I was exhausted. Breathing was difficult at best. I felt every single dirt particle in my lungs as I worked hard to breathe in life giving air. My home was filled with toxins that affected every cell in my body.
When it's hard to breathe, it's hard to get oxygen to your cells. When it is hard to get oxygen in to your cells, you have some serious brain fog, your body may be at rest at times, but truly not resting because of the toxin overload in your surroundings that get absorbed through your skin and your lungs. Your body is constantly in a fight to get healthy cells to repair your immune system.
When it's hard to breathe, it's hard to get oxygen to your cells. When it is hard to get oxygen in to your cells, you have some serious brain fog, your body may be at rest at times, but truly not resting because of the toxin overload in your surroundings that get absorbed through your skin and your lungs. Your body is constantly in a fight to get healthy cells to repair your immune system.
Join me on Thursday July 2nd, 2020 at 6PM while I show you how I tackled the toxins my body was being exposed to and what I did one month at a time, to get rid of them and get healthier.
Please join my meeting at July 2, 2020 6:00pm Eastern: https://zoom.us/j/8867856357?pwd=VGthelBqVDY1R3VzbUlCdG9RZ2lXZz09
Meeting ID: 927 9103 1980
Meeting password: 799474
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I hope to see you there!
God Bless,
Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.