This day is a wonderful day to show our love to one another. But, what about the other 364 days of the year?
What about Love Languages? Are we focusing on one other’s love language? What are love languages?
*Words of Affirmation
*Quality Time
*Acts of Service
*Physical Touch
To begin, we probably ought to know our own love language. So, ask yourself, when do I feel loved the most? Is it when someone verbally appreciates me? Is it when someone spends time with me? Is it when someone does something for me? Is it a hug, a back rub, foot rub, or a kiss? Is it when someone gives me a gift?
When we know our own love language, we can better communicate with others, "When you do this ______, I feel loved." Is this selfish? NO, not at all! The Lord made each of us so very unique with specific needs, so why should we not know our own love language? There are many little quizes you can look up online to see if your love language is stronger in one area or another, too.
Why do we need to know other's love language? When it comes to our kids, we need to speak their love language to know exactly how they feel loved. We need to know as their parents to speak their language so they know how much they are loved!
The same could be said of our spouses as well! Imagine a world where each spouse is actively seeking to speak their spouse's love language daily?! That's 365 days a year that LOVE is being spoken in verbal AND nonverbal ways, but the message is loud and clear--
My love language includes all of the above to a certain extent, but I’m mostly acts of service. I love spending quality time with my family, getting and giving hugs and kisses, doing things for others, encouraging and lifting others up, as well as giving gifs. I try to find out what others' love languages are and speaking that language loud and clear.
Years ago, I asked my husband to stop bringing me flowers.
Years ago, I asked my husband to stop bringing me flowers.
Yes! I did!
But why?
I looked at the flowers within a week or two and they died. I didn't like that because I know the love that went in to picking those out. So I asked my husband to give me living flowers instead. That way they can come back year after year and it will remind me of his love for me.
...so this year...
He included our little grand blessing in the digging!

Preparing the ground to plant the maple tree.

Our little "foreman". lol

...and the next day he found these in the yard...

So he grabbed the grandblessing and out they went to dig up the dirt!

So he grabbed the grandblessing and out they went to dig up the dirt!

He speaks my love language very well!
They transplanted another tree on the other side of the yard, too, but they did that while I was napping to surprise me.
So what did he plant for me?
I asked him instead of flowers this year, if we could get a maple tree for the front yard. That was the first one above. Then we put a ribbon on the branch of a Rose of Sharon bush when it was blooming last year to transplant when it was dormant. I love that when I look at it I can think of the Rose of Sharon mentioned in the Bible in the Song of Solomon 2:1. It's also a beautiful oil in the Ancient Oils of Scripture, too! If you haven't smelled it yet, let me know! I'll be glad to send you a sample!
We're planning to transplant more things as we look around and decide what to do with them. We have quite a few lillies to decide where to plant. I'd love to get some fruit trees and some berry bushes, too.
So what did I do for my husband for Valentine's Day? I made him a cheesecake on Sunday so he could have it before he started preparing for a colonoscopy! Hooray! Yes, the picture above is my cheesecake. It is a Gluten Free Sugar Free cheesecake. It is a chocolate almond flour crust and coffee cheesecake.
So, for those of you who are wondering about giving up your favorite foods, you'll be happy to know, there are some wonderful ways you can make adjustments to what you already do to be a bit healthier with your diets. It's more nutrient dense, so that's a plus, too!
What do you do that is "Unconventional" for Valentine's Day?
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

My post physical therapy ice pack and muscle stimulation, Whew!
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.
I know there are many many companies who tout "All Natural" make up, but can they really back up that claim?
I would love to talk with you about make up! The funny thing is that I use to wear LOTS of make up. I loved the beauty aspect of putting make up on. I felt pretty and just liked the person I saw in the mirror more.
That was years and years ago. I've gone through changes in my own mindset, having kids, really thinking about what is truly important, and beginning to try to find something natural that made my skin tone more even.
I was looking at a particular brand in 2016 that a friend of mine was selling and something just didn't feel right in my gut about it. I'm learning (sometimes in hindsight) to listen to that gut feeling.
So, I waited.
So, I waited.
A few months later, Savvy Minerals came out. I listened to all the information, did my own research, looked up the "Dangers of...." on every single ingredient and I couldn't find any dangers!

Ya'all! This was Ah-Maaaa-zing!!!!
All plant based make up that didn't clog my pores, that gave me just a bit of that special feeling that I personally needed to feel pretty.
How did I begin? There's a lot to replace, so I began with my foundation and Misting Spray. I had natural bamboo brushes, so I knew eventually I'd replace those, but not right away. Little by little, each month, I made small changes. I used my Loyalty Rewards points each month to get something else. I loved knowing that just getting my NingXia and supplements monthly helped to get my make up and other needed things for free.
So what happened?
I loved the foundation so much that I threw all my old foundation out in the trash. The next thing I bought was blush. The next thing was lipstick, then lip gloss. It's very do-able each month to get something new. Since I don't wear make up every day it was very conventient. I could get away with new foundation every 6 months, easily! So I decided to put a rotation in place for my make up. The absolute BEST part of it all is that I was able to get ALL my make up for FREE! And you can too! Just send me a message and I'll get you started!
How did I do with the #SuperHyperOrganic toxin free makeup? Take a look below!
Let me know what you think!

Love & God Bless,
How did I do with the #SuperHyperOrganic toxin free makeup? Take a look below!
Let me know what you think!

Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.
What in the world is "Super Hyper Organic?"
First of all, this hashtag is something I've come up with myself. I simply started by looking at the above comparisons. Then the thought occured to me that these products are more than just organic, coming as close as possible world wide to the plants from the Garden of Eden in modern day life. What a blessing to have such pure products!

First of all, this hashtag is something I've come up with myself. I simply started by looking at the above comparisons. Then the thought occured to me that these products are more than just organic, coming as close as possible world wide to the plants from the Garden of Eden in modern day life. What a blessing to have such pure products!
With over 600 products and almost 300 essential oils to use for a variety of health needs, from immune support to pain relief, these plant juices have you covered!
Uncontrollable shaking...weight gain...cleansing from an antibiotic...
All of the above was part of my life at least 2 times a year.
I have breathing issues that show up in the form of asthmatic type of a response in my body. I cannot be around chemicals like bleach, ammonia or anything synthetic, perfumes, smoke with polutants in it, like tires or PVC pipes. I need to diffuse a variety of oils once we turn on the heater in the late Fall early Winter. When the heater comes on it dries out my sinuses and invariably ends up with bronchial issues and an infection. I've dealt with this for years and years, so finding something that helps to support my breathing is such a relief without having medications that cause me to have uncontrollable shaking and weight gain from steroids.
So if you'd like a choice to use something that is completely pure and doesn't have side effects like the ones I'd elaborated on above, I'd love to help you get some fantastic products in your hands to help you and your family! Just send me a message and we can chat about what may help you and your family the most!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham
More exercises, more challenging, breaking scar tissue, more range

of motion, more change, more praise....
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.
I am so thankful for my husband for his grace and tenderness toward me, helping me with some of the most intimate tasks. It says something so beautiful about the character of a man who helps his wife in such a way. I feel like I hit the jackpot with this guy! We’ve been together for 32 years, married for 31 of them. We’ve hit our various bumps in the road, angry at one another, yelled a hand full of times, but all-in-all we’ve lived a peaceful and contented life.

It's one of those masked blessings that didn't truly come forward until something happened. It's all a beautiful thing in the healing process!
As for additional helpers, I have my oldest son who has borne the brunt of the heavy lifting of things around the house, even moreso lately. With both my hubby and I now having shoulder issues, he's been the one toting and hauling. What a blessing he's been! Today he'll be putting the Christmas and fall bins away in the attic for me. I'm so blessed!
As for my hair, I have a lot of it! Yes! When this happened, I had it up in a bun anyway, so when I got my first shower I thought that I should just have my daughter put it back up for me and I'd leave it like that. It helped immensely! She helped me greatly in that area.
Then there are my doggies. Today, as of this writing, when I had my first round of physical therapy, the therapist did a range of motion check with me and was impressed with how far I could move my arm out to the side at a 90º angle. I just told him that my dogs helped with that. They sit beside me and I work toward reaching out to pet them. LOL
Anyway, I'm using my Cool Azul Pain Cream in the morning, mid-day, and at night. I also anoint my shoulder and pray for God's healing touch. I use Cedarwood and Lemongrass in the morning. Then at night I use Lavendar and Wintergreen. Go ahead and look those oils up "Benefits of..." and see what they're good for! You'll be completely blown away! I'm going to get my Oils of Ancient Scripture out and see which ones resonate with me when I smell them, then use those, too.
If you don't know how to use these little bottles of health and healing, I can help you! I use them all the time in various ways. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of education and I've got you covered! You don't need to be an aromatherapist to use these products! I am so blessed daily to have these wonderful oils to use for various needs for myself and for my family. If you would like to learn more, just send me a message and I'll not only send you a podcast, but some wonderful samples of these life changing products to try.
Have a wonderful day!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

First day of physical therapy with stim and ice! When I got home, the
Cool Azul Pain Cream when on my shoulder.
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.

It's hard to believe that right now I have no sling on my arm and I'm typing with both hands. I am so very thankful to the Lord for bringing me this far! Today I've been folding napkins and kitchen towels! What a blessing to be able to get that done!
I'm experiencing some discomfort and have specific arm exercises that I do numerous times a day. Right now I'm having a hard time extending my arm. It's one of those "I think I can" sort of thoughts, that goes in very slow motion. LOL I start physical therapy tomorrow and I'm so ready!
I know this is a shorter blog post, but I wanted to catch everyone up just a little bit to let you know how I'm doing.
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Love & God Bless,
Regina Graham

Very tired from not getting more than 1-2 hours of sleep at one time. I'd wake up
and be awake for 3+ hours, then fall asleep again.
I am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, prescribe, or treat anyone
for any disease or sickness.