single beverage.

 Join me on Zoom on Thursday January 21st, at 7PM EST to learn more about this nutrient packed supplement drink!  
 God Bless!




I am not a doctor.  I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone 
for any disease or sickness.
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