Fortunately, we found it in our carpeting in the basement of our Pennsylvania house in about a 12" diameter space and got it out of the house immediately. When we did that, we uncovered the source and as it turns out, it was water damage to our foundation.

We dug up the front part of our house, sealed the foundation, then put in gravel and french drains, covering the drains with landscape fabric so that it would catch the water instead of getting clogged with more gravel.

"If you can see or smell mold, a health risk may be present. You do not need to know the type of mold growing in your home, and CDC does not recommend or perform routine sampling for molds. No matter what type of mold is present, you should remove it. Since the effect of mold on people can vary greatly, either because of the amount or type of mold, you cannot rely on sampling and culturing to know your health risk."
Black mold can be the culprit of quite a few breathing issues, so do not wait to get the issue taken care of because your health and the health of your family is at stake! I have a friend who had to get rid of 95% of their clothes and personal belongings because the mold spores were on their clothes, in their furniture, and curtains. They had to start from scratch. Everything that could not be wiped down well, had to be gotten rid of.
According to the CDC,
“In most cases mold can be removed from hard surfaces by a thorough cleaning with commercial products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water. Absorbent or porous materials like ceiling tiles, drywall, and carpet may have to be thrown away if they become moldy.
If you have an extensive amount of mold and you do not think you can manage the cleanup on your own, you may want to contact a professional who has experience in cleaning mold in buildings and homes. It is important to properly clean and dry the area as you can still have an allergic reaction to parts of the dead mold and mold contamination may recur if there is still a source of moisture.”
And don't worry about the price, folks! When you click "Subscribe" and you make your account through Young Living, you automatically save 24%. Additionally, with this one 14.4oz bottle you can make 20 spray bottles of Thieves spray cleaner and clean your home with it! Just add one cap full of Thieves to 20 ounces of water and you've got a completely organic, cleaner that helps keep your home clean and helps to get rid of so many germs and bacteria! For me that's 20 weeks of non-toxic cleaning goodness for everything in my home and outside my home! I love knowing that I'm using a cleaner that won't send me in to an asthmatic type of response when I clean!

Want to learn more about this powerful cleaning product that has helped my breathing issues?
Love & God Bless,


Should you be concerned with your own breathing, too? What kinds of toxins are going in to your body when you get those wonderful candles, lotions, and bath washes out? "But it says Aromatherapy on it, it must be good!" Look at the ingredients and research everything on the label. Google it "Dangers of_________" and you'll find lots of things that they're not telling you on that label.
So the problem is still there, how do I spend time with my daughter while she still wears scents from this popular bath store and still be able to breathe?
Love & God Bless,

Many of you may not know where I’ve been or what I’ve been up to the past 2 weeks. I found out a few months ago that my sister was getting married, so I worked hard to “move heaven and earth” to get to her wedding. So I got an incredible deal on Priceline that could have only been possible by God Himself and started planning and packing!
I headed into the setting sun and was faced with some absolutely gorgeous cloud formations!
I landed in South Dakota and into the wind and rain. The larger part of the storm was south of us, but the wind created some turbulence and made the landing a bit rough, but it was good! That captain earned his pay that day!
So for 2 weeks I was able to love on my family. My sister’s dress needed finishing and with my Mom’s arthritis it was difficult for her, so I stepped in and helped out with the finishing “hooks and eyes” on the back.
Her dress was so flowy and angelic! I loved it!
My dear sweet Great Aunt drove up for the wedding from 5 hours away. Her shoulder was hurting the next day, so I showed her how to add a drop of Peppermint Essential Oil to her lotion and rubbed it in to her shoulder. She said it helped a lot, so hopefully next time she’ll be able to use that. 😊
My sister, niece, great niece and I went to get our nails done the day before the wedding and my niece mentioned she was a bit sweaty and felt like she didn’t smell the greatest. So I pulled out Frankincense and Stress Away for her to smell. She chose Stress Away and I told her to rub it between her hands and put it where she needed it. Then she asked for more! 😊
My brother, sister, and I were sitting visiting, and all 3 of us were coughing. I rolled “Breathe Again” roll-on to my throat, then passed it around to my brother and sister to share with them. My sister loves Eucalyptus, so it really resonated with her. I suggested she take the Eucalyptus she has and put a couple drops in her diffuser at night while she sleeps. She didn’t realize she could do that!
I travel with my oils and it is so very easy to do! They pass right through TSA because the large 15ml bottles are less than the 2 ounce limit. They went through the scanning process and I had them securely packed in my small carry on suit case. It made for very easy packing and unpacking. On the way back I put all my electronics—battery operated things, head sets, cell phone & etc, in my knitting bag and attached it to my rolling carry on for easier access. I put it on the conveyer belt, unzipped it, took out my laptop and put it in it’s own bin, everything from the knitting bag in another, and my carry on by itself. It worked! Easy peasy!
I learned so much while traveling this time! I found that reading and rereading things on the airline’s website is the best route to take. Make sure you follow their guidelines to make going through security easier.
If you have a disability like I do, make sure they know about it so they can help you and adjust for you when you arrive. Although I didn’t need much, the flight attendant came to me to ask if I heard and understood the instructions at the beginning of the flight. I appreciated that so much!
Have you traveled by airplane lately? How was your experience? Did you take your oils and how did you pack them?
I’d love to hear from you!
Love & God Bless,

Happy Wednesday to Ya’all!
Chicken Drumsticks are absolutely wonderful! Not only do they make a great flavorful low carb protein, but they’re also very cost effective for a large family!
I love doing this once a month in my meal rotation.
What? Rotation?
Yes! This is my calendar reminder so I don't have to think about it until that morning!
Other suggestions are chicken thighs, bone in chicken breasts, home made chicken fingers…
All low carb, of course!
Now, for tonight’s recipe…

You’ll need your seasonings, a liquid oil of choice (I like avocado oil), and 2 Vitality Essential Oils from Young Living—Black Pepper and Orange. These are the only oils on the market that have been scrutinized by the FDA and have been approved for internal usage.
Black Pepper Orange Chicken Drumsticks
In a Ziploc baggie add the following:
½ Cup Avocado Oil
1 TBSP Ranch Dip Mix
2 Drops Each of Black Pepper and Orange Vitality Essential Oils by Young Living
1 tsp Mikes Country Seasoning
Close baggie well and mix around with your hands.
Link to video: Mixing Chicken Drumsticks in the baggie
Rinse drumsticks and add to baggie. Make sure baggie is closed and “burped” only about half way. You need a little bit of air movement, but not a lot.
Move the chicken around inside the baggie to make sure they’re completely covered. Add to your favorite air frier, arrange so there is good air flow, pour the rest of the oils and seasonings on top of the drumsticks from the baggie, then set it to cook the drumsticks at 390ºF for 25+ minutes, or until a meat thermometer reads 165ºF.

These are super flavorful.
We made roasted frozen stir fry vegetables with these drumsticks for a nutrient dense low carb meal. You could add sweet potato fries if you’d like, but if you’re trying to stay with the Trim Healthy Mama plan, try zucchini fries sprinkled with some parmesan, salt, and pepper baked in a toaster oven on 400ºF for 15 minutes. You could also add a nice green salad to this for added filling power for those with an appetite.
I love using Young Living’s Vitality Essential Oils in my cooking and baking! Stay tuned next week and I’ll share some other home-made goodness that’s super quick and super easy!
Until then, have a wonderful week!
Love & God Bless,